Latest fixes
Occu'thar (today)
Shadow Labirynth (today)
Pets (1d ago)
Quaking (1d ago)
Die by the Sword and Defensive ... (1d ago)
Hi-Explosive Trap (1d ago)
WoW Freakz is the best Shadowlands private server with thousands of online players, we continue to give you blizzlike content for more than 12 YEARS, proving our supremacy in World of Warcraft tops.
The difference between us and any other private server is simple: we listen to the community and do what's best for it. Bugs/problems are solved extremely professional, depending on their priority. Those with high/critical priority are usually solved in a matter of minutes/hours, thus players have the best gameplay all the time.
As you can see from our server fixes list, bugs are solved constantly, scripts get better every day, the server being in a continuous evolution.
General Information
We released Shadowlands directly on Patch 9.1.5 with content lock, meaning you can experience progressive content, starting with 9.0 season. See here our development plan for future content updates.
- Gold = 1x
- Reputation = 1x
- Currencies = 1x
- Items = 1x
- XP in pre-Shadowlands Zones = 3x
- XP in Shadowlands Zones = 3x
- Content currently locked to: Season 2
- Stygia Catch-up for off-chars
- Soul Ash server cap
- Maw intro skip option
- Mounts usable earlier in The Maw
- Ghost form flight while dead in Shadowlands
- Rated PvP Solo Queue
- Vendor for Castle Nathria conduits
- Dungeon teleports
- Guaranteed BoE 190 ilvl item on completing all Mythic dungeons
- Conduit Energy removed
- Easy Covenant swap
- Runecarving mats recycling
- Unlocked Legion Allied Races
- Instant taxi flight paths in pre-BFA Zones
- Auto-discovered flight paths in pre-BFA Zones
- Gearing up from Elites / Chests in pre-SL Zones
- Account-wide Titles and Mounts
- Cross Faction in PvE / PvP instances
- Ticket System
- Anti-Cheat System
- Player Commands
- Migration System
- Database Finder
- Unstuck
- Statistics
- Vote Shop
- WoW Shop
- PvP Ladder
- PvE Ladder
- Armory
- Addons List
- Discord Support Channel
- Bug Tracker
- Occasional Weekly Buffs
- Interactive Events
- Epic Custom Events
- PvP Tournaments
- PvE Competitions
- √ Latest 9.1.5 Class Changes
- √ Legendary Item Crafting
- √ New Character Customization
- √ Levels, Items and Stats Adjusted
- √ New Level Cap: 60
- √ Exile's Reach
- √ Eight New Dungeons
- √ Five New Zones
- √ Weekly Bonus Events
- √ Bonus Objectives
- √ World Quests
- √ Covenant Callings
- √ Castle Nathria Raid
- √ Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- √ Covenants and Covenant Campaigns
- √ Covenant Class and Signature Abilities
- √ Renown (40)
- √ Soulbinds
- √ Conduits
- √ Achievements
- √ Professions
- √ PvP Vendors
- √ Mythic+ (Affixes, Scaling, Weekly Chest)
- √ Bonus Roll
- √ Personal Loot
- √ War Mode
- √ Threads of Fate
- √ Arena Replay
- √ PvP Scaling
- √ Honor system
- √ Conquest system
- √ PvP vendor
- √ Skirmish
- √ Rated Arenas and Battlegrounds
- √ Raid and Dungeon Finder
- √ Premade Groups
- √ Vignettes
- √> Flying in Shadowlands
- √ Shards of Domination
- √ Oribos, The Eternal City
- √ Bastion
- √ Maldraxxus
- √ Ardenweald
- √ Revendreth
- √ The Maw
- √ Korthia, City of Secrets
- √ Maw Intro
- √ Bastion Storyline
- √ Maldraxxus Storyline
- √ Ardenweald Storyline
- √ Revendreth Storyline
- √ Covenant Campaigns
- √ The Ascended
- √ The Avowed
- √ Court of Harvesters
- √ The Undying Army
- √ The Wild Hunt
- √ Court of Night
- √ Paragon Reputations
- √ Ve'nari
- √ Shadowlands (World Bosses)
- √ Castle Nathria
- √ Sanctum of Domination
- √ The Necrotic Wake
- √ Plaguefall
- √ Mists of Tirna Scithe
- √ Halls of Atonement
- √ Theater of Pain
- √ De Other Side
- √ Spires of Ascension
- √ Sanguine Depths
- √ Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
- √ Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- X Mage Tower
- √ Warsong Gulch
- √ Arathi Basin
- √ Eye of the Storm
- √ Twin Peaks
- √ Battle for Gilneas
- √ Temple of Kotmogu
- √ Silvershard Mines
- √ Deepwind Gorge
- √ Seething Shore
- √ Alterac Valley
- √ Isle of Conquest
- √ Battle for Wintergrasp
- √ Ashran
- √ Ring of Trials
- √ Circle of Blood Arena
- √ Ruins of Lordaeron
- √ Dalaran Arena
- √ Tol'Viron Arena
- √ Tiger's Peak
- √ Ashamane's Fall
- √ Black Rook Hold Arena
- √ Hook Point
- √ The Mugambala
- √ The Robodrome
- √ Empyrean Domain
- √ Arathi Blizzard
- √ Classic Ashran
- √ Cooking Impossible
- √ Deep Six
- √ Deepwind Dunk
- √ Gravity Lapse
- √ Packed House
- √ Shado-Pan Showdown
- √ Tarren Mill vs. Southshore
- √ Temple of Hotmogu
- √ Warsong Scramble
- √ Black Market
- √ Void Storage
- √ Transmogrification
- √ AoE Looting
- √ RPPM system
- √ Darkmoon Faire
- √ World scaling
- √ Mount equipment
- √ Auction House revamp
Shadowlands Trailer
Please keep in mind that these videos might be slightly out of date, meaning we have done a lot more fixes since those videos were recorded!
Shadowlands Quality of Life
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