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Hardened Molars

  • Item Level 40
    • Sell Price 2 60 91

Quick Facts
  • Added in 7.0.3
Dropped by (149)Items with same icon (7)
CreatureLevelReactTypeZonePatchSpawnsDrop chance
Infected Gazelle45A HBeast The Emerald Nightmare7.0.3 4100%
Silvertail Mountain Goat10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 2721%
Wild Cragscaler45A HBeastKrokuun7.3.0 1521%
Chitinous Cragscaler45A HBeastKrokuun7.3.0 620%
Ruinwalker Stag45A HBeastEredath7.3.0 620%
Shadowcrazed Chitinbuk45A HBeastEredath7.3.0 719%
Chitinbuk Ruinwalker45A HBeastEredath7.3.0 6119%
Chitinbuk Grazer45A HBeastEredath7.3.0 5119%
Chitinous Cragscaler45A HBeastKrokuun7.3.0 2519%
Stout Highlands Runehorn10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 2018%
Frenzybound Doe10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 167.12%
Gleamhoof Fawn10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 356.57%
Highpeak Goat10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 184.81%
Lowlands Goat10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 694.66%
Whitetail Stag1 - 60A HBeast  04%
Well-Fed Ironhorn Bull1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 03.53%
Leytusk10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 13.3%
Cursed Elderhorn10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 133.06%
Tideskorn Beastbreaker1 - 60A HHumanoid 7.0.3 03.02%
Whitetail Doe1 - 60A HBeast  03%
Greyhorn Goat10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 302.89%
Tideskorn Beastbreaker10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 32.78%
Ironhorn Bull1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 02.7%
Plains Runehorn Bull10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 32.6%
Wild Plains Runehorn10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 422.39%
Highlands Runehorn10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 272.35%
Highland Elderhorn10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 272.15%
Rockhorn Stag10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 12.11%
Soothoof Hillstrider10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 402.05%
Frenzybound Stag10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 12.03%
Gildedfur Stag10 - 45A HBeast Halls of Valor7.0.3 232.03%
Frenzybound Doe1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 02%
Veil Shadowrunner10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 392%
Gorecrazed Mauler10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 41.97%
Majestic Elderhorn10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 11.92%
Bluffwalker Goat10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 1461.91%
Bewitched Elderhorn10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 11.9%
Pinerock Elderhorn10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 411.88%
Suramar Cliffquill45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 1921.88%
Sated Hillstrider10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 231.83%
Heartwood Stag45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 641.51%
Leyscarred Stag45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 81.49%
Gleamhoof Stag10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 501.46%
Morashu10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 11.38%
Pale Elderhorn10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 41.18%
Angerhoof Bull10 - 45A HBeast Halls of Valor7.0.3 61.15%
Highlands Runehorn Calf10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 61.05%
Witch of the Wood10 - 45A HHumanoidHighmountain7.0.3 10.93%
Leytouched Cliffquill45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 70.91%
Vilewing Hexer10 - 45A HHumanoidHighmountain7.0.3 50.9%
Feltotem Bonehound10 - 45A HUndeadHighmountain7.0.3 90.65%
Sinister Leyrunner10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 10.6%
Plains Runehorn Calf10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 180.58%
Cragtalon Witchmother10 - 45A HHumanoidVal'sharah7.0.3 10.53%
Gleamhoof Doe10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 550.52%
Starbuck1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.46%
Mountainstrider Bull10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 30.43%
Amberfall Greatstag10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 70.43%
Highlands Ettin10 - 45A HGiantStormheim7.0.3 20.4%
Snowstrider Bull10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 60.34%
Wild Dreamrunner10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 610.3%
Cliffwing Skytalon45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 690.3%
Vilewing Screecher10 - 45A HHumanoidHighmountain7.0.3 30.29%
Tormented Shadowrunner10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 30.29%
Feltotem Demonkindre10 - 45A HHumanoidHighmountain7.0.3 10.28%
Cursed Prowler10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 150.27%
Tideskorn Worker10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 100.27%
Llothien Owl10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 160.26%
Foothills Greatstag1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.25%
Equine Sunrunner10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 990.24%
Skittish Doe10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 220.24%
Spinetusk Piglet10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 70.24%
Cliffdiver Eagle10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 440.22%
Ferngrazer Stag10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 70.2%
Bahagar10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 10.2%
Devious Sunrunner10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 10.2%
Amberfall Doe10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 190.19%
Tiptog the Lost10 - 45A HGiantStormheim7.0.3 10.18%
Felskorn Warmonger10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 50.18%
Hannval the Butcher10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 10.18%
Ashmaw Cub10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 100.17%
Valarjar Trapper10 - 45A HHumanoid Halls of Valor7.0.3 50.17%
Squallhunter Whelpling1 - 60A HDragonkin 7.0.3 00.16%
Valarjar Marksman45A HHumanoid 7.0.3 180.15%
Adult Squallhunter
<Brood of Nithogg>
10 - 45A HDragonkinStormheim7.0.3 120.15%
Runewood Greatstag10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 330.15%
Bitestone Fishbrul1 - 60A HHumanoid 7.0.3 00.14%
Tideskorn Longaxe10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 120.13%
Tideskorn Worker10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 100.12%
Steeljaw Grizzly10 - 45A HBeast Halls of Valor7.0.3 80.11%
Pinerock Stalker1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.11%
Sablehorn Doe45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 800.11%
Greywatch Saboteur
<Gilneas Brigade>
10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 70.11%
Pinerock Prowler10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 210.1%
Feltotem Bloodbinder10 - 45A HHumanoidHighmountain7.0.3 160.1%
Deepwoods Owl10 - 45A HBeastVal'sharah7.0.3 70.09%
Greywatch Saboteur
<Gilneas Brigade>
10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 80.08%
Hill Ettin10 - 45A HGiantHighmountain7.0.3 140.08%
Suramar Snarler45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 870.08%
Black Rook Falcon10 - 45A HUndeadVal'sharah7.0.3 180.07%
Risen Assassin10 - 45A HUndeadVal'sharah7.0.3 240.07%
Lelyn Swiftshadow10 - 45A HUndeadVal'sharah7.0.3 10.07%
Bitestone Roadhog10 - 45A HHumanoidHighmountain7.0.3 30.07%
Storm Drake10 - 45A HBeast Halls of Valor7.0.3 130.07%
Highcrag Eagle10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 1610.06%
Spymaster Shwayder
10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 10.06%
Raging Tempest10 - 45A HElementalStormheim7.0.3 110.06%
Pinerock Hunter1 - 60A HHumanoid 7.0.3 00.06%
Pinerock Hunter1 - 60A HHumanoid 7.0.3 00.06%
Juvenile Squallhunter
<Brood of Nithogg>
10 - 45A HDragonkinStormheim7.0.3 170.06%
Runewood Doe10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 340.06%
Risen Hound10 - 45A HUndeadVal'sharah7.0.3 260.05%
Vicious Ravenbear10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 140.04%
Black Rook Falcon10 - 45A HUndeadVal'sharah7.0.3 50.04%
Ashpaw Fox10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 170.04%
Spitefeather1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.04%
Felskorn Trapper10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 140.03%
Felskorn Executioner10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 250.03%
Drogbar Wormhook10 - 45A HHumanoidHighmountain7.0.3 210.03%
Feltotem Warmonger10 - 45A HHumanoidHighmountain7.0.3 370.03%
Mightstone Savage10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 70.03%
Feltotem Bloodsinger10 - 45A HHumanoidHighmountain7.0.3 30.03%
Leystone Basilisk10 - 45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 70.03%
Venomous Spiderling45A HBeast The Emerald Nightmare7.0.3 110.03%
Glimar Ironfist10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 10.02%
Bloodstalker Alpha1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.02%
Rashar10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 20.02%
Dreadbog10 - 45A HElementalVal'sharah7.0.3 10.02%
Feathered Prowler10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 560.02%
Veil Prowler10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 110.02%
Cove Raven10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 700.02%
Cliffwing Hippogryph10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 370.01%
Whitewater Tempest10 - 45A HElementalStormheim7.0.3 70.01%
Stormwing Drake10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 20.01%
Bladesquall10 - 45A HElementalStormheim7.0.3 10.01%
Bonespeaker Carver10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 150.01%
Tideskorn Shieldmaiden10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 360.01%
Infectious Worm10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 220.01%
Diseased Grub10 - 45A HBeastHighmountain7.0.3 740.01%
Witchwood Hag10 - 45A HHumanoidHighmountain7.0.3 250.01%
Duskpelt Snarler10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 320.01%
Galecrested Eagle10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 1220.01%
Tideskorn Warbear10 - 45A HBeastStormheim7.0.3 60.01%
Tideskorn Huntress10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 290.01%
Leystone Basilisk1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.01%
Redcrested Heron10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 180.01%
Rampaging Squallhunter
<Brood of Nithogg>
1 - 60A HDragonkin 7.0.3 00.01%
Bloodtotem Skirmisher10 - 45A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 110.01%
Saberfang Worg1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 00.01%