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Valarsmidd Gauntlets

  • Item Level 44
  • Binds when equipped
  • Plate Hands
  • Armor : 21
  • +8 Strength or Intellect
  • +13 Stamina
    • Durability 40 / 40
    • Requires Level 40
    • Sell Price 13 21 39

Quick Facts
  • Cannot be disenchanted
  • Added in 7.0.3
3D Model

Dropped by (87)Outfit of (1)Items with same icon (19)Item with same appearance (6)
CreatureLevelReactTypeZonePatchSpawnsDrop chance
Kvaldir Reefcaller45A HHumanoid Trial of Valor7.1.0 151.44%
Silvertail Mountain Goat10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 270.75%
Stormforged Sentinel10 - 45A HHumanoid Halls of Valor7.0.3 310.69%
Valarjar Mystic10 - 45A HHumanoid 7.0.3 490.41%
Kvaldir Spiritrender45A HHumanoid Trial of Valor7.1.0 250.4%
Valarjar Champion10 - 45A HHumanoid 7.0.3 1030.33%
Dark Seraph45A HHumanoid Trial of Valor7.1.0 40.31%
Rotsoul Giant45A HGiant Trial of Valor7.1.0 70.25%
Valarjar Thundercaller10 - 45A HHumanoid Halls of Valor7.0.3 670.2%
Ancient Bonethrall45A HUndead Trial of Valor7.1.0 180.13%
Restless Ancestor10 - 45A HUndead Trial of Valor7.0.3 300.11%
Neglected Bones10 - 45A HUndead Trial of Valor7.0.3 150.1%
Stonefang10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 10.08%
Steelscale10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 10.08%
Deep Water Clacker10 - 45A HBeastThe Great Sea7.0.3 450.03%
Helhound45A HUndead Trial of Valor7.1.0 140.03%
Stout Highlands Runehorn10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 200.02%
Gro Rumblehoof10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 10.01%
Adolescent Storm Drake10 - 45A HDragonkinStormheim7.0.3 140.01%
Forsaken Dreadwing10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 30.01%
Stormwing Drake10 - 45A HDragonkinStormheim7.0.3 270.01%
Gunnlaug Scaleheart10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 10.01%
Skyfire Gryphon Rider10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 60.01%
Hillstalker Worg10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 240.01%
Vicious Ravenbear10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 140.01%
Volatile Sailor10 - 45A HUndeadStormheim7.0.3 110.01%
Felskorn Executioner10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 250.01%
Volatile Bear10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 70.01%
Kvaldir Soulflayer10 - 45A HHumanoidHelheim7.0.3 250.01%
7th Legion Paratrooper10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 170.01%
Fenri10 - 45A HBeastHelheim7.0.3 10.01%
Forsaken Deathstalker10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 70.01%
Bloodstalker Alpha1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.01%
Bonespeaker Runeaxe10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 340.01%
Bonespeaker Carver10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 150.01%
Bonespeaker Mystic10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 130.01%
Voracious Bear10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 340.01%
Kvaldir Mistcaller10 - 45A HHumanoidHelheim7.0.3 90.01%
Urgev the Flayer
<Champion of the Runeaxes>
10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 10.01%
Nashal Bonepicker10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 220.01%
Dread-Rider Stalker10 - 45A HUndeadStormheim7.0.3 260.01%
Greywatch Saboteur
<Gilneas Brigade>
10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 80.01%
Priestess of Eyir10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 130.01%
Felskorn Raider10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 310.01%
Felskorn Warmonger10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 50.01%
Felskorn Runetwister10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 60.01%
Bloodtotem Skirmisher10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 80.01%
Mightstone Savage10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 70.01%
Steeljaw Grizzly10 - 45A HBeast Halls of Valor7.0.3 80.01%
King Ranulf1 - 60A HHumanoid 7.0.3 00.01%
Duskpelt Snarler10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 320.01%
Spitefeather1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.01%
Deepbrine Horror10 - 45A HUndeadHelheim7.0.3 230.01%
Foothills Greatstag1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.01%
Galecrested Eagle10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 1220.01%
Coastal Seagull10 - 45A HBeast 7.0.3 100.01%
Captain Sten
<Captain of the Helmouth>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 7.0.3 00.01%
Seacursed Swiftblade10 - 45A HHumanoid Helmouth Cliffs7.0.3 100.01%
Tideskorn Warbear10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 60.01%
Adult Squallhunter
<Brood of Nithogg>
10 - 45A HDragonkinStormheim7.0.3 120.01%
Mightstone Rockcaller10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 60.01%
Bloodtotem Flameheart10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 40.01%
Helmouth Cursewalker1 - 60A HHumanoid 7.0.3 00.01%
Helhound10 - 45A HUndeadStormheim7.0.3 400.01%
Helarjar Berserker10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 70.01%
Drowned Priest10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 40.01%
Rampaging Squallhunter
<Brood of Nithogg>
1 - 60A HDragonkin 7.0.3 00.01%
Blood-Thane Lucard10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 10.01%
Crimson Rockshell10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 1000.01%
Duskpelt Alpha10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 20.01%
Tideskorn Beastbreaker10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 30.01%
Cliffdiver Eagle10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 440.01%
Blood-Crazed Swashbuckler
<The Red Blade>
10 - 45A HUndeadStormheim7.0.3 210.01%
Mightstone Savage10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 70.01%
Bloodtotem Skirmisher10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 110.01%
Felskorn Raider10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 70.01%
Drekirjar Galeborn10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 40.01%
Runewood Greatstag10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 330.01%
Runewood Doe10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 340.01%
Bonespeaker Cleaver10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 50.01%
Ancient Boneservant10 - 45A HUndeadStormheim7.0.3 160.01%
Greywatch Infiltrator
<Gilneas Brigade>
10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 40.01%
Dread-Rider Stalker10 - 45A HUndeadStormheim7.0.3 40.01%
Fjara Rockjaw1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.01%
Stonescar River-Thresher10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 220.01%
Doomsworn Sorcerer1 - 60A HDemon 7.2.0 00.01%
Felbound Desecrator10 - 45A HDemonHighmountain7.2.0 210.01%