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Black Empire Leather Leggings

Quick Facts
  • Openable
  • Refundable
  • Can't be disenchanted
  • Account-wide
  • Battle.net Account-wide
  • No guild news log
Dropped by (102)Items with same icon (15)
CreatureLevelReactTypeZonePatchSpawnsDrop chance
Atekhramun1 - 60A HBeast  00.08%
Shol'thoss the Doomspeaker50A HAberration  10.08%
Jade Watcher50A HBeastVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.08%
Yiphrim the Will Ravager1 - 60A HAberration  00.08%
Buh'gzaki the Blasphemous50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.08%
Skiver1 - 60A HBeast  00.08%
Jade Colossus1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.08%
Destroyer Krox'tazar50A HBeast  10.07%
Watcher Rehu50A HGiant  10.06%
R'khuzj the Unfathomable50A HAberration  10.06%
R'oyolok the Reality Eater1 - 60A HAberration  00.06%
Zoth'rum the Intellect Pillager1 - 60A HAberration  00.06%
R'aas the Anima Devourer1 - 60A HAberration  00.06%
Aphrom the Guise of Madness1 - 60A HAberration  00.06%
Shoth the Darkened50A HGiant  10.06%
Hungering Miasma1 - 60A HAberration  00.06%
Spirit of Cyrus the Black1 - 60A HUndead  00.06%
Sun Prophet Epaphos1 - 60A HHumanoid  10.05%
Sun King Nahkotep50A HHumanoid  10.05%
Nebet the Ascended50A HHumanoidUldum 10.05%
Uat-ka the Sun's Wrath1 - 60A HElemental  00.05%
Zror'um the Infinite50A HAberrationVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.05%
Voidtender Malketh50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.05%
Will of N'Zoth50A HAberrationVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.05%
Deeplord Zrihj50A HAberrationVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.05%
Lord Aj'qirai50A HBeastUldum 10.05%
Tashara50A HHumanoid  10.05%
Magus Rehleth50A HHumanoid  10.05%
Ishak of the Four Winds1 - 60A HDragonkin  10.05%
Ha-Li1 - 60A HBeast  00.05%
Muminah the Incandescent50A HHumanoid  10.05%
Rei Lun
<Chalcedony Construct>
1 - 60A HBeast  10.05%
<Thundermaw Alpha>
50A HBeastVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.05%
Dokani Obliterator50A HMechanical  10.05%
Shugshul the Flesh Gorger1 - 60A HAberration  00.05%
Kzit'kovok1 - 60A HBeast  00.05%
Captain Vor'lek50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.05%
Kal'tik the Blight1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.05%
High Priest Ytaessis50A HHumanoidUldum 10.05%
Warcaster Xeshro50A HHumanoid  10.05%
Obsidian Annihilator50A HElementalUldum 10.05%
High Executor Yothrim50A HAberrationUldum 10.04%
The Grand Executor1 - 60A HAberration  00.04%
Anaua1 - 60A HBeast  00.03%
Sun Priestess Nubitt50A HHumanoid  10.03%
Scoutmaster Moswen1 - 60A HHumanoidUldum 10.03%
Kaneb-ti1 - 60A HBeast  00.03%
Veskan the Fallen
<Clearscale Chieftain>
50A HAberrationVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.03%
Rijz'x the Devourer50A HBeastVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.03%
Anq'uri the Titanic50A HBeast  10.03%
Korzaran the Slaughterer50A HAberration  10.03%
Champion Sen-mat50A HHumanoidUldum 10.03%
The Tomb Widow1 - 60A HBeast  00.03%
Escaped Mutation50A HAberration  10.03%
High Guard Reshef50A HHumanoid  10.03%
Harbinger Il'koxik50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.03%
Hive-Guard Naz'ruzek50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.03%
Enraged Amber Elemental1 - 60A HElemental  00.03%
Shadowmaw50A HAberration  10.03%
Captain Dunewalker50A HAberrationUldum 10.03%
Tat the Bonechewer50A HBeast  10.02%
Aqir Titanus50A HBeastUldum 10.02%
Infested Wastewander Captain50A HAberrationUldum 10.02%
Rotfeaster1 - 60A HBeast  00.02%
Houndlord Ren50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.02%
Zealot Tekem
<Greatest of Fifty>
50A HHumanoid  10.02%
Heixi the Stonelord50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.02%
Coagulated Anima1 - 60A HAberration  00.02%
Spymaster Hul'ach50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.02%
Xiln the Mountain50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.02%
Tisiphon1 - 60A HBeast  00.02%
Doomsayer Vathiris50A HAberration  10.02%
Thoughtstealer Vos1 - 60A HAberration  00.02%
Armagedillo1 - 60A HBeast  10.02%
Senbu the Pridefather50A HBeast  10.01%
Hik-ten the Taskmaster50A HHumanoidUldum 10.01%
<Spirit of the Darkened Falls>
50A HElementalVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Brother Meller50A HAberrationVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Chief Mek-mek50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Aqir Flayer50A HHumanoidUldum 10.01%
Teng the Awakened50A HUndeadVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Sanguifang50A HUndeadVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Fangtaker Orsa1 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Acolyte Taspu50A HHumanoidUldum 10.01%
The Forgotten50A HAberration  10.01%
Kilxl the Gaping Maw50A HAberrationVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Anh-De the Loyal50A HBeastVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Amalgamation of Flesh1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Falconer Amenophis50A HHumanoid  10.01%
Actiss the Deceiver50A HAberration  10.01%
Gaze of N'Zoth1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Amber-Shaper Esh'ri50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Harrier Nir'verash50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Drone Keeper Ak'thet50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Needler Zhesalla50A HHumanoidVale of Eternal Blossoms 10.01%
Infused Amber Ooze50A HElemental  10.01%
Skikx'traz50A HBeastUldum 10.01%
Zuythiz50A HHumanoidUldum 10.01%
Qho50A HBeastUldum 10.01%
Corpse Eater1 - 60A HBeastUldum 10.01%
Aqir Warcaster50A HHumanoidUldum 10.01%
R'krox the Runt50A HBeastUldum 10.01%