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Dredged Chain Clasp

  • Item Level 200
  • Mail Waist
  • Armor : 65
    • Durability 40 / 40
    • Requires Level 40
    • Sell Price 10 52 14

Quick Facts
  • Cannot be disenchanted
Dropped by (612)Items with same icon (57)Item with same appearance (11)
CreatureLevelReactTypeZonePatchSpawnsDrop chance
The Grand Malleare1 - 60A HGiant  00.02%
Mawsworn Guard50 - 60A HHumanoid  2100.01%
Mawsworn Interceptor50 - 60A HHumanoid  720.01%
Mawsworn Shackler50 - 60A HHumanoid  630.01%
Lord of Torment1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Lord of Locks1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Deadsoul Shade50 - 60A HUndead  1030.01%
Deadsoul Echo1 - 60A HUndead  420.01%
Deadsoul Scavenger50 - 60A HBeast  160.01%
Deadsoul Miscreation1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Deadsoul Amalgam1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Deadsoul Lifetaker1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Subjugator Klontzas1 - 60A HBeast  00.01%
Deadsoul Drifter1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Deadsoul Stalker1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Mawsworn Ward50 - 60A HUndead  330.01%
Mawsworn Seeker50 - 60A HBeast  1280.01%
Massive Crusher1 - 60A HGiant  00.01%
Deadsoul Chorus50 - 60A HUndead  30.01%
Tower Sentinel1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Mawsworn Sentry50 - 60A HHumanoid  2300.01%
Mawsworn Archer50 - 60A HHumanoid  810.01%
Deadsoul Shadow50 - 60A HUndead  820.01%
Deadsoul Spirit1 - 60A HUndead  380.01%
Deadsoul Shambler50 - 60A HUndead  210.01%
Rotting Prisoner1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Armed Prisoner1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Imprisoned Cabalist1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Escaped Ritualist1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Prisonbreak Mauler1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Prisonbreak Packleader1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Faeleaf Lasher1 - 60A HElemental  00.01%
Faeleaf Warden1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Gormling Spitter1 - 60A HBeast  00.01%
Faeleaf Tender1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Faeleaf Grovesinger1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Verdant Keeper1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Ironroot Strider1 - 60A HElemental  00.01%
Guardian of the Leaf1 - 60A HBeast  00.01%
Forest Father1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Mawsworn Acolyte50 - 60A HHumanoid  710.01%
Skeletal Remains50 - 60A HUndead  2370.01%
Mawsworn Ritualist50 - 60A HHumanoid  590.01%
Lumbering Creation50 - 60A HUndead  860.01%
Runecarved Colossus1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Mawsworn Disciple50 - 60A HHumanoid  600.01%
Mawsworn Soulbinder50 - 60A HHumanoid  650.01%
Deathspeaker1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Stoneborn Rebel58A HHumanoid  90.01%
Seeker of Souls1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Coldheart Ascendant50 - 60A HHumanoid  1110.01%
Adjutant Felipos1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Coldheart Javelineer50 - 60A HHumanoid  500.01%
Coldheart Agent50 - 60A HHumanoid  360.01%
Coldheart Guardian50 - 60A HHumanoid  1090.01%
Coldheart Scout50 - 60A HHumanoid  610.01%
Coldheart Binder50 - 60A HHumanoid  320.01%
Imperator Dara1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Monstrous Guardian1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Winged Automaton1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Grand Automaton1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Depraved Archivist60A HHumanoid  130.01%
Depraved Notary60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Stoneborn Abductor60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Soulflayer60A HHumanoid  200.01%
Depraved Interrogator60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Depraved Epicure60A HHumanoid  140.01%
Avowed Abductor58A HHumanoid  90.01%
Avowed Absolutist58A HHumanoid  240.01%
Avowed Tormentor58A HHumanoid  90.01%
Avowed Stalker58A HHumanoid  60.01%
Depraved Guarantor60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Depraved Seer60A HHumanoid  110.01%
Depraved Carver60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Inquisitor Sorin60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Inquisitor Otilia60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Inquisitor Petre60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Imperial Enforcer50 - 60A HHumanoid  670.01%
Imperial Duelist50 - 60A HHumanoid  290.01%
Stoneborn Executor60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Imperial Archivist50 - 60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Lithic Watcher1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Stonewing Ravager1 - 60A HBeast  00.01%
Imperial Curator50 - 60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Imperial Censor50 - 60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Imperial Consular50 - 60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Royal Advisor1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Gravitas1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Sara Wight60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lodge Watcher60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Loyalist Fearleacher60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Malevolent Stonekeeper60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Malicious Hopebreaker60A HHumanoid  190.01%
Begrudging Stonewhacker59A HHumanoid  120.01%
Mawsworn Flametender50 - 60A HHumanoid  440.01%
Mawsworn Firecaller50 - 60A HHumanoid  590.01%
Forbidden Trapper59A HHumanoid  190.01%
Forbidden Dissector59A HHumanoid  100.01%
Forbidden Researcher59A HHumanoid  80.01%
Forge Keeper50 - 60A HHumanoid  700.01%
Flameforge Master50 - 60A HHumanoid  440.01%
Flameforge Enforcer50 - 60A HHumanoid  1090.01%
Scorched Scavenger59A HHumanoid  40.01%
Scorched Outcast59A HHumanoid  20.01%
Scorched Scavenger59A HHumanoid  50.01%
Blistering Ash Ghoul59A HHumanoid  120.01%
Crazed Ash Ghoul59A HHumanoid  280.01%
Marquis Pummeler59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Scorched Bandit59A HHumanoid  40.01%
Scorched Bandit59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Mawsworn Soulweaver50 - 60A HHumanoid  110.01%
Mawsworn Darkcaster50 - 60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Mawsworn Endbringer50 - 60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Costel59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Manor Servant60A HHumanoid  150.01%
The Tithelord
<Harvester of Envy>
1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Estate Guardian58 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Third Talon Vartox
<Fist of The Tithelord>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Ashen Ravager59A HHumanoid  240.01%
Shrouded Arcanist59A HHumanoid  120.01%
Shrouded Shardsetter59A HHumanoid  130.01%
Stone Legion Enforcer59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Dominated Citizen1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Shrouded Marauder59A HHumanoid  210.01%
Shrouded Arcanist59A HHumanoid  50.01%
Stone Legion Enforcer59A HHumanoid  60.01%
Marquis Shattereye1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Restless Monitor59A HHumanoid  380.01%
Stonevigil Collector60A HHumanoid  240.01%
Confirmed Dredger60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Depraved Tutor60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Depraved Caregiver60A HHumanoid  200.01%
Depraved Tormentor60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Absolutist60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Depraved Usher60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Depraved Cryptkeeper60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Depraved Disciple60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Depraved Witness60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Stoneborn Steelwing60A HHumanoid  260.01%
Depraved Stalker60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Dominance Dreadblade60A HHumanoid  200.01%
Dominance Soulbender60A HHumanoid  260.01%
Second Talon Eviscera60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Harbinger Raan'kul60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Dutiful Laborer60A HHumanoid  210.01%
Voryis Soulbreaker60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Inquisitor Traian60A HHumanoid  10.01%
High Inquisitor Gabi60A HHumanoid  10.01%
High Inquisitor Radu60A HHumanoid  10.01%
High Inquisitor Magda60A HHumanoid  10.01%
High Inquisitor Dacian60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Grand Inquisitor Nicu60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Grand Inquisitor Aurica60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Towering Tombcarver60A HGiant  70.01%
Starving Ash Ghoul59A HHumanoid  50.01%
Synod1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Iryna the Disciplined60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Mire Dredger60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Forgemaster Madalav60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Stonefist60A HGiant  10.01%
Stoneborn Skystalker60A HHumanoid  150.01%
Viscount Nicolae
<House Thornhill>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Depraved Soulflayer60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Lord Andrei
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Fata the Soulflayer60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Redelav Steward60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Redelav Attendant60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Redelav Footman60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Redelav Courier60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Redelav Merchant60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Chancellor Ylenia
<House Briarbane>
58 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Chancellor Zelma
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Chancellor Catina
<House Sinfang>
58 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Chancellor Kronid
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Chancellor Codrin
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Chancellor Ladris
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Lacrima
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Viviana
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Viorel
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Avram
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Silviu
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Relia
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Oana
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Sorin
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Grigore
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Minodora
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Zina
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Odeta
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Elenuta
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Ionel
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Mitica
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Toma
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Simion
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Geofri
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Ihrin
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Ioana
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Lenuta
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Ivona
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Vanda
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Vali
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Stefan
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Mihas
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Razvan
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Nandru
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Miriana
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Lerae
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Yetta
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Vasile
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Omor
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Vilhelm
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Irini
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Andrada
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Silviana
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Rodica
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Tassa
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Vlad
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Neculai
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Luca
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Fog Dweller1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Honored Duelist60A HHumanoid  430.01%
Royal Arcanist60A HHumanoid  250.01%
Duchess Lacrima
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Simion
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Ivona
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Irini
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Sorin
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Nandru
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Vlad
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Redelav Groundskeeper60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Depraved Notary60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Depraved Soulcollector60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Blistering Inquisitor60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Redelav Steward60A HHumanoid  160.01%
Feral Ritualist60A HHumanoid  540.01%
Redelav Dredger60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Lord Vasile
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Soulstalker Doina60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Stone Legion Protector60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Ashen Vagrant59A HHumanoid  200.01%
Blistered Vagrant59A HHumanoid  130.01%
Innervus60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Reckless Ritualist60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Scrivener Lenua60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Stoneborn Rebel58A HHumanoid  00.01%
Nefarious Collector60A HHumanoid  280.01%
Nefarious Thug60A HHumanoid  340.01%
Excavation Enforcer60A HHumanoid  220.01%
Beleaguered Excavator60A HHumanoid  700.01%
Examiner Boian60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Examiner Daciana60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Examiner Ionata60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sinkeeper Mateo60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sire Ladinas
<The Lightrazed>
1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Armed Protector60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Retained Trafficker60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Chalice Resident60A HHumanoid  340.01%
Chalice Resident60A HHumanoid  530.01%
Heftor60A HGiant  10.01%
Stone Legion Destroyer60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Big Shiny60A HGiant  10.01%
Stacka60A HGiant  10.01%
Chalice Dredger60A HHumanoid  320.01%
Entombed Venthyr1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
District Aristocrat60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Executioner Adrastia60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Darkwall Betrayer60A HHumanoid  300.01%
Darkwall Vandal60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Darkwall Demolisher60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Blackbale Lookout60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Blackbale Racketeer60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Blackbale Extortionist60A HHumanoid  60.01%
Chalice Resident60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Blackbale Overseer60A HHumanoid  130.01%
Blackbale Flunky60A HHumanoid  140.01%
Lord Blackbale60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Bolt60A HGiant  10.01%
Sir Vali
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Stefan
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Mihas
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Vanda
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Madame Sorina
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Neculai
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Tassa
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Rodica
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Vilhelm
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Andrada
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Silviana
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Omor
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Viorica
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Leona
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Darion
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Marius
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Minodora
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Grigore
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Oana
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Relia
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Andru
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Lerae
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Razvan
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Miriana
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Yetta
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Ioana
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Lenuta
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Geofri
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Ihrin
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Ionel
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Zina
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Silviu
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Avram
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Viviana
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Viorel
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Daniela
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Anton
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Rodica
<House Briarbane>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Luca
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Ileana
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Aurel
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Warden Eriken1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Scorched Thug59A HHumanoid  120.01%
Regal Mistdancer60A HHumanoid  60.01%
Wicked Oppressor60A HHumanoid  250.01%
Grand Overseer60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Grubby Dirtcruncher60A HHumanoid  110.01%
Scorched Sorcerer60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Frenzied Ghoul60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Chamber Sentinel60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Duke Vielle60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Starving Prisoner60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Frantic Mason58A HHumanoid  90.01%
Old Gate Dredger60A HHumanoid  440.01%
Redelav Servant60A HHumanoid  210.01%
Blistering Ash Ghoul1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Redelav Attendant60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Stoneguard Centurion60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Militant Stonecaller60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Stoneborn Keeper60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Royal Servant60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Wretched Skirmisher60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Avowed Usher58A HHumanoid  100.01%
Avowed Cryptkeeper58A HHumanoid  00.01%
Avowed Caretaker58A HHumanoid  120.01%
Maddened Summoner59A HHumanoid  20.01%
Inquisitor Stelia58A HHumanoid  10.01%
Inquisitor Vilhelm58A HHumanoid  10.01%
Profane Invoker60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Stoneborn Keeper60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Nightcloak Fencer60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Sinsayer60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Rage Siphoner60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Ambitious Duelist60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Frantic Mason58A HHumanoid  00.01%
Avowed Witness58A HHumanoid  00.01%
Avowed Guarantor58A HHumanoid  00.01%
Avowed Avenger58A HHumanoid  00.01%
Hate Siphoner60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Ashen Ravager59A HHumanoid  200.01%
Shrouded Outcast59A HHumanoid  70.01%
Depraved Houndmaster58A HHumanoid  110.01%
Katia59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Dorian59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Fog Dweller1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Evaala the All-Seeing60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Guardian Mastrus60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Keraal the Ripper60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Animimic1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Tollkeeper Varaboss58A HHumanoid  10.01%
Renegade Collector58A HHumanoid  20.01%
Honored Duelist60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Noble Courtier60A HHumanoid  190.01%
Royal Arcanist60A HHumanoid  220.01%
Stone Legion Destroyer60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Depraved Obliterator58A HHumanoid  210.01%
Toiling Groundskeeper58A HHumanoid  430.01%
Nathrian Enforcer60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Nathrian Executor60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Nathrian Duelist60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Nathrian Siphoner60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Nathrian Assassin60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Court Enforcer60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Court Assassin60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Court Hierarch60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Depraved Darkblade58A HHumanoid  160.01%
Depraved Collector58A HHumanoid  40.01%
Coldheart Ambusher50 - 60A HHumanoid  150.01%
Uninvited Absolutist1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Uninvited Tormentor1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Uninvited Hopebreaker1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Uninvited Hooligan1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
High Inquisitor Vetar1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Manor Leecher60A HHumanoid  110.01%
Taskmaster Matyas
<House Briarbane>
58A HHumanoid  10.01%
Stonewright Honorguard60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Stoneborn Eviscerator60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Mucksquint58A HGiant  00.01%
Honored Duelist58 - 60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Privileged Contributor60A HHumanoid  270.01%
Uninvited Muckdragger1 - 60A HGiant  00.01%
Lowly Debtor60A HHumanoid  160.01%
Bog Dredger60A HHumanoid  140.01%
Noble Skirmisher60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Briarbane Sentinel58A HHumanoid  30.01%
Royal Squire58 - 60A HHumanoid  60.01%
Adjudicator of Guilt58A HHumanoid  20.01%
Bladewing Guard58A HHumanoid  20.01%
Bladewing Guard58A HHumanoid  120.01%
Briarbane Footman59A HHumanoid  220.01%
Briarbane Cavalier58A HHumanoid  50.01%
Briarbane Arbalest58A HHumanoid  120.01%
Executioner Aatron60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Stone Legion Punisher60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Smug Francise60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Ventun the Ravenous50 - 60A HBeast  10.01%
Lor the Loyal50 - 60A HBeast  10.01%
Huntmaster Petrus60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Stoneborn Abductor60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Grand Arcanist Dimitri60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Shrouded Ritualist59A HHumanoid  40.01%
Provisioner Kraus60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Stoneborn Eviscerator58A HHumanoid  60.01%
Stoneborn Reaver58A HHumanoid  60.01%
Depraved Darkblade58A HHumanoid  20.01%
Forgotten Guardian60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Forgotten Lurker60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Reawakened Brute58A HHumanoid  10.01%
Inquisitor Sigar58A HHumanoid  10.01%
Old Gate Merchant60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Stone Legion Warden60A HHumanoid  260.01%
Sanguine Cadet60A HHumanoid  130.01%
Dark Acolyte60A HHumanoid  240.01%
Empowered Flameforge Enforcer1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Mawsworn Shackler1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Coldheart Ascendant1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Imperial Consular1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Deadsoul Shambler1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Empowered Mawsworn Soulbinder1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Summoner Marcelis59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Empowered Coldheart Agent1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Coldheart Javelineer1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Deadsoul Shade1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Empowered Deadsoul Echo1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Empowered Flameforge Master1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Mawsworn Flametender1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Mawsworn Guard1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Mawsworn Interceptor1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Lumbering Creation1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Empowered Mawsworn Ritualist1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Imperial Duelist1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Empowered Imperial Curator1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Enforcer Kristof59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Stone Legion Lookout60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Abandoned Ash Ghoul59A HHumanoid  30.01%
Conscripted Vassal60A HHumanoid  850.01%
Venerable Denizen60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Ardent Loyalist60A HHumanoid  110.01%
Merciless Tormentor60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Hopebreaker Marku59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Moldovaak60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Hopebreaker Vilstav59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Hopebreaker Mursa59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sabina59A HHumanoid  00.01%
Chamber Sentinel60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Cryptkeeper60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Avowed Cryptkeeper58A HHumanoid  100.01%
Avowed Usher58A HHumanoid  100.01%
Frantic Mason58A HHumanoid  00.01%
Stone Legion Taskmaster60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Stone Legion Lookout60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Noble Patron60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Royal Servant60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Royal Groundskeeper60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Armory Bookie60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Armory Sentinel60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Armory Sentry60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Arsenal Drudger60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Silent Monitor59A HHumanoid  170.01%
Meatball's Tormentor1 - 60A HGiant  00.01%
Highway Serf60A HHumanoid  220.01%
Hired Stealthblade1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Archivam Assassin60A HHumanoid  300.01%
Gorm Behemoth1 - 60A HBeast  00.01%
Observer Zelgar
<The Third Eye>
1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Retained Lookout60A HHumanoid  90.01%
<Shrouded Alchemist>
60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Edgar the Collector60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Bone Husk1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Writhing Misery1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Howling Spectre1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Animated Stygia1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Dredger Clubfighter60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Dredger Muckfist1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Dripping Dredger60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Head Pugilist60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Aggressive Assailant60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Venthyr Brawler1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Wiry Venthyr60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Haughty Rival1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Emaciated Venthyr60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Stoneborn Contender60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Stoneborn Combatant1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Ash Ghoul Scratcher60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Bruised Ash Ghoul1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Hungry Ash Ghoul60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Mawsworn Archer1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Mawsworn Shackler1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Mawsworn Shadestalker1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Escaped Prisoner1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Head Custodian Javlin60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Research Scribe60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Arch-Suppressor Laguas1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Dreadful Huntmaster60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Uninvited Inquisitor1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Uninvited Crusher1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Uninvited Abductor1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Uninvited Muckbrawler1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Uninvited Muckboss1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Sloppy1 - 60A HGiant  00.01%
Depths Warden60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Ayeleth's Torturer1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Errant Stoneborn1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Furrowed Colossus1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Coldheart Automaton1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Tormenter Overlord1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Venthyr Provocateur1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Gravestalker1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Stone Legion Watcher58A HHumanoid  00.01%
Muckpool Vandal60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Muckpool Investigator60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Suppressor Xelors1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Wandering Death1 - 60A HElemental  00.01%
House Iremoore Assassin1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Darksworn Goliath1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Blightsmasher1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Nathrian Hawkeye60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Court Hawkeye60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Soulstalker V'lara1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Deadsoul Strider1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Stone Legion Commando60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Stone Legion Skirmisher60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Lady Audat1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Edvard60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Deathspeaker Yutla1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Renegade Abomination1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Lord of Anguish1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Caramain60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sindrel60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Hargitas60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Dragost60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Deplina60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Fara60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Kullan60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Anima Crazed Worker60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Sinister Antiquarian60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Nathrian Conservator60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Nathrian Registrar60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Nathrian Archivist60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Nathrian Soldier60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Nathrian Tracker60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Executrix Ophelia60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Kennel Overseer60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Nathrian Hierarch60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Nathrian Gargon Rider60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Nathrian Ranger60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Nathrian Singuard60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Court Executor60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Court Executor60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Kennel Overseer60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Stinky Feedhauler60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Belligerent Waiter60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Stoneborn Maitre D'60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Warden Arkoban50 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Tractus the Icebreaker50 - 60A HGiant  10.01%
Arch-Tyrant Zerios50 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Warden of Souls50 - 60A HBeast  10.01%
Stone Legion Punisher60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Lord of Woe1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Depraved Carver60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Guarantor60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Absolutist60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Depraved Soulcollector60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Depraved Usher60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Depraved Archivist60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Depraved Cryptkeeper60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Depraved Cryptkeeper60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Depraved Notary60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Epicure60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Depraved Tutor60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Confirmed Dredger60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Caregiver60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Depraved Soulflayer60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Disciple60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Depraved Witness60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Stoneborn Executor60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Depraved Seer60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Depraved Tormentor60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Depraved Soulflayer60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Automata Servitor60A HMechanical  40.01%
Lord Azzorak1 - 60A HDemon  00.01%
Vil'thras1 - 60A HDemon  00.01%
Sath'zuul1 - 60A HDemon  00.01%
Karthazel1 - 60A HDemon  00.01%
Archaic Curator60A HMechanical  150.01%
Automa Mender60A HMechanical  110.01%
Dominated Sentry1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Dominated Guardian1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Empowered Guardian1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Dominated Attendant1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Empowered Worldbreaker1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Empowered Attendant1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Oracle of Torment1 - 60A HMechanical  00.01%
Automa Protector60A HMechanical  100.01%
Automa Sentry60A HMechanical  90.01%
Automata Servitor60A HMechanical  80.01%