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Criteria #43797 (any required)
     » Razormane's Dread
     » Chen's Favorite Brew
     » The Abomination
     » Lumbering Kodo
     » Unwashed Yak
     » The Libation
     » The Cloud Serpent
     » Trick of the Trade
     » The Sea Foam
     » The Hungry Riverbeast
     » The Emerald Turtle
     » The Rolling Barrel
     » Screeching Harpy
     » Lazy Tallstrider
     » Snickering Hyena
     » Booty Bay's Bounty
     » The Slash Dance
     » Master Looter
     » Bonus Roll
     » A Free Kill
     » Rolosh Wavechaser - Tutorial Part 5 - Kill Credit
Objective of (1)
QuestCategoryQuest LevelReq. LevelSide
Ship Shape (Human, Orc, Dwarf, Night Elf, Undead, Tauren, Gnome, Troll, Goblin, Blood Elf, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren Neutral, Pandaren Alliance, Pandaren Horde, Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei, Zandalari Troll, Kul Tiran, Dark Iron Dwarf, Mag'har Orc, Mechagnome)Frostfire Ridge4040,