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Secretive Whistle

Quick Facts
  • Added in 6.0.1


Pickpocketed from (250)Items with same icon (35)
CreatureLevelReactTypeZonePatchSpawnsDrop chance
Sargerei Adept1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 07%
Felsworn Berserker1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 06%
Felsworn Berserker1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 05%
Iron Sniper1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 05%
Iron Siegesmith1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 05%
Felsworn Soultwister1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 05%
Felsworn Bulwark1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 04%
Sargerei Nullifier1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 02%
Sargerei Demonmaster1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 02%
Iron Grunt1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 02%
Bleeding Hollow Herbalist1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 02%
Al'Nathris1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 02%
Jalmedar1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 02%
Thunderlord Gronnstalker10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 71%
Thunderlord Spearhand10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 551%
Thunderlord Talon10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 151%
Thunderlord Crag-Leaper10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 211%
Thunderlord Grappler10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 161%
Blackrock Warder10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 151%
Thunderlord Crag-Leaper10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 601%
Sootstained Slaver10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 61%
Sootstained Enforcer10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 151%
Slavemaster Turgall10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 11%
Grimfrost Drudge10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 141%
Guttra Wolfchew10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 11%
Grimfrost Lavaslinger10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 41%
<Shadow Council>
10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 271%
Gar Steelcrush15 - 30A HHumanoidBlasted Lands6.0.1 11%
Rukah the Machinist15 - 30A HHumanoidBlasted Lands6.0.1 11%
Mokrik Blackfingers15 - 30A HHumanoidBlasted Lands6.0.1 11%
Dark Acolyte
<Shadow Council>
10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 51%
Gul'var Grunt
<Shadow Council>
10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 101%
Sootstained Mauler10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 31%
Sootstained Miner10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 91%
Shadow Disciple
<Shadow Council>
10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 181%
Ata'gar Warrior
<Shadow Council>
10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 301%
Thunderlord Lasher10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 501%
Thunderlord Beastmaster10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 71%
Bloodmaul Magma Binder1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.0.1 01%
Shadowmoon Voidaxe10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 311%
Sky-Singer Strag10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 11%
<Stone of Da Warlord>
10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 11%
Bladespire Mauler10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 111%
Grom'kar Grunt15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 371%
Bloodmaul Slaver10 - 40A HHumanoid Bloodmaul Slag Mines6.0.1 161%
Bloodmaul Overseer10 - 40A HHumanoid Bloodmaul Slag Mines6.0.1 51%
Bloodmaul Geomancer10 - 40A HHumanoid Bloodmaul Slag Mines6.0.1 51%
Bloodmaul Warder10 - 40A HHumanoid Bloodmaul Slag Mines6.0.1 51%
Bloodmaul Ogre Mage10 - 40A HHumanoid Bloodmaul Slag Mines6.0.1 41%
Adherent Wing-Guard20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 391%
Adherent Squallbringer20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 281%
Sun-Sage Kairyx20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 11%
Shadowmoon Bone-Mender1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.0.1 01%
Warsong Overseer20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 101%
Grom'kar Vanguard20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 231%
Grom'kar Deadeye20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 191%
Grom'kar Grimshot20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 261%
Grom'kar Shadowblade20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 401%
Stonemaul Guard15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 251%
Stonemaul Slaver15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 171%
Black Iron Alchemist
<Iron Horde>
35 - 40A HHumanoid Upper Blackrock Spire6.0.1 21%
Black Iron Engineer
<Iron Horde>
35 - 40A HHumanoid Upper Blackrock Spire6.0.1 21%
Black Iron Leadbelcher
<Iron Horde>
35 - 40A HHumanoid Upper Blackrock Spire6.0.1 71%
Thunderlord Handler10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 121%
Black Iron Groundshaker35 - 40A HHumanoid Upper Blackrock Spire6.0.1 41%
Shadow Infiltrator
<Shadow Council>
20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 31%
Shadow Pillager
<Shadow Council>
20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 71%
Sootstained Taskmaster10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 101%
Blademaster Bralok20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 11%
Grom'kar Deadeye20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 411%
Black Iron Veteran
<Iron Horde>
35 - 40A HHumanoid Upper Blackrock Spire6.0.1 181%
Black Iron Dreadweaver
<Iron Horde>
35 - 40A HHumanoid Upper Blackrock Spire6.0.1 41%
Black Iron Summoner
<Iron Horde>
35 - 40A HHumanoid Upper Blackrock Spire6.0.1 31%
Fireblade Invoker20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 91%
Iron Thunderguard10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 201%
Overlord Blackhammer10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 41%
Engineer Trak20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 11%
Gorebound Legionnaire20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 111%
Lesser Warlock
<Shadow Council>
10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 231%
Shadow Warrior
<Shadow Council>
10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 321%
Shadowborne Dementor
<Shadow Council>
20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 161%
Ra'tok the Hammer20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 11%
Shadowmoon Exhumer1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.0.1 01%
Grom'tash the Destructor
<Shadow Council>
20 - 40A HHumanoid Auchindoun6.0.1 11%
Grom'kar Enforcer10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 281%
Grom'kar Warforger10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 121%
Bloodmaul Brute10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 421%
Bloodmaul Magma Shaper10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 191%
Bloodmaul Taskmaster10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 111%
Iron Crag-Leaper10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 61%
Blackrock Guard15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 151%
Iron Gladiator10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 11%
Shadow Militant
<Shadow Council>
20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 61%
Warlock Ritualist
<Shadow Council>
20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 31%
Thunderlord Looter10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 121%
Bloodmaul Geomancer10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 111%
Warlock Ritualist
<Shadow Council>
20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 31%
Thunderlord Giantslayer10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 11%
Thunderlord Eagle-Eye10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 121%
Thunderlord Eagle-Eye10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 61%
Thunderlord Gronnstalker10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 71%
Thunderlord Crag-Leaper10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 291%
Gorian Gladiator35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 111%
Gorian Cohort35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 241%
<Gorian Armsmaster>
35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 11%
Gorebound Vessel20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 171%
Gorebound Legionnaire20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 71%
Shadowborne Dementor
<Shadow Council>
20 - 40A HDemonTalador6.0.1 131%
Gordunni Basher20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 441%
Gordunni Cleaver20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 221%
<Highmaul Magister>
35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 11%
<Highmaul Magister>
35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 11%
Highmaul Laborer35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 211%
Iron Guard35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 541%
Iron Arbalester35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 311%
Warsong Marauder
<Warsong Clan>
35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 221%
Warsong Raider
<Warsong Clan>
35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 441%
Invading Warsinger
<Warsong Clan>
35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 121%
Warsong Initiate35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 91%
Shadowmoon Voidmancer10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 1381%
Shadowmoon Portalmaster10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 491%
Blademaster Trainee
<Burning Blade Clan>
35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 351%
Shadowmoon Voidbringer10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 21%
Instructor Luhk
<The Keen-Eyed>
35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 21%
Underseer Bloodmane20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 11%
Grom'kar Siegesmith20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 101%
Sethekk Prophet30 - 40A HHumanoidSpires of Arak6.0.1 111%
Black Iron Wyrmcaller
<Iron Horde>
35 - 40A HHumanoid Upper Blackrock Spire6.0.1 51%
Iron Smith40A HHumanoid Blackrock Foundry6.0.1 81%
Shadowmoon Prophet10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 171%
Shadowmoon Necrolyte10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 351%
Grom'kar Boomer40A HHumanoid 6.0.1 31%
Grom'kar Gunner40A HHumanoid 6.0.1 41%
Iron Infantry40A HHumanoid 6.0.1 81%
Sootstained Mauler10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 11%
Warsong Axe-Singer35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 101%
Warsong Windcaller35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 221%
Grimrail Overseer40A HHumanoid 6.0.1 71%
Grimrail Laborer40A HHumanoid 6.0.1 61%
Grimrail Bombardier40A HHumanoid 6.0.1 31%
Gordunni Warcrier20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 41%
Bloodmaul Flamespeaker10 - 40A HHumanoid Bloodmaul Slag Mines6.0.1 41%
Grom'kar Grunt15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 91%
Shadowmoon Raider10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 231%
Shadowmoon Dark Priestess10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 111%
Black Iron Rageguard
<Iron Horde>
35 - 40A HHumanoid Upper Blackrock Spire6.0.1 21%
Grom'kar Far Seer35 - 40A HHumanoid 6.0.1 31%
Grimrail Scout
<Blackfuse Company>
35 - 40A HHumanoid 6.0.1 11%
Highmaul Archaeologian35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 61%
Sledgebasher35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 331%
Sargerei Huntsman1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.0.1 01%
Felfire Batrider
<Shadow Council>
20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 131%
Iron Horde Scout10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 91%
Bloodmaul Enforcer10 - 40A HHumanoid Bloodmaul Slag Mines6.0.1 81%
Shadowmoon Defiler30 - 40A HHumanoidSpires of Arak6.0.1 81%
Iron Looter10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 11%
Iron Enforcer15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 281%
Iron Cauterizer15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 161%
Iron Bloodburner15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 111%
Hulking Brute15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 121%
Iron Laborer15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 671%
Adherent Sun-Caller20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 191%
Grom'kar Deadeye20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 121%
Grom'kar Bulwark20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 41%
Grom'kar Punisher20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 11%
Grom'kar Blademaster20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 31%
Grom'kar Blademaster20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 41%
Grom'kar Punisher20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 81%
Grom'kar Bulwark20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 41%
Grom'kar Deadeye20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 21%
Grom'kar Siegebreaker20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.1 71%
Grom'kar Deadeye15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 541%
Grom'kar Grunt15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 451%
Iron Cannoneer10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 231%
Grom'kar Deadeye10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 131%
Iron Cannoneer10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 41%
Shadowmoon Deathcaller30 - 40A HHumanoidSpires of Arak6.0.1 31%
Gruesome Torturer15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 81%
Iron Warden15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 101%
Council Felcaller
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.0.1 01%
Highmaul Guard35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 361%
Highmaul Sorcerer35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 21%
Durg Spinecrusher35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 21%
Grom'kar Cinderseer40A HHumanoid 6.0.1 41%
Slave-Grinder35 - 40A HHumanoidNagrand6.0.1 51%
Bloodmaul Frostbender10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 91%
Goramal10 - 40A HHumanoidFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 11%
Blackrock Flamecaster15 - 40A HHumanoidGorgrond6.0.1 181%
Dark Enforcer
<Shadow Council>
10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.2 141%
Shadow Council Ritualist
<Shadow Council>
10 - 40A HHumanoidShadowmoon Valley6.0.2 181%
Gorebound Beast-Tamer20 - 40A HHumanoidTalador6.0.2 51%
Highmaul Skullcrusher30 - 40A HHumanoidSpires of Arak6.0.2 81%
Bleeding Hollow Impaler1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 01%
Bleeding Hollow Brute1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 01%
Felblood Warlock1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 01%
Iron Rearguard1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.1.0 01%
Sargerei Felbinder1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 01%
Sethekk Invoker
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 01%
Iron Dockhand1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 01%
Felguard Sentinel1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 01%
Bleeding Hollow Scavenger1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 01%
Melrothar1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 01%
Ril'Morgus1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 01%
Kormathras1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 01%
Iron Smith1 - 60A HHumanoid  01%
Sethekk Oracle
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.97%
Sethekk Dreadclaw
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.97%
Kath'naroc1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 00.95%
Felguard1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 00.9%
Felsworn Prophet
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.9%
Galthenos1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 00.9%
Hal'Nazris1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 00.88%
Iron Piker1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.84%
Sethekk Neophyte
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.81%
Felborn Enforcer
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.81%
Zekaveron1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 00.75%
Felblood Warrior1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.74%
Felsworn Soulpriest
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.74%
Felblood Overseer1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.72%
Felblood Deadeye1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.71%
Felblood Corruptor
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.7%
Lok'goron Sentry1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.67%
Sargerei Summoner1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.66%
Felborn Instructor
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.65%
Sargerei Nullifier1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.65%
Felblood Evoker
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.61%
Iron Reinforcement1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.59%
Felblood Overseer1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.55%
Crazed Outcast Servant1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.54%
Bleeding Hollow Hunter1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.52%
Felblood Goliath
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.51%
Findrath'Nadrir1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 00.48%
Grom'kar Dockhand1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.47%
Forge Engineer1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.47%
Grom'kar Reinforcement1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.45%
Grom'kar Sentry1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.45%
Grom'kar Warsmith1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.44%
Grom'kar Leadslinger1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.4%
Felblood Corruptor
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.39%
Grom'kar Cauterizer1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.36%
Felsworn Blood-Talon
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.33%
Bleeding Hollow Cabalist1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.33%
Iron Scout1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.33%
Herald of Chaos1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 00.32%
Doomguard Overfiend1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 00.28%
Bleeding Hollow Scavenger1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.27%
Zemorath1 - 60A HDemon 6.2.0 00.26%
Felsworn Thunderer
<Shadow Council>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 6.2.0 00.23%
Enraged Blood Spirit1 - 60A HUndead 6.2.0 00.18%
Adherent Bladewing30 - 40A HHumanoidSpires of Arak6.0.1 310.01%