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Bottle of Redelav Wine

  • Item Level 1
  • Binds when picked up
  • This Item Begins a Quest
  • "A bottle of finely aged Redelav wine. A unique blend of native spices and foilage of Revendreth. A strong aftertaste of iron."

Quick Facts
  • Multi drop
  • Hide creator name
Dropped by (114)Starts (1)Provided for (1)Items with same icon (15)
CreatureLevelReactTypeZonePatchSpawnsDrop chance
Royal Groundskeeper60A HHumanoid  234%
Old Gate Dredger60A HHumanoid  443%
Redelav Attendant60A HHumanoid  52%
Lord Silviu
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  12%
Madame Tassa
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  12%
Lady Ivona
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  12%
Redelav Dredger60A HHumanoid  72%
Lord Vasile
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  12%
Chalice Dredger60A HHumanoid  322%
Darkwall Betrayer60A HHumanoid  302%
Blackbale Flunky60A HHumanoid  142%
Lady Viorica
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  12%
Duchess Leona
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  12%
Sir Viorel
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  12%
Militant Stonecaller60A HHumanoid  52%
Hate Siphoner60A HHumanoid  42%
Royal Arcanist60A HHumanoid  222%
Royal Squire58 - 60A HHumanoid  62%
Venerable Denizen60A HHumanoid  182%
Merciless Tormentor60A HHumanoid  52%
Viscount Nicolae
<House Thornhill>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Redelav Steward60A HHumanoid  231%
Redelav Footman60A HHumanoid  71%
Redelav Merchant60A HHumanoid  101%
Sir Toma
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Madame Irini
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Sir Nandru
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Duke Vlad
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Redelav Steward60A HHumanoid  161%
Darkwall Vandal60A HHumanoid  121%
Darkwall Demolisher60A HHumanoid  121%
Sir Vali
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Lord Stefan
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Duke Mihas
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Madame Tassa
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Lady Andrada
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Lord Darion
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Sir Andru
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Lady Lerae
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Duchess Ioana
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Madame Viviana
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Sir Luca
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Duchess Ileana
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  11%
Royal Servant60A HHumanoid  171%
Profane Invoker60A HHumanoid  91%
Rage Siphoner60A HHumanoid  31%
Ambitious Duelist60A HHumanoid  181%
Honored Duelist60A HHumanoid  231%
Noble Courtier60A HHumanoid  191%
Honored Duelist58 - 60A HHumanoid  101%
Old Gate Merchant60A HHumanoid  91%
Conscripted Vassal60A HHumanoid  851%
Ardent Loyalist60A HHumanoid  111%
Madame Miriana
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.98%
Madame Sorina
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.94%
Nightcloak Fencer60A HHumanoid  40.94%
Sinsayer60A HHumanoid  10.94%
Sir Vilhelm
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.91%
Chalice Resident60A HHumanoid  340.9%
Lord Razvan
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.9%
Chancellor Zelma
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.87%
District Aristocrat60A HHumanoid  50.87%
Redelav Groundskeeper60A HHumanoid  80.86%
Lord Ionel
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.84%
Noble Patron60A HHumanoid  170.84%
Chalice Resident60A HHumanoid  40.82%
Duke Simion
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.81%
Duchess Vanda
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  00.81%
Chalice Resident60A HHumanoid  530.79%
Chancellor Kronid
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.75%
Duchess Yetta
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.75%
Duke Omor
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.74%
Lady Ihrin
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.72%
Sir Marius
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.71%
Madame Lenuta
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.65%
Sir Geofri
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.64%
Lady Rodica
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.64%
Blackbale Lookout60A HHumanoid  100.63%
Lady Zina
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.6%
Chancellor Codrin
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.59%
Madame Relia
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.58%
Redelav Attendant60A HHumanoid  70.58%
Blackbale Extortionist60A HHumanoid  60.51%
Duchess Silviana
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.45%
Lord Sorin
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.44%
Lord Aurel
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.43%
Lord Andrei
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.4%
Edgar the Collector60A HHumanoid  10.38%
Lady Oana
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.36%
Sir Geofri
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.33%
Lord Neculai
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.31%
Blackbale Racketeer60A HHumanoid  50.3%
Redelav Servant60A HHumanoid  210.25%
Lord Neculai
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.24%
Lord Blackbale60A HHumanoid  10.18%
Duke Grigore
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.14%
Chancellor Catina
<House Sinfang>
58 - 60A HHumanoid  10.13%
Redelav Courier60A HHumanoid  10.12%
Duchess Odeta
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.12%
Lady Zina
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.1%
Duchess Minodora
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.09%
Duke Avram
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.04%
Madame Lenuta
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.04%
Lady Andrada
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.04%
Madame Viviana
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.03%
Lord Sorin
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.03%
Madame Elenuta
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.03%
Duke Mitica
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.03%
Lady Ihrin
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.03%
Duchess Vanda
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.03%
Lord Stefan
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.03%
Madame Miriana
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.03%
Lady Rodica
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.03%
Sir Vilhelm
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.02%