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Mana Bomb
Terokkar Forest (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Same model (12)See also (1)
Mana Bomb Code Sheet 1Chest / Mineral Vein 3.2.2 0
Mana Bomb Code Sheet 2Chest / Mineral Vein 5.4.2 0
Mana Bomb Code Sheet 3Chest / Mineral Vein 5.4.2 0
Mana Bomb Code Sheet 4Chest / Mineral Vein 3.2.2 0
Mini-Arcane BombButton  0
Tactical Mana BombGooberIsle of Thunder5.2.0 1
Tactical Mana BombGooberIsle of Thunder5.2.0 1
Tactical Mana BombGooberIsle of Thunder5.2.0 1
Tactical Mana BombGooberIsle of Thunder5.2.0 1
Tactical Mana BombGooberIsle of Thunder5.2.0 1
Tactical Mana BombGooberIsle of Thunder5.2.0 1
??????????? ?????Quest Giver  0