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Members (557)
Chicken1A HCritterGilneas1.11.1 305
Rabbit1A HCritterEversong Woods1.11.1 1083
Deer1A HBeastHillsbrad Foothills1.11.1 665
Fawn1A HCritterTeldrassil1.11.1 13
[UNUSED] Shaethis Darkoak
<Hippogryph Master>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 1.12.1 0
Squirrel1A HCritterDarkshore1.11.1 3079
Mega Rabbit1 - 60A HBeast 1.12.1 0
Black Sheep1 - 60A HCritter 1.12.1 0
Sheep1A HBeastArathi Highlands1.11.1 223
Black Rat1A HCritter 1.11.1 251
Prairie Dog1A HCritterArathi Highlands1.11.1 353
Rat1A HCritter 1.11.1 3131
Hare1A HCritterDurotar1.11.1 67
Mouse1A HCritterSilvermoon City1.11.1 18
Distract Test1 - 60A HCritter 1.12.1 0
Fire Beetle1A HCritter 1.11.1 248
Lava Crab1A HCritterSearing Gorge1.11.1 38
Tainted Rat1A HCritterFelwood1.11.1 36
Swine1A HCritter Siege of Orgrimmar1.11.1 46
Infected Squirrel1A HCritterBroken Shore1.11.1 196
Infected Deer1A HBeastHillsbrad Foothills1.11.1 53
Darrowshire Poltergeist15 - 30A HUndead 1.11.1 0
<Prairie Dog>
1 - 0A HCritterThunder Bluff1.11.1 1
Deeprun Rat1 - 30A HCritterDeeprun Tram1.11.1 29
Brown Prairie Dog1 - 0A HBattle PetThunder Bluff1.11.1 1
Wild Polymorph Target1 - 60A HCritter 1.12.1 0
Maggot1A HCritterHillsbrad Foothills1.11.1 490
Larva1A HCritterGhostlands1.11.1 33
Polymorphed Chicken1 - 60A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Polymorphed Rat1 - 60A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Talbuk Stag15 - 30A HBeastNagrand2.2.0 138
Skunk1A HCritterGilneas2.2.0 152
Serpent1 - 60A HBeast 5.4.2 0
Dragonhawk1 - 60A HBeast 5.4.2 0
Injured Talbuk15 - 30A HBeastNagrand2.2.0 5
Ewe1A HBeastShattrath City2.0.1 2
Boar Piglet1 - 60A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Oronok's Chicken1 - 60A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Brown Marmot1A HCritterThe Hinterlands2.2.0 290
Sewer Rat1A HCritter Black Temple2.1.0 6
Sewer Crocolisk1A HCritter Black Temple2.2.0 8
Fjord Rat10 - 30A HCritterHowling Fjord3.0.1 7
Devouring Maggot10 - 30A HCritterHowling Fjord3.0.1 1
Island Shoveltusk10 - 30A HBeastHowling Fjord3.0.1 12
Trained Rock Falcon1 - 60A HBeast 3.0.1 0
Plagued Caribou1 - 60A HBeast 5.4.2 0
Doomsday Rat1 - 60A HCritter 2.4.0 0
Emaciated Mammoth Calf15 - 30A HBeast Hour of Twilight3.0.1 32
Snowshoe Hare15 - 30A HBeastHighmountain3.0.1 56
Flora15 - 30A HCritterGrizzly Hills3.0.1 1
Thudder15 - 30A HCritterGrizzly Hills3.0.1 1
Inn Rat1 - 60A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Arctic Hare1A HCritterTiragarde Sound3.0.1 135
Grizzly Squirrel1A HCritterStormheim3.0.2 125
Mountain Skunk1A HCritterStormheim3.0.2 110
Underbelly Rat1A HCritterDalaran3.0.2 17
Baby Bunny5 - 30A HCritterRuins of Gilneas3.1.1 7
Durak1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.3 0
Wabbit1 - 60A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Webbed Rabbit1A HCritterStonetalon Mountains4.0.3 12
Frog1A HCritterThe Lost Isles4.0.3 58
Mirror Image1 - 60A HHumanoid 5.4.2 0
Wild Clucker1 - 20A HCritterThe Lost Isles4.0.3 99
Phantom Hallucination1 - 60A HHumanoid 5.4.2 0
White Chicken1A HCritterValley of the Four Winds4.0.3 14
Durak1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.3 0
Frightened Chicken1 - 60A HCritter 4.0.3 0
Wharf Rat1A HCritterThe Cape of Stranglethorn4.0.3 64
Inky Ooze1 - 60A HCritter 4.0.3 0
Prison Rat1A HCritter 4.0.3 0
Alpine Hare1A HCritterDun Morogh4.0.1 47
Long-tailed Mole1A HCritterIronforge4.0.1 31
Stormwind Rat1A HCritterStormwind City4.0.1 131
Elfin Rabbit1A HCritterVal'sharah4.0.1 136
Spotted Bell Frog1A HCritterUn'Goro Crater4.0.1 27
Rabbot1A HCritter 4.0.3 0
Robo-Chick1A HCritterVol'dun4.0.3 9
Rabid Nut Varmint 50001A HCritterWinterspring4.0.3 6
Red-Tailed Chipmunk1A HCritterArathi Highlands4.0.1 284
Alpine Chipmunk1A HCritterTiragarde Sound4.0.1 134
Undercity Rat1A HCritterTirisfal Glades4.0.1 35
Redridge Rat7 - 30A HCritterRedridge Mountains4.0.1 17
Mountain Cottontail1A HCritter 4.0.1 108
Grasslands Cottontail1A HCritterArathi Highlands4.0.1 90
Carrion Rat1A HCritterMount Hyjal4.0.1 4
Mine Rat1 - 60A HCritter 4.0.3 0
Mottled Rabbit1 - 20A HCritterThe Wandering Isle5.0.1 53
Mirror Image1 - 60A HServer trigger 4.3.0 0
Glade Glimmer1A HCritterValley of the Four Winds5.0.1 42
Wild Carp1A HCritter 5.0.1 0
Mountain Yak20 - 35A HBeastKun-Lai Summit5.0.1 71
Fairlands Gazelle30 - 35A HBeastVale of Eternal Blossoms5.0.1 39
Wilderland Doe15 - 35A HBeastValley of the Four Winds5.0.1 2
Dustback Mushan15 - 35A HBeastKrasarang Wilds5.0.1 8
Escaped Yak20 - 35A HBeast 5.0.1 60
Terrified Yak20 - 35A HBeastKun-Lai Summit5.0.1 16
Prairie Mouse1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Wild Mountain Goat20 - 35A HBeastKun-Lai Summit5.0.1 129
Wild Mountain Kid20 - 35A HBeastKun-Lai Summit5.0.1 57
Hungry Rat15 - 35A HCritterKrasarang Wilds5.0.1 2
Prairie Dog1A HWild PetArathi Highlands5.0.1 3
Snake1A HWild PetEversong Woods5.0.1 206
Mouse1A HWild PetSilvermoon City5.0.1 4
Shore Crab1A HWild PetTwilight Highlands5.0.1 60
Fawn1A HWild PetElwynn Forest5.0.1 1
Mountain Cottontail1A HWild PetRedridge Mountains5.0.1 19
Redridge Rat1 - 60A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Skunk1A HWild PetVal'sharah5.0.1 5
Black Rat1A HWild PetDrustvar5.0.1 20
Long-tailed Mole1A HWild PetIronforge5.0.1 5
Wharf Rat1 - 60A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Fire Beetle1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Rat1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 156
Lava Crab1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Mountain Skunk1A HWild PetStormheim5.0.1 1
Alpine Hare1A HWild PetDun Morogh5.0.1 1
Grasslands Cottontail1A HWild PetArathi Highlands5.0.1 7
Hare1A HWild PetDurotar5.0.1 1
Brown Marmot1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Maggot1A HWild PetHillsbrad Foothills5.0.1 33
Red-Tailed Chipmunk1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Infected Fawn1A HWild PetBloodmyst Isle5.0.1 132
Undercity Rat1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Blighted Squirrel1A HWild PetSilverpine Forest5.0.1 39
Ruby Sapling1A HWild PetEversong Woods5.0.1 42
Larva1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Robo-Chick1A HWild PetVol'dun5.0.1 2
Elfin Rabbit1A HWild PetVal'sharah5.0.1 21
Alpine Chipmunk1A HWild PetDrustvar5.0.1 11
Frog1A HWild PetAshenvale5.0.1 15
Tainted Rat1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Devouring Maggot1 - 60A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Fjord Rat15 - 35A HWild PetValley of the Four Winds5.0.1 1
Arctic Hare1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Grizzly Squirrel1A HWild PetStormheim5.0.1 10
Stormwind Rat1A HWild PetStormwind City5.0.1 20
Sifang Otter1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Bandicoon1A HWild PetSuramar5.0.1 47
Bandicoon Kit1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Malayan Quillrat1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Malayan Quillrat Pup1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Marsh Fiddler1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 1
Amethyst Spiderling1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Savory Beetle1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Jungle Grub1A HWild PetKrasarang Wilds5.0.1 28
Alpine Foxling1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Squirrel1A HCritterShadowmoon Valley5.0.1 56
Jumping Spider1A HWild PetAzsuna5.0.1 1
Golden Civet1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Golden Civet Kitten1 - 60A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Leopard Tree Frog1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Kuitan Mongoose1A HWild PetTownlong Steppes5.0.1 32
Mongoose Pup1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Clouded Hedgehog1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Shy Bandicoon1A HWild PetValley of the Four Winds5.0.1 10
Summit Kid1A HWild PetKun-Lai Summit5.0.1 23
Long-Eared Mink1 - 20A HCritterThe Wandering Isle5.0.1 43
Emerald Singer1 - 20A HCritterThe Wandering Isle5.0.1 33
Jumping Spider1A HCritterThe Jade Forest5.0.1 58
Leopard Tree Frog1A HCritterThe Jade Forest5.0.1 95
Bandicoon1A HCritterSuramar5.0.1 345
Bandicoon Kit1A HCritterValley of the Four Winds5.0.1 44
Malayan Quillrat1A HCritterKrasarang Wilds5.0.1 51
Malayan Quillrat Pup1A HCritterThe Veiled Stair5.0.1 26
Sifang Otter1A HCritterKrasarang Wilds5.0.1 20
Sifang Otter Pup1A HCritterKrasarang Wilds5.0.1 5
Prairie Mouse1A HCritterKun-Lai Summit5.0.1 25
Tolai Hare1A HCritterTownlong Steppes5.0.1 39
Amethyst Spiderling1A HCritterKrasarang Wilds5.0.1 50
Savory Beetle1A HCritterKrasarang Wilds5.0.1 52
Spiny Terrapin1A HCritterKrasarang Wilds5.0.1 41
Clouded Hedgehog1A HCritterDread Wastes5.0.1 42
Silent Hedgehog1A HWild PetDread Wastes5.0.1 29
Resilient Roach1A HCritterDread Wastes5.0.1 29
Mongoose1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Golden Civet1A HCritter 5.0.1 27
Golden Civet Kitten1A HCritter 5.0.1 9
Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog1A HCritterVale of Eternal Blossoms5.0.1 2
Bone Spider1A HCritter Mogu'shan Vaults5.0.1 19
Death Adder Hatchling1 - 60A HBattle Pet 5.4.0 0
Gloomshade Owl10 - 40A HCritterShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 2
Pearltusk Calf10 - 40A HBeastShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 21
Squirrel1A HUnspecifiedShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 60
Gloomshade Gulper10 - 40A HBeastShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 36
Pearltusk Grazer1 - 60A HBeast 6.0.1 0
Frost Wolf10 - 40A HBeastFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 64
Wisptail Hare1A HCritterShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 448
Prairie Dog10 - 40A HCritterShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 51
Amberfur Volen1 - 60A HCritter 6.0.1 0
Crater Roach1A HCritterGorgrond6.0.1 51
Shimmering Croaker10 - 40A HBeastShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 28
Frostwall Rat1A HCritterFrostwall6.0.1 10
Tundra Hare1A HCritterFrostwall6.0.1 21
Alpine Hare10 - 40A HCritterShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 1
Maple Squirrel10 - 40A HCritterShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 13
Lunarfall Owl10 - 40A HCritter 6.0.1 0
Floating Spore30 - 40A HCritterSpires of Arak6.0.1 23
Crow1 - 60A HCritter 6.0.1 0
Mud Jumper1A HWild PetHighmountain6.0.1 14
Mud Jumper1A HCritter 6.0.1 603
Rat1A HCritter 6.0.1 2
Golden Dawnfeather30 - 40A HWild PetSpires of Arak6.0.1 20
Stormshield Rat40 - 0A HCritter 6.0.1 2
Skitter10 - 45A HCritterAshran6.0.1 1
Nibbles10 - 45A HCritterAshran6.0.1 1
Silky10 - 45A HCritterAshran6.0.1 1
Ultra-Refined Nutrient Sphere15 - 40A HUnspecifiedGorgrond6.0.1 2
Golden Dawnfeather30 - 40A HBattle PetSpires of Arak6.0.1 73
Fang10 - 45A HCritterAshran6.0.1 1
Crusher30 - 35A HCritterDread Wastes6.0.1 2
Maggot10 - 45A HCritterHelheim7.0.3 39
Equine Sunrunner10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 99
XXOLD - Sunrunner Foal1 - 60A HBeast 7.1.0 0
Unworthy Soul10 - 45A HHumanoidHelheim7.0.3 15
Bluffwalker Goat10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 146
Spikebeak Hatchling1 - 60A HBeast 7.1.0 0
Rabbit1A HCritterHighmountain7.0.3 7
Shipyard Rat1A HCritter 6.2.0 0
Brown Squirrel1A HCritterHighmountain7.0.3 29
Soul Leech8 - 45A HCritterMardum, the Shattered Abyss7.0.3 94
Pale Elderhorn10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 4
Rabbit1A HCritterHighmountain7.0.3 31
Gildedfur Stag10 - 45A HBeast Halls of Valor7.0.3 23
Foothills Greatstag1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 0
Vault Roach1 - 60A HCritter 7.0.3 0
Fel-Tainted Squirrel10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 2
Ivory Tufted Crane45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 35
Tufted Crane Chick45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 32
Jojo the Palestrider1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 0
Greyhorn Goat10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 30
Turbax1A HCritter Neltharion's Lair7.0.3 1
Whipsnap1A HCritter Neltharion's Lair7.0.3 1
Blaze1A HCritter Neltharion's Lair7.0.3 1
Bradensbrook Ewe1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 0
Sylvan Owl1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 0
<Menace of the Deep>
10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 1
Sablehorn Fawn45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 60
Cute Bunny10 - 45A HCritterAzsuna7.0.3 1
Sylvan Owl1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 0
Amberfall Doe10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 19
Amberfall Greatstag10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 7
Amberfall Fawn1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 0
Wild Plains Runehorn10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 42
Plains Runehorn Calf10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 18
Stout Highlands Runehorn10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 20
Ferngrazer Doe10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 24
Ferngrazer Stag10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 7
Highlands Runehorn10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 27
Runewood Greatstag10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 33
Runewood Doe10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 34
Runewood Fawn10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 5
Highlands Runehorn Calf10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 6
Moonglow Locust45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 69
Gleamhoof Fawn1A HCritterVal'sharah7.0.3 42
Wild Dreamrunner10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 61
Heartwood Stag45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 64
Heartwood Doe45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 117
Gleamhoof Fawn1A HWild PetVal'sharah7.0.3 11
Jungle Grub45A HCritterSuramar7.0.3 173
Slinky1A HCritter 7.0.3 0
Sticky1 - 60A HCritter 7.0.3 0
Sparky1A HCritter 7.0.3 0
Dead Crane45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 1
Pesky Bug1A HCritterDalaran7.0.3 24
Shieldscar Doe45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 13
Crimson Silkwing45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 47
Suramar Cliffquill45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 192
Benax1 - 60A HBattle Pet 7.0.3 0
Swarming Vermin45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 245
Scaly1A HCritter 7.0.3 0
Ashamane Owl0A HBeast 7.0.3 1
Ashamane Owl0A HBeast 7.0.3 2
Sylvan Owl0A HBeast 7.0.3 10
Gleamhoof Fawn0A HCritter 7.0.3 2
Elfin Rabbit0A HCritter 7.0.3 2
Rat0A HCritter 7.1.0 18
Rat1A HCritter Karazhan7.1.0 19
Tormented Ancestor10 - 45A HUndeadStormheim7.2.0 4
Weary Lion Seal45A HBeastBroken Shore7.2.0 16
Shadowcrazed Marsuul45A HBeastEredath7.3.0 18
Skittish Chitinbuk45A HBeastEredath7.3.0 35
Void Streaker45A HBeastEredath7.3.0 6
Wild Cragscaler45A HBeastKrokuun7.3.0 19
Beautiful Glowfly20 - 50A HBeastNazmir 47
Sharptail Beaver10 - 50A HBeastTiragarde Sound 81
Direhorn Patriarch1 - 60A HBeast  0
Ruincrawler30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 20
Chitinous Cragscaler45A HBeastKrokuun7.3.0 25
Chitinous Cragscaler45A HBeastKrokuun7.3.0 6
Felscarred Marsuul45A HBeastKrokuun7.3.0 10
Pig20 - 50A HBeastArathi Highlands 7
Wild Cragscaler45A HBeastKrokuun7.3.0 15
Spawn of Krag'wa20 - 50A HBeastNazmir 11
Alpaca30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 3
Alpaca Alpha30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 2
Alpaca Calf30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 3
Shiprat10 - 50A HCritterTiragarde Sound 410
Inland Croaker1A HCritterTiragarde Sound 69
Skittish Hare1A HCritterTiragarde Sound 360
Shack Crab1A HCritterTiragarde Sound 257
Sickly Saurid20 - 50A HBeastNazmir 92
Red Squirrel1A HCritterAshenvale 600
Dune Beetle30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 63
Sidewinder30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 85
Dune Bug30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 69
Leopard Scorpid30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 138
Desert Spider30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 60
Sickly Saurid20 - 50A HBeastNazmir 39
Mountain Squirrel1A HCritterDrustvar 52
Alpine Goat20 - 50A HBeastDrustvar 49
Captured Beetle30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 1
Skyterror Hatchling20 - 50A HBeastNazmir 18
Lowlands Doe20 - 50A HBeastDrustvar 51
Shackled Beetle30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 19
Sandscale Calf30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 5
Bramble Hare20 - 50A HCritterDrustvar 30
Gentle Goat10 - 50A HBeastTiragarde Sound 28
Thicket Hare1A HCritterDrustvar 39
Bandicoon1A HCritterStormsong Valley 113
Sandskitter Crab10 - 50A HBeastZuldazar 215
Fledgling Monarch1A HCritterZuldazar 20
Mountain Rabbit1A HCritterDrustvar 40
Saltscale Calf30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 25
Hermit Crab1A HCritterDarkshore 380
Lowland Rat1A HCritterNazmir 58
Nazmani Weevil20 - 50A HCritterNazmir 408
Rivermarsh Needlebeak20 - 50A HBeastNazmir 62
Young Sand Sifter20 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 106
Mountaintop Croaker10 - 50A HCritter Atal'Dazar 4
Glacier Pengling20 - 50A HBeastTiragarde Sound 40
Honey Bee10 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 97
Highland Hare1 - 60A HCritterStormsong Valley 336
Wild Direhorn10 - 50A HBeastZuldazar 36
Sandbill Piper1A HCritterVol'dun 216
Sandskitter Crab10 - 50A HBeastZuldazar 85
Questionable Meat30 - 50A HUnspecifiedStormsong Valley 20
Jungle Rat10 - 50A HCritter The Rotting Mire 22
Frog1A HCritter  4
Scavenging Boar20 - 50A HBeastDrustvar 39
Highland Hare30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 5
Bucktooth Beaver30 - 50A HBeastMount Hyjal 110
Maimed Krolusk30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 2
Coastal Raven20 - 50A HBeastDrustvar 35
Alpine Hare1A HCritterDrustvar 42
Milbrooke's Flock30 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 7
Valley Cottontail1A HCritterStormsong Valley 124
Goldeater30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 12
Millie30 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 1
Millie30 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 1
Sandshell Turtle30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 40
Pygmy Crab1A HCritterVol'dun 147
Cranky Chicken30 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 14
Horned Lizard30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 66
Thornback Lizard30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 62
Dust Crawler30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 105
Canyon Racer30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 80
Desert Cottontail30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 62
Prarie Dog30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 71
Rocktail Scorpid30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 91
Springtail Darter30 - 50A HCritterVol'dun 15
Stickyfoot Frog1A HCritterVol'dun 16
Stray Truffle-Hunter20 - 50A HBeastDrustvar 17
Ruincrawler30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 24
Wild Chicken10 - 50A HCritter The Rotting Mire 20
River Otter1A HCritterStormsong Valley 32
Sandyback Crawler1A HCritterStormsong Valley 60
Fearful Rat1A HCritterTiragarde Sound 9
Alpine Cottontail1A HCritterTiragarde Sound 30
Highland Goat10 - 50A HBeastTiragarde Sound 144
Infected Rat1A HCritterTiragarde Sound 8
Ringtail Bandicoon10 - 50A HBeastDrustvar 62
Nazmani Skitterer20 - 50A HBeastNazmir 53
Highland Hare30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 55
Sheep30 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 3
Sheep30 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 29
Shallows Softshell30 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 1
Bumbling Bee30 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 54
Valley Squirrel1A HCritterStormsong Valley 203
Soggy Rat30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 83
Vale Marmot30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 140
Freshwater Crawler30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 7
River Frog1A HCritterStormsong Valley 50
Wild Hog30 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 17
Alpaca1 - 60A HBeastVol'dun 2
Ashtail Bandicoon10 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 118
Shadowback Crawler30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 13
Shadowback Crawler30 - 50A HWild PetStormsong Valley 3
River Frog1A HWild PetStormsong Valley 14
Freshwater Crawler30 - 50A HWild PetStormsong Valley 4
Vale Marmot1A HWild PetStormsong Valley 43
Sandyback Crawler1A HWild PetStormsong Valley 25
River Otter1A HWild PetStormsong Valley 10
Honey Bee1 - 60A HWild PetStormsong Valley 35
Shack Crab1A HWild PetTiragarde Sound 79
Inland Croaker1A HWild PetTiragarde Sound 22
Young Sand Sifter20 - 50A HWild PetNazmir 25
Hermit Crab1A HWild PetDarkshore 133
Crimson Monarch10 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 8
Blue Emperor30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 20
Swallowtail30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 9
Queen's Grace10 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 15
Olivewing30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 13
Violet Lacewing30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 8
Inland Croaker1A HCritterTiragarde Sound 2
Marsh Fiddler40 - 0A HCritter  17
Kul Tiran Clucker10 - 50A HCritterZuldazar 19
Wild Direhorn10 - 50A HBeastZuldazar 9
Trapped Doe50A HBeastDarkshore 14
Trapped Stag50A HBeastDarkshore 4
Ruincrawler30 - 50A HBeastVol'dun 18
Rustyroot Snooter50A HCritterMechagon 4
Highland Hare1A HCritter  48
Golden Seafly1 - 60A HCritter  0
Radiant Seafly1 - 60A HCritter  0
Germinating Seafly1 - 60A HCritter  0
Bloated Seafly1 - 60A HCritter  0
Masked Tanuki10 - 50A HCritter Snowblossom Village 12
Siftworm10 - 50A HCritter Snowblossom Village 13
Honeykeeper10 - 50A HCritter Snowblossom Village 19
Sandclaw Pincher50A HWild PetNazjatar 2
Sandclaw Sunshell1 - 60A HWild Pet  0
Glimmershell Scuttler50A HWild PetNazjatar 1
Chitterspine Skitterling50A HWild PetNazjatar 4
Hissing Chitterspine50A HWild PetNazjatar 2
Great Sea Albatross50A HWild PetNazjatar 1
Deeptide Fingerling50A HWild PetNazjatar 1
Bloodseeker1 - 60A HWild Pet  0
Spireshell Snail50A HWild PetNazjatar 2
Blackchasm Crawler50A HWild Pet The Eternal Palace 3
Chitterspine Deepstalker1 - 60A HWild Pet The Eternal Palace 10
Muck Slug50A HWild PetNazjatar 9
Rustyroot Snooter1A HWild PetMechagon 11
Duskytooth Snooter50A HWild Pet Operation: Mechagon 1
Junkheap Roach1A HWild PetMechagon 17
Experimental Roach50A HWild PetMechagon 1
Fleeting Frog1A HWild PetMechagon 4
Yellow Junkhopper50A HWild Pet Operation: Mechagon 1
Motorized Croaker1A HWild PetMechagon 3
Copper Hopper50A HWild Pet Operation: Mechagon 3
Rustbolt Clucker1A HWild PetMechagon 4
Mechagon Marmot1A HWild PetMechagon 5
Specimen 971A HWild PetMechagon 1
Alloyed Alleyrat50A HWild Pet Operation: Mechagon 3
H4ND-EE50A HWild Pet Operation: Mechagon 1
Clanking Scrapsorter50A HWild Pet Operation: Mechagon 2
Malfunctioning Microbot1A HWild PetMechagon 2
Abyssal Slitherling50A HWild PetNazjatar 3
Fairlands Gazelle50A HBeastVale of Eternal Blossoms 64
Lighthoof Roamer51A HBeast  36
Terrapin Hatchling1A HCritter  0
Mindless Animate53A HUndead  3
Rabbit1A HCritter  0
Corpselouse Spawnling54A HHumanoid  116
Gilded Cloudstrider52A HBeast  29
Glimmerhoof Cloudstrider51 - 53A HBeast  48
Goldfish1A HCritter  22
Ridge Kit1A HCritter  9
Desiccated Tirnenn60A HElemental  4
Neonate Bonetooth54A HBeast  53
Longstrider Gazelle1 - 60A HBeast  0
Redridge Rabbit7 - 30A HCritter  12
Moonfrog1A HCritter  31
Starmoth1A HCritter  564
Decayfly1A HCritter  159
Foothills Kit1A HCritter  11
Glenfoal1A HCritter  35
Plains Stag1 - 10A HBeast  5
Spotted Hopper1A HWild Pet  12
Fluttering Moth1A HCritter  6
Moonfrog1A HCritter  40
Starmoth1A HCritter  87
Stellarwasp1A HCritter  92
Molderfly1A HCritter  100
Murktoad1A HCritter  16
Lopwog1A HCritter  27
Lonely Recluse1A HCritter  323
Lunawing1A HCritter  34
Timber Kit1A HCritter  13
Celestial Silkspinner1A HCritter  32
Moonfrog1A HCritter  6
Molderfly1A HCritter  42
Lopwog1A HCritter  14
Virulent Pest54A HBeast  7
Aureate Peachick1A HCritter  329
Cloudstrider Grazer51A HBeast  29
Riverfall Snapper51 - 53A HBeast  24
Gilded Cloudstrider51 - 53A HBeast  25
Marrow Scraper54A HHumanoid  119
Clot Mite54A HHumanoid  28
Goldenback Grazer1 - 60A HBeast  63
Night Heron56A HBeast  8
Pearlshell1A HCritter  168
Lunawing1A HCritter  161
Basin Kit1A HCritter  16
Gluttonous Blood Tick54A HHumanoid  38
Trueblue Carp60A HBeast  17
Pearlshell1A HCritter  93
Starmoth1A HCritter  62
Goldenback Roamer51 - 53A HBeast  12
Glimmerfur Kit1A HCritter  26
Juvenile Runedeer56A HBeast  30
Runestag56A HBeast  6
Goldenback Drifter60A HBeast  54
Lopwog1A HCritter  8
Woodlands Watcher1 - 10A HBeast  6
Starhopper1A HCritter  88
Undergrowth Firefly1A HCritter  44
Bonegnawer Spawnling60A HHumanoid  7
Lonely Recluse1 - 60A HCritter  10
Decayfly1 - 60A HCritter  29
Murktoad1 - 60A HCritter  14
Molderfly1 - 60A HCritter  23
Stellarwasp1 - 60A HCritter  29
Selenia Moth1 - 60A HCritter  19
Celestial Silkspinner1 - 60A HCritter  18
Marrow Scraper54A HHumanoid  5
Deepwood Leaper1A HCritter  89
Dappled Hoarder1A HCritter  77
Heartwood Leaper1A HCritter  61
Runewood Hoarder1A HCritter  83
Curious Rat1A HCritter  4
Moonfrog1A HCritter  12
Misty Recluse1A HCritter  38
Foraging Poultrid60A HCritter  77
Cervid Grazer60A HBeast  80
Cervid Protector60A HBeast  14
Scarabid Burrower60A HBeast  123
Hadeon the Stonebreaker
<Scarabid Prime>
61A HBeast  1
Sharpeye Collector60A HBeast  1
Grasslands Vombata60A HBeast  27
Vombata Matron60A HBeast  5
Vombata Cub60A HBeast  16
Wetlands Tarachnid60A HCritter  30
Drab Gromit1A HCritter  17
Terrified Gromit1A HCritter  0
Cervid Grazer60A HBeast  33
Cervid Protector60A HBeast  4
Curiosity60A HCritter  1
Desert Viperid60A HBeast  10
Native Cervid60A HBeast  29
Enhanced Avian60A HBeast  26
Ambystan Skitterer60A HCritter  16
Vombata Prototype60A HBeast  15
Cervid Prototype60A HBeast  12
Poultrid Sample60A HCritter  9
Luminous Vombata60A HBeast  1
Cowardly Animate60A HBeast  1
Flightless Raptora60A HBeast  1
Clumsy Cervid60A HBeast  1
Nimble Helicid60A HBeast  1
Tarachnid Ambusher60A HCritter  24
Red Viperid60A HCritter  22
Scarabid Burrower60A HBeast  3
Enhanced Avian60A HBeast  18
Scarabid Burrower60A HBeast  7
Sand Matriarch Ileus60A HBeast  1
Ancient Avian60A HBeast  33