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Nyte's Mischievous Treads

  • Item Level 190
  • Binds when equipped
  • Leather Feet
  • Armor : 52
  • +43 Agility or Intellect
  • +70 Stamina
  • +49 Mastery
  • +37 Critical Strike
    • Durability 80 / 80
    • Requires Level 60
    • Sell Price 60 4 30

Quick Facts
  • Cannot be disenchanted
Dropped by (940)Items with same icon (19)Item with same appearance (3)
CreatureLevelReactTypeZonePatchSpawnsDrop chance
Dread Gorger58A HAberration  30.01%
Tomb Burster
<Dread Crawler Queen>
59A HBeast  00.01%
Dread Crawler59A HBeast  180.01%
Devourer Mite58A HAberration  150.01%
Fiendish Terrorwing59A HBeast  290.01%
Depraved Archivist60A HHumanoid  130.01%
Depraved Notary60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Depraved Soulflayer60A HHumanoid  200.01%
Depraved Epicure60A HHumanoid  140.01%
Sinrunner59A HBeast  220.01%
Darkturned Pupil60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Starving Dredbat59A HBeast  270.01%
Crippling Pride60A HAberration  130.01%
Ardent Warrior60A HHumanoid  290.01%
Misguided Postulant60A HHumanoid  270.01%
Automated Defender60A HMechanical  130.01%
Dark Sentinel60A HMechanical  80.01%
Ravening Guardian60A HMechanical  90.01%
Steelskin Brutalizer54A HUndead  240.01%
Lurking Fearspinner60A HBeast  280.01%
Avowed Tormentor58A HHumanoid  90.01%
Fallen Knowledge-Seeker60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Depraved Guarantor60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Depraved Seer60A HHumanoid  110.01%
Depraved Carver60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Stoneborn Executor60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Fallacious Aspirant60A HHumanoid  260.01%
Corpsecutter Moroc60A HUndead  10.01%
Assuming Scholar60A HHumanoid  340.01%
Languishing Etherwyrm51A HBeast  310.01%
Starved Etherwyrm51A HBeast  260.01%
Violet Mistake60A HAberration  00.01%
Lodge Watcher60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Loyalist Fearleacher60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Malevolent Stonekeeper60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Malicious Hopebreaker60A HHumanoid  190.01%
Begrudging Stonewhacker59A HHumanoid  120.01%
Forsworn Recruit51A HHumanoid  250.01%
Rising Despair51A HAberration  110.01%
Forbidden Trapper59A HHumanoid  190.01%
Forbidden Dissector59A HHumanoid  100.01%
Forbidden Researcher59A HHumanoid  80.01%
Forsworn Acolyte51A HHumanoid  140.01%
Forsworn Ascended51A HHumanoid  200.01%
Steelskin Vanguard54A HUndead  540.01%
Fireforge Bonesmith60A HUndead  240.01%
Fireforge Enchanter60A HUndead  400.01%
Lurking Bonemauler59A HBeast  140.01%
Fungal Destroyer60A HHumanoid  330.01%
Mushroom Mangler60A HHumanoid  250.01%
Scorched Scavenger59A HHumanoid  40.01%
Crazed Ash Ghoul59A HHumanoid  280.01%
Darksworn Mechanic60A HHumanoid  250.01%
Charthox58A HAberration  10.01%
Possessed Sylvar50 - 60A HHumanoid  190.01%
Unbound Deathwalker53A HElemental  370.01%
Corpselouse Mother54A HHumanoid  370.01%
Anima-Starved Wyrm52A HBeast  90.01%
Anima-Starved Cloudfeather52A HBeast  240.01%
Gorduk50 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Costel59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Manor Servant60A HHumanoid  150.01%
The Tithelord
<Harvester of Envy>
1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Corrupted Cloudfeather52A HBeast  00.01%
Gorm Ravener56A HBeast  220.01%
Ashen Ravager59A HHumanoid  240.01%
River Terrapin1 - 60A HBeast  210.01%
Shrouded Arcanist59A HHumanoid  120.01%
Shrouded Shardsetter59A HHumanoid  130.01%
Fiendish Lookout59A HHumanoid  30.01%
Stone Legion Enforcer59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Highlands Eirefly1 - 60A HBeast  460.01%
Shrouded Marauder59A HHumanoid  210.01%
Shrouded Arcanist59A HHumanoid  50.01%
Stone Legion Enforcer59A HHumanoid  60.01%
Predatory Bloodtusk54A HBeast  560.01%
Stonevigil Collector60A HHumanoid  240.01%
Confirmed Dredger60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Depraved Tutor60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Depraved Caregiver60A HHumanoid  200.01%
Depraved Tormentor60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Cryptkeeper60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Essence of Desperation60A HAberration  50.01%
Depraved Disciple60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Depraved Witness60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Gor'vul60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Shrieking Evedweller60A HBeast  230.01%
Great Granitefur60A HBeast  70.01%
Living Bulwark60A HUnspecified  100.01%
Living Blade60A HUnspecified  110.01%
Living Scepter60A HUnspecified  90.01%
Stoneborn Steelwing60A HHumanoid  260.01%
Depraved Stalker60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Dominance Dreadblade60A HHumanoid  200.01%
Collector Kash60A HUndead  10.01%
Dominance Soulbender60A HHumanoid  260.01%
Second Talon Eviscera60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Harbinger Raan'kul60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Dutiful Laborer60A HHumanoid  210.01%
Voryis Soulbreaker60A HHumanoid  10.01%
High Inquisitor Gabi60A HHumanoid  10.01%
High Inquisitor Radu60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Towering Tombcarver60A HGiant  70.01%
Loyal Granitefur60A HBeast  90.01%
Dire Evedweller60A HBeast  160.01%
Cloudfeather Greatwing52A HBeast  100.01%
Sinstone Construct60A HElemental  70.01%
Forsworn Enforcer60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Tower Creeper60A HBeast  290.01%
Gilded Cloudstrider52A HBeast  290.01%
Iryna the Disciplined60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Brittlebark Trickster56A HHumanoid  670.01%
Shimmering Etherwyrm52A HBeast  50.01%
<Carved of Many>
60A HBeast  10.01%
Unleashed Hatred60A HAberration  110.01%
Carved Servant60A HHumanoid  190.01%
Abused Soul60A HUndead  530.01%
Nightwidow Horror60A HBeast  70.01%
Mire Dredger60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Forgemaster Madalav60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Stonefist60A HGiant  10.01%
Hewn Protector60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Malevolent Minion60A HHumanoid  240.01%
Stoneborn Skystalker60A HHumanoid  150.01%
Agitated Etherwyrm52A HBeast  40.01%
Depraved Soulflayer60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Fata the Soulflayer60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Marrowbore Feaster60A HBeast  100.01%
Redelav Attendant60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Redelav Footman60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Boneweave Ambusher60A HBeast  200.01%
Marrowbore Queen60A HBeast  250.01%
Ravenomous60A HBeast  00.01%
Necromancy Acolyte54A HHumanoid  260.01%
Virulent Pest54A HBeast  350.01%
Chancellor Ladris
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Chelicerae's Children1 - 60A HBeast  70.01%
Lady Oana
<House Primrose>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Zina
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Odeta
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Elenuta
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Mitica
<House Iremoore>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Lenuta
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Stefan
<House Sourwine>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Nandru
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Yetta
<House Duskmire>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Madame Irini
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lady Rodica
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Luca
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Plaguedoused Remnant54A HAberration  370.01%
Gorm Slicer56A HBeast  140.01%
Gorm Spewer56A HBeast  270.01%
Gorm Borer56A HBeast  110.01%
Honored Duelist60A HHumanoid  430.01%
Royal Arcanist60A HHumanoid  250.01%
Snared Soul59A HUndead  290.01%
Ossein Strongarm60A HHumanoid  250.01%
Duke Simion
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duke Vlad
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Redelav Groundskeeper60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Masked Sylvar56A HHumanoid  320.01%
Masked Faerie56A HHumanoid  250.01%
Blistering Inquisitor60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Converted Clawguard60A HMechanical  490.01%
Praetorian Artificer60A HMechanical  700.01%
Forsworn Punisher60A HMechanical  230.01%
Darksworn Forgehand60A HHumanoid  190.01%
Forsworn Overseer60A HHumanoid  330.01%
Feral Ritualist60A HHumanoid  540.01%
Redelav Dredger60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Lord Vasile
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Smoldering Bonemauler59A HBeast  230.01%
Shackled Gorger60A HAberration  00.01%
Hunter Vivanna
<The Wild Hunt>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Stone Legion Protector60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Blistered Vagrant59A HHumanoid  130.01%
Swiftwing Larion51 - 53A HBeast  300.01%
Vulpin Stalker51 - 53A HBeast  170.01%
Innervus60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Reckless Ritualist60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Sinstone Rampager60A HElemental  160.01%
Escaped Captive60A HUndead  260.01%
Shimmerbough Ritualist57A HHumanoid  250.01%
Possessed Defender57A HHumanoid  230.01%
Nefarious Thug60A HHumanoid  340.01%
Excavation Enforcer60A HHumanoid  220.01%
Beleaguered Excavator60A HHumanoid  700.01%
Roving Fungret54A HHumanoid  170.01%
Engorged Maggot1 - 60A HBeast  140.01%
Armed Protector60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Maldraxxi Defector60A HHumanoid  500.01%
Chalice Resident60A HHumanoid  340.01%
Chalice Resident60A HHumanoid  530.01%
Tamed Gargon60A HBeast  160.01%
Stone Legion Destroyer60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Chalice Dredger60A HHumanoid  320.01%
Darkwall Betrayer60A HHumanoid  300.01%
Darkwall Vandal60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Darkwall Demolisher60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Steelspine Veteran53 - 55A HUndead  220.01%
Necromantic Scourer53 - 55A HHumanoid  160.01%
Darkhound Hunter53 - 55A HUndead  30.01%
Stalwart Death Elemental53 - 55A HUndead  70.01%
Champion Maddux1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Vyraz Bladesworn53 - 55A HHumanoid  290.01%
Siegemaster Traxon
<Force Commander>
53 - 55A HUndead  10.01%
Blackbale Lookout60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Drust Dreadweaver50 - 60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Masked Soulsplitter50 - 60A HHumanoid  350.01%
Chalice Resident60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Blackbale Overseer60A HHumanoid  130.01%
Bolt60A HGiant  10.01%
Aethon51A HBeast  00.01%
Nemaeus51A HBeast  00.01%
Cloudtail51A HBeast  00.01%
Lady Viorica
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Marius
<House Redelav>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sir Geofri
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Duchess Ileana
<House Sinfang>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lord Aurel
<House Darkvein>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Ravenous Gorger60A HAberration  150.01%
Lady Ouix'Ara60A HUndead  10.01%
Mindless Animate1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Sicklethorn Slicer60A HHumanoid  420.01%
Injured Steelspine53 - 55A HUndead  90.01%
Placid Ardenmoth60A HBeast  1150.01%
Fleshscarred Scavenger53 - 55A HUndead  40.01%
Verdant Prowler60A HBeast  190.01%
Ossein Boneshaper60A HHumanoid  220.01%
Warden Eriken1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Young Matriarch60A HBeast  00.01%
Regal Mistdancer60A HHumanoid  60.01%
Wicked Oppressor60A HHumanoid  250.01%
Grand Overseer60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Grubby Dirtcruncher60A HHumanoid  110.01%
Scorched Sorcerer60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Famished Tick60A HAberration  180.01%
Insatiable Brute60A HAberration  40.01%
Vestige of Doubt60A HAberration  60.01%
Frenzied Ghoul60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Rockbound Sprite60A HHumanoid  140.01%
Chamber Sentinel60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Appraiser Vix54A HUndead  10.01%
Fleshscarred Scavenger60A HUndead  20.01%
Skittering Animite60A HAberration  590.01%
Towering Worldeater1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Anima Gorger60A HAberration  90.01%
Xav the Unfallen60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Sicklethorn Swarmer60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Sicklethorn Swarmer60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Blackhound Guard60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Bloodskin Tauralus54A HBeast  300.01%
Neonate Bonetooth54A HBeast  530.01%
Luminous Necroray53 - 55A HBeast  210.01%
Darkvowed Recruit60A HHumanoid  290.01%
Forsworn War-Captain60A HHumanoid  190.01%
Strategist Palladia60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Animated Prowler60A HMechanical  60.01%
Devour'us60A HAberration  10.01%
Surgeon Stitchflesh1 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Nalthor the Rimebinder1 - 60A HUndead  10.01%
Haassert60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Lukir60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Bubbleblood60A HAberration  10.01%
Patchwerk Soldier1 - 60A HUndead  250.01%
Nekthara the Mangler60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Pesticide1 - 60A HBeast  10.01%
<Pit Hound>
54A HBeast  10.01%
Wartusk54A HHumanoid  10.01%
Warbringer Mal'Korak60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Unbreakable Urtz54A HGiant  10.01%
Xantuth the Blighted54A HUndead  10.01%
Ti'or54A HUnspecified  10.01%
Devmorta1 - 60A HGiant  00.01%
Mistress Dyrax54A HDemon  00.01%
Possessed Guardian60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Possessed Keeper60A HHumanoid  220.01%
Possessed Tender60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Disgusting Refuse60A HUndead  150.01%
Basin Vulpin50 - 60A HBeast  160.01%
Stitched Vanguard1 - 60A HUndead  40.01%
Zolramus Sorcerer1 - 60A HHumanoid  70.01%
<The Harvester>
1 - 60A HBeast  10.01%
Gorm Secretor60A HBeast  130.01%
Burrowing Mite1 - 60A HBeast  00.01%
Redelav Servant60A HHumanoid  210.01%
Gorm Rampager60A HBeast  270.01%
Sicklethorn Zapper60A HHumanoid  270.01%
Gracefallen Tactician60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Morbid Disciple54A HHumanoid  180.01%
Enraged Glutton54A HAberration  480.01%
Desiccated Duster60A HElemental  150.01%
Forsworn Vanguard60A HHumanoid  60.01%
Forsworn Castigator60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Forsworn Mender60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Forsworn Skirmisher60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Etherdiver60A HBeast  250.01%
Forsworn Stealthclaw60A HBeast  160.01%
Forsworn Squad-Leader60A HHumanoid  60.01%
Kyrian Dark-Praetor60A HMechanical  90.01%
Young Etherwyrm53A HBeast  90.01%
Ash Crawler59A HElemental  310.01%
Zolramus Necromancer1 - 60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Zolramus Bonecarver1 - 60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Rotspew1 - 60A HUndead  10.01%
Goregrind1 - 60A HUndead  10.01%
Goregrind Bits1 - 60A HUndead  30.01%
Rotspew Leftovers1 - 60A HUndead  30.01%
Maddened Summoner59A HHumanoid  20.01%
Plaguebound Devoted54A HUndead  320.01%
Defender of Many Eyes54A HUndead  120.01%
Decaying Flesh Giant54A HUndead  30.01%
Blighted Spinebreaker54A HUndead  40.01%
Ravenous Thirstlurker59A HAberration  210.01%
Gnarlbranch Wrecker60A HHumanoid  330.01%
Dustwilt Acidmaw60A HBeast  70.01%
Dustwilt Scythehorn60A HBeast  70.01%
Darkwarren Slicer60A HBeast  100.01%
Darkwarren Bulwark60A HBeast  160.01%
Darkwarren Spitter60A HBeast  110.01%
Rage Siphoner60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Manifestation of Rage60A HAberration  160.01%
Gormtamer Tizo60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Chompy60A HBeast  00.01%
Ambitious Duelist60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Echelon58A HHumanoid  10.01%
Morbid Ritualist54A HHumanoid  570.01%
Goliath Shieldguard60A HMechanical  70.01%
Forsworn Looter60A HHumanoid  110.01%
Forsworn Vandal60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Dealer Xy'exa60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Mistcaller56A HHumanoid  10.01%
Shambling Arbalest60A HUndead  30.01%
Tred'ova60A HBeast  10.01%
Ashen Ravager59A HHumanoid  200.01%
Shard of Halkias58A HElemental  30.01%
Hakkar the Soulflayer60A HBeast  10.01%
Depraved Houndmaster58A HHumanoid  110.01%
Vicious Gargon58A HBeast  210.01%
Ingra Maloch56A HHumanoid  10.01%
Katia59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Ravenous Blightwing58 - 60A HAberration  350.01%
Pestilence Slime54A HAberration  60.01%
Forsworn Appraiser60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Brood Ambusher54A HHumanoid  40.01%
Battlesewn Flesh60A HUndead  350.01%
Chosen Protector53A HHumanoid  740.01%
Flayedwing Scout53A HUndead  180.01%
Veteran Boneshield60A HHumanoid  240.01%
Spriggan Mendbender60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Margrave's Runner53A HUndead  70.01%
Spriggan Barkbinder60A HHumanoid  210.01%
Weald Shimmermoth60A HBeast  80.01%
Runestag Elderhorn60A HBeast  40.01%
Juvenile Miredeer56A HBeast  110.01%
Mire Runestag56A HBeast  140.01%
Flayedwing Handler53 - 55A HHumanoid  80.01%
Chosen Ragebringer60A HHumanoid  560.01%
Ritual Runeweaver60A HHumanoid  240.01%
Atrok the Ashen
<Smelt Master>
60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Captain Kaldrage60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Prime Siegecrafter60A HHumanoid  250.01%
Drust Soulcleaver56A HHumanoid  80.01%
Drust Harvester56A HHumanoid  80.01%
Drust Boughbreaker56A HAberration  40.01%
Burning Extract54A HAberration  280.01%
Evaala the All-Seeing60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Rotbriar Scrapper60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Rotbriar Tormentor60A HHumanoid  150.01%
Mymaen60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Rapacious Etherwyrm52A HBeast  320.01%
Withering Etherwyrm52A HBeast  420.01%
Gluttonous Tick60A HAberration  80.01%
Wounded Forest Guardian60A HBeast  10.01%
Drust Spiteclaw56A HAberration  120.01%
Zolramus Gatekeeper1 - 60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Blight Bag1 - 60A HUndead  200.01%
Rotbriar Tormentor55A HHumanoid  00.01%
Prideful Hulk58A HAberration  00.01%
Prideful Leecher58A HAberration  00.01%
Skeletal Monstrosity1 - 60A HUndead  10.01%
Warstitched Guard53 - 55A HUndead  290.01%
Zolramus Bonemender1 - 60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Honored Duelist60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Noble Courtier60A HHumanoid  190.01%
Royal Arcanist60A HHumanoid  220.01%
Fallen Legionnaire1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Forsworn Javelineer1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Forsworn Watcher51 - 53A HHumanoid  150.01%
Hulking Fleshwarden54A HUndead  240.01%
Malignant Spriggan55A HHumanoid  120.01%
Vicious Spriggan55A HHumanoid  150.01%
Egg-Tender Erys56A HBeast  10.01%
Depraved Obliterator58A HHumanoid  210.01%
Toiling Groundskeeper58A HHumanoid  430.01%
Gorm Harrier56A HBeast  440.01%
Nathrian Enforcer60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Nathrian Executor60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Nathrian Duelist60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Nathrian Siphoner60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Bloodtusk Alpha54A HBeast  140.01%
Nathrian Assassin60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Court Enforcer60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Court Assassin60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Court Hierarch60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Depraved Darkblade58A HHumanoid  160.01%
Depraved Collector58A HHumanoid  40.01%
Sour Suckle54A HHumanoid  10.01%
Bloated Corpselouse54A HHumanoid  130.01%
Baroness Antolyte60A HUndead  10.01%
Brittlebark Manifestation56A HAberration  270.01%
Glen Grazer55A HBeast  270.01%
Champion Shenrak
<Experimental Construct>
53 - 55A HUndead  10.01%
Manor Leecher60A HHumanoid  110.01%
Callous Peacekeeper60A HHumanoid  130.01%
Cruel Collector60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Taskmaster Matyas
<House Briarbane>
58A HHumanoid  10.01%
Flesh Crafter1 - 60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Runestag56A HBeast  500.01%
Loyal Creation1 - 60A HUndead  20.01%
Skeletal Marauder1 - 60A HUndead  50.01%
Stoneborn Eviscerator60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Mordretha, the Endless Empress60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Ebon Crawler58A HBeast  160.01%
Returned Terror50 - 60A HUndead  120.01%
Blood Troll Revenant50 - 60A HUndead  140.01%
Boggart50 - 60A HAberration  80.01%
Honored Duelist58 - 60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Privileged Contributor60A HHumanoid  270.01%
Blighted Fadeblade50 - 60A HHumanoid  460.01%
Lowly Debtor60A HHumanoid  160.01%
Rotbriar Manifestation60A HAberration  70.01%
Adonias1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Forsworn Oracle1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Runestag60A HBeast  710.01%
Primordial Sludge60A HAberration  250.01%
Beckoned Doubt1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Spare Parts1 - 60A HUndead  70.01%
Mistveil Shaper56A HHumanoid  90.01%
Mistveil Guardian56A HHumanoid  140.01%
Bog Beast60A HAberration  00.01%
Mistveil Tender56A HHumanoid  120.01%
Corpse Harvester1 - 60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Seed Harvester56A HHumanoid  320.01%
Slime Giant60A HAberration  90.01%
Snarlthorn Trickster60A HHumanoid  290.01%
Decaying Sorcerer60A HUndead  160.01%
Decaying Soldier60A HUndead  260.01%
Green Slime60A HAberration  580.01%
Noble Skirmisher60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Empowered Warflesh53 - 55A HUndead  150.01%
Stitchyard Apprentice53 - 55A HUndead  60.01%
Royal Squire58 - 60A HHumanoid  60.01%
Abhorrent Butcher53 - 55A HUndead  210.01%
Famu the Infinite1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Adjudicator of Guilt58A HHumanoid  20.01%
Bladewing Guard58A HHumanoid  20.01%
Bladewing Guard58A HHumanoid  120.01%
Briarbane Footman59A HHumanoid  220.01%
Briarbane Cavalier58A HHumanoid  50.01%
Manifestation of Greed58A HAberration  00.01%
Enforcer Asorius60A HMechanical  20.01%
Colossal Feaster54A HAberration  60.01%
Bristlecone Terror60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Forsworn Investigator51 - 53A HHumanoid  70.01%
Converted Praetor51 - 53A HMechanical  310.01%
Dark Goliath51 - 53A HMechanical  40.01%
Forsworn Researcher51 - 53A HHumanoid  90.01%
Decrepit Bilespawn53A HUndead  80.01%
Skullboar Spinebreaker53A HBeast  90.01%
Bonewrought Thrasher53 - 55A HUndead  110.01%
Hulking Warflesh53 - 55A HUndead  70.01%
Undying Soldier53A HUndead  260.01%
Blackthorn Barbslinger50 - 60A HHumanoid  140.01%
Blackthorn Needler50 - 60A HHumanoid  190.01%
Battlesewn Flesh53 - 55A HUndead  70.01%
Wingflayer the Cruel60A HUndead  00.01%
Blackthorn Witch Doctor50 - 60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Noisul of Many Faces
<Mueh'zala's Chosen>
50 - 60A HAberration  10.01%
Shifting Horror
<Servant of Mueh'zala>
50 - 60A HAberration  130.01%
Spinemaw Staghorn60A HBeast  70.01%
Spinemaw Acidgullet60A HBeast  130.01%
Spinemaw Reaver60A HBeast  130.01%
Spinemaw Larva60A HBeast  240.01%
Stalk Feeder60A HElemental  360.01%
Bristlecone Bone-Breaker60A HHumanoid  130.01%
Bristlecone Henchfiend60A HHumanoid  400.01%
Grand Arcanist Dimitri60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Shrouded Ritualist59A HHumanoid  40.01%
Venomous Sniper54A HUndead  70.01%
Carved Intimidator60A HBeast  180.01%
High Priest Rakazodu60A HUndead  10.01%
Madstitch Surgeon60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Stoneborn Slasher58A HHumanoid  40.01%
Stonefiend Anklebiter58A HHumanoid  250.01%
Stoneborn Eviscerator58A HHumanoid  60.01%
Stoneborn Reaver58A HHumanoid  60.01%
Depraved Darkblade58A HHumanoid  20.01%
Drustfallen Reaver60A HHumanoid  140.01%
Drust Shadowflayer60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Drust Lurker60A HAberration  280.01%
Forgotten Watcher60A HBeast  00.01%
Forgotten Guardian60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Rotbriar Boggart56A HAberration  10.01%
Rootwrithe60A HElemental  10.01%
Separation Assistant1 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Inquisitor Sigar58A HHumanoid  10.01%
Manifestation of Envy1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Stone Legion Warden60A HHumanoid  260.01%
Infectious Monstrosity54A HAberration  20.01%
Sanguine Cadet60A HHumanoid  130.01%
Dark Acolyte60A HHumanoid  240.01%
Defunct Dental Drill60A HMechanical  20.01%
Headless Client60A HMechanical  40.01%
4.RF-4.RF60A HMechanical  10.01%
Sentient Oil60A HAberration  30.01%
Ossified Conscript60A HUndead  40.01%
Sabriel the Bonecleaver60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Plagueroc54A HBeast  100.01%
Abandoned Ash Ghoul59A HHumanoid  30.01%
Territorial Shimmermoth60A HBeast  670.01%
Forsworn Goliath60A HMechanical  80.01%
Scavenging Bonemauler59A HBeast  400.01%
Scavenging Alpha59A HBeast  120.01%
Moldovaak60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Parched Gorger58A HAberration  60.01%
Thirsting Mite59A HAberration  160.01%
Hopebreaker Mursa59A HHumanoid  10.01%
Plaguebelcher54A HAberration  10.01%
Forsworn Inquisitor60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Forsworn Champion60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Cloudstrider Grazer51A HBeast  290.01%
Brittlebark Mischief-Maker56A HHumanoid  00.01%
Blackhound Defender60A HHumanoid  60.01%
Blackhound Sentry60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Fungi Stormer54A HHumanoid  40.01%
Pestilent Harvester54A HHumanoid  20.01%
Fungalmancer54A HHumanoid  30.01%
Plagueborer54A HHumanoid  60.01%
Etheric Custodian1 - 60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Starving Shadowstalker50 - 60A HBeast  220.01%
Plaguebinder54A HHumanoid  110.01%
Razorweb Weaver60A HBeast  50.01%
Depraved Cryptkeeper60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Horrific Bonemauler58A HBeast  310.01%
Forsworn Helion60A HHumanoid  40.01%
<The Atrocity>
53 - 55A HUndead  10.01%
Forsworn Justicar60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Forsworn Warden60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Engorged Fearspinner60A HBeast  40.01%
Rotting Deathwalker59A HBeast  230.01%
Hulking Doomfang59A HBeast  30.01%
Wretched Plagueborer54A HHumanoid  40.01%
Virulax Blightweaver54A HHumanoid  10.01%
Enraged Spirit60A HUndead  20.01%
Death Speaker60A HUndead  20.01%
Risen Bonesoldier60A HUndead  80.01%
Risen Cultist60A HUndead  70.01%
Noble Patron60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Contender Karnek60A HBeast  10.01%
Contender Brahn60A HBeast  10.01%
Contender Melia60A HBeast  10.01%
Anima-Starved Stalker50 - 60A HBeast  170.01%
Armory Sentinel60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Blighted Invader50 - 60A HHumanoid  200.01%
Witherscorn Defiler50 - 60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Silverwing Hunter60A HBeast  10.01%
Copperfur Vulpin51 - 53A HBeast  190.01%
Sloughskin Nymph54A HHumanoid  320.01%
Devouring Sloughskin54A HHumanoid  500.01%
Ravenous Destroyer60A HAberration  00.01%
Ravenous Leechwing58 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Manifestation of Fatigue60A HAberration  280.01%
Etherwyrm Scavenger51 - 53A HBeast  240.01%
Mire Soldier54A HHumanoid  60.01%
Vibrant Ardenmoth60A HBeast  690.01%
Voracious Lasher60A HElemental  540.01%
Invasive Terror60A HElemental  50.01%
Blighted Lurker56A HAberration  210.01%
Ickor Bileflesh54A HHumanoid  20.01%
Risen Warlord60A HUndead  30.01%
Runestalker56A HBeast  250.01%
Putrid Butcher60A HUndead  40.01%
Prideful Hoplite60A HHumanoid  150.01%
Gorm Slicer60A HBeast  00.01%
Manifestation of Dread1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Unsettled Etherwyrm1 - 60A HBeast  180.01%
Glimmerfur Vulpin60A HBeast  160.01%
Glimmerfur Denwatcher60A HBeast  140.01%
Exposed Boggart60A HAberration  240.01%
Blighted Ravager58A HHumanoid  80.01%
Pearlshell Snapper60A HBeast  420.01%
Juvenile Runedeer56A HBeast  300.01%
Runestag56A HBeast  60.01%
Spirited Skymane60A HBeast  380.01%
Argentwing Larion51 - 53A HBeast  190.01%
Argentwing Hunter60A HBeast  120.01%
Silverplume Grazer60A HBeast  640.01%
Flourishing Hydra56A HElemental  120.01%
Diseased Galescreamer53 - 55A HBeast  200.01%
Atal'ai Deathwalker60A HUndead  40.01%
Atal'ai Devoted60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Atal'ai High Priest60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Silky Ardenmoth60A HBeast  580.01%
Paleskull Hauler53A HUndead  670.01%
Ronn the Gray
<Supply Taskmaster>
53A HHumanoid  20.01%
Atal'ai Hoodoo Hexxer60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Siege Captain53A HHumanoid  180.01%
Forsworn Steward60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Tome of War54A HUnspecified  120.01%
Diseased Horror60A HUndead  30.01%
Withering Ardenmoth56A HBeast  410.01%
Blighted Subduer50 - 60A HAberration  250.01%
Gorged Decayfly56A HBeast  110.01%
Withering Ardenmoth56A HBeast  180.01%
Unyielding Contender60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Dustwilt Needler1 - 60A HBeast  00.01%
Highland Bull58A HBeast  120.01%
Possessed Fae60A HHumanoid  180.01%
Possessed Sylvar60A HHumanoid  270.01%
Mistveil Deceiver60A HAberration  00.01%
Bone Magus60A HUndead  120.01%
Flayedwing Screamer53 - 55A HBeast  620.01%
Shimmering Wader57A HBeast  280.01%
Chosen Vindicator54A HHumanoid  110.01%
Chosen Outfitter53A HUndead  320.01%
Cloudfeather Guardian1 - 60A HBeast  10.01%
War-gorm60A HBeast  00.01%
Bristlecone Raider60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Bristlecone Swarmling60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Bristlecone Herder60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Battleforged Tauralus53A HBeast  60.01%
Flame Keeper53A HUndead  180.01%
Ragerider Battlehorn60A HBeast  120.01%
Package-Snatcher60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Venthyr Brawler1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Ash Ghoul Scratcher60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Naeda Crane
<Supply Overseer>
53A HUndead  20.01%
Prodigious Animate54A HAberration  10.01%
Territorial Bladebeak60A HBeast  200.01%
Bookkeeper Mnemis51 - 53A HMechanical  10.01%
Malfunctioning Clawguard52A HMechanical  10.01%
Brittlebone Warrior1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Zolramus Sorcerer1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Juvenile Runestag60A HBeast  80.01%
Bladebeak Matriarch60A HBeast  40.01%
Vyraz Chosen53A HHumanoid  300.01%
Head Custodian Javlin60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Furious Alphahoof1 - 60A HBeast  70.01%
Eye of Vyraz53A HHumanoid  160.01%
Dreadful Huntmaster60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Stonewall Gargon60A HBeast  80.01%
Skeletal Vestige54A HUndead  90.01%
Drustcrazed Tender60A HHumanoid  270.01%
Drustcrazed Keeper60A HHumanoid  150.01%
Congealed Plague60A HAberration  00.01%
Depths Warden60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Angry Egg-Tender1 - 60A HBeast  00.01%
Shifting Boggart60A HAberration  110.01%
Boggart Mirelurker60A HAberration  100.01%
Tangled Mistcreeper60A HElemental  70.01%
Terrified Guardian60A HBeast  170.01%
Frightened Gladestalker60A HBeast  100.01%
Unnerved Wader60A HBeast  130.01%
Fog-Frenzied Gladestalker60A HBeast  50.01%
Mist-Maddened Wader60A HBeast  50.01%
Oakheart Drust-Taken60A HHumanoid  210.01%
Oakheart Soul-Eater60A HHumanoid  140.01%
Oakheart Nightscreamer60A HHumanoid  130.01%
Oaken Crusher60A HAberration  40.01%
Silverplume Drifter51 - 53A HBeast  150.01%
Grove Disruptor60A HAberration  100.01%
Masked Hunter60A HHumanoid  60.01%
Blighted Carver60A HHumanoid  220.01%
Maniacal Infuser53 - 55A HHumanoid  130.01%
Madstitch Fleshcrafter1 - 60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Cankerous Hurler1 - 60A HUndead  80.01%
Wretched Assistant53 - 55A HUndead  200.01%
<The Hammer>
60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Spinemaw Gorger60A HBeast  110.01%
Chosen Warhound60A HBeast  110.01%
Flayedwing Fleshripper60A HBeast  120.01%
Master Runeshaper60A HUndead  210.01%
Runebladed Reaper60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Chosen Siegeworker60A HUndead  180.01%
Necromantic Dissident60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Scathely60A HUndead  10.01%
Enchanted Oculus60A HAberration  230.01%
Lichsworn Guardian60A HUndead  1010.01%
Lichsworn Sentry60A HUndead  230.01%
Lichsworn Champion60A HUndead  300.01%
Necrotic Acolyte60A HHumanoid  310.01%
Necrotic Sorcerer60A HHumanoid  370.01%
Animated Bonewarden60A HUndead  70.01%
Animated Drudge60A HUndead  590.01%
Emaciated Etherwyrm52A HBeast  200.01%
Muckpool Vandal60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Muckpool Investigator60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Doubtful Acolyte60A HHumanoid  210.01%
Lurking Alpha59A HBeast  60.01%
Horrible Recollection60A HAberration  70.01%
Sybigone the Awakened60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Wildbough Juvenile60A HBeast  330.01%
Kyrian Stitchwerk1 - 60A HUndead  20.01%
Corpse Collector1 - 60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Stitching Assistant1 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Ferocious Nestkeeper60A HBeast  00.01%
Dread Feaster60A HAberration  30.01%
Gorging Mite60A HAberration  40.01%
Winged Ravager60A HAberration  20.01%
Nathrian Hawkeye60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Court Hawkeye60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Stone Legion Commando60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Hargitas60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Dragost60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Deplina60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Fara60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Kullan60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Studious Acolyte60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Animated Marrowhound60A HUndead  50.01%
Anima Crazed Worker60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Escaped Blightray60A HBeast  220.01%
Sinister Antiquarian60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Nathrian Conservator60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Nathrian Registrar60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Nathrian Archivist60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Nathrian Gargon60A HBeast  30.01%
Broker Tradesman
<Cartel Ba>
1 - 60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Caravan Guard
<Cartel Ba>
1 - 60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Glowgullet Bull60A HBeast  110.01%
Rat of Unusual Size60A HBeast  40.01%
Sewer Rat60A HBeast  290.01%
Carved Assistant60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Chosen Gatewatch53A HHumanoid  130.01%
Chosen Initiate53A HHumanoid  400.01%
Nathrian Soldier60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Nathrian Tracker60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Bonefused Rampager60A HUndead  230.01%
Executrix Ophelia60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Hulking Gargon60A HBeast  20.01%
Kennel Overseer60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Vicious Gargon60A HBeast  20.01%
Nathrian Hierarch60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Nathrian Gargon Rider60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Nathrian Ranger60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Nathrian Singuard60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Darkfront Reaver1 - 60A HHumanoid  60.01%
Darkfront Crawler1 - 60A HAberration  210.01%
Court Executor60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Battlefield Ritualist60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Court Executor60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Blighted Sludge-Spewer60A HUndead  60.01%
Andromede, Herald of the Forsworn51 - 53A HHumanoid  10.01%
Kennel Overseer60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Condensed Mucus60A HAberration  00.01%
Territorial Wader57A HBeast  250.01%
Blighted Conqueror60A HHumanoid  110.01%
Invasive Creeper60A HAberration  130.01%
Possessed Grovetender60A HHumanoid  370.01%
Ingra Krazic60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Belligerent Waiter60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Stoneborn Maitre D'60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Morbid Boneguard1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Skittering Leecher54A HAberration  470.01%
Depraved Carver60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Guarantor60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Usher60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Depraved Archivist60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Depraved Cryptkeeper60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Depraved Epicure60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Silent Proctor60A HBeast  50.01%
Depraved Caregiver60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Depraved Soulflayer60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Depraved Witness60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Blighted Horror58 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
Dustwilt Consumer58 - 60A HBeast  00.01%
<The Dark Gaoler>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Soulscream Tormentor60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Mawsworn Embermage60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Mawsworn Flamehand60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Shadowsteel Goliath60A HUndead  20.01%
Shadowsteel Colossus60A HUndead  30.01%
Mawsworn Soulmage60A HHumanoid  210.01%
Weaponmaster Hyrev60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Starving Corpsehound60A HBeast  240.01%
Helsworn Inquisitor60A HHumanoid  200.01%
Mawsworn Deathsinger60A HUndead  60.01%
Maldraxxi Defector60A HHumanoid  400.01%
Helsworn Beastlord60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Chained Dusksavage60A HBeast  240.01%
Helsworn Soulbreaker60A HHumanoid  290.01%
Crested Gromit60A HBeast  510.01%
Empowered Ravager60A HUndead  150.01%
Mawsworn Harbinger60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Razorwing Nestguard60A HBeast  30.01%
Ravenous Scavenger60A HAberration  300.01%
Mawsworn Warden60A HHumanoid  160.01%
Mawsworn Interrogator60A HHumanoid  270.01%
Ravenous Gorger60A HAberration  130.01%
Ironkeeper Salryx60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Mawsworn Corruptor60A HHumanoid  220.01%
Mawsworn Mutilator60A HUndead  310.01%
Mawsworn Torturer60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Colossal Worldeater60A HAberration  20.01%
Shardhide Brute60A HBeast  150.01%
Shardhide Growler60A HBeast  400.01%
Helsworn Dominator60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Forsworn Prisoner60A HHumanoid  100.01%
Flamewrath Soulshatterer
<Soulforge Lieutenant>
60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Predatory Razorwing60A HBeast  100.01%
Mawsworn Flametender60A HHumanoid  00.01%
<Tormentor of Torghast>
60A HUndead  00.01%
Sentinel Pyrophus
<Tormentor of Torghast>
60A HUndead  00.01%
Zelnithop60A HBeast  00.01%
Shardhide Mauler60A HBeast  100.01%
Shardhide Dominator60A HBeast  80.01%
Shardhide Pulverizer60A HBeast  10.01%
Mawsworn Cleaver60A HHumanoid  370.01%
Stygian Bombarder60A HElemental  80.01%
Mawsworn Shadetwister60A HHumanoid  120.01%
Mawsworn Eyeripper60A HHumanoid  210.01%
Mawsworn Obliterator60A HUndead  30.01%
Avowed Soulbreaker60A HHumanoid  170.01%
Chained Bonesculpter60A HUndead  100.01%
Maldraxxi Bulwark60A HUndead  240.01%
<Child of Guarm>
60A HBeast  10.01%
Soulrot Chorus
<Mort'regar Lieutenant>
60A HUndead  00.01%
<Child of Guarm>
60A HBeast  10.01%
<Child of Guarm>
60A HBeast  10.01%
<Child of Guarm>
60A HBeast  10.01%
<Mate of Guarm>
60A HBeast  10.01%
<Child of Guarm>
60A HBeast  10.01%
Xorul the Insatiable60A HAberration  00.01%
Ritualist Vexicon60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Ritualist Asmea60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Nimble Scavenger60A HAberration  190.01%
Melded Gorger60A HAberration  110.01%
Mindseize Controller60A HAberration  60.01%
Painbringer Volklana60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Mawsworn Gatekeeper1 - 60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Ensydius the Defiler1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Valdinar the Curseborn60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Hungering Behemoth60A HAberration  10.01%
Lord Azzorak1 - 60A HDemon  00.01%
Malleus Grakizz
<Tormentor of Torghast>
60A HGiant  00.01%
<Tormentor of Torghast>
60A HBeast  00.01%
Versya the Damned
<Tormentor of Torghast>
60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Frostsoul Guardian
<Coldheart Lieutenant>
60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Mugrem the Soul Devourer
<Tormentor of Torghast>
60A HAberration  00.01%
Mawsworn Wingsoldier60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Mawsworn Shackler60A HHumanoid  20.01%
Mawsworn Lancer60A HHumanoid  50.01%
Maw Assassin60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Flameforge Master1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Stygian Punisher60A HElemental  10.01%
Lieutenant Voxiferus60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Shardhide Den Mother60A HBeast  30.01%
Shardhide Cub60A HBeast  130.01%
Shardhide Alpha60A HBeast  130.01%
Fierce Gromit60A HBeast  320.01%
Shardhide Growler60A HBeast  240.01%
Mawsworn Outrider1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Flameforged Summoner1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Shadecoat Ridgeback60A HBeast  90.01%
Interrogator Tzench1 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
<Keeper of Screams>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Mawsworn Runesmith60A HHumanoid  150.01%
Mawsworn Vanguard60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Hungering Manifestation60A HUndead  1890.01%
Soulstarved Shadower60A HUndead  610.01%
Famished Darkness60A HUndead  290.01%
Lady Nalis
<Will Breaker>
1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Maldraxxi Harvester60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Sentinel Shakorzeth
<Tormentor of Torghast>
60A HUndead  00.01%
Zul'gath the Flayer
<Tormentor of Torghast>
60A HGiant  00.01%
Razorwing Matriarch60A HBeast  30.01%
Algel the Haunter
<Tormentor of Torghast>
60A HUndead  00.01%
Manifestation of Pain
<Tormentor of Torghast>
60A HAberration  00.01%
Grimtalon60A HBeast  10.01%
Ripmaul60A HBeast  10.01%
Tormented Demolisher60A HGiant  40.01%
Kroke the Tormented60A HGiant  10.01%
Burning Shade60A HUndead  10.01%
Skullspike Devastator60A HUndead  20.01%
Mawsworn Steelshaper1 - 60A HHumanoid  80.01%
Mawsworn Harbinger60A HHumanoid  230.01%
Oizys1 - 60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Mawsworn Siphoner60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Konthrogz the Obliterator60A HAberration  00.01%
Screaming Shade60A HUndead  00.01%
Malbog60A HBeast  10.01%
<Lord of Shades>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Towering Exterminator60A HUndead  00.01%
Consumption60A HElemental  00.01%
Yarxhov the Pillager60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Traitor Balthier
<Maldraxxi Champion>
60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Mawsworn Maul1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Mawsworn Siphoner1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Soulless Vengeance60A HUndead  720.01%
Xyraxz the Unknowable60A HAberration  10.01%
Deathseeker Eye60A HMechanical  30.01%
Silent Soulstalker60A HUndead  00.01%
Deadsoul Hatcher60A HAberration  00.01%
Observer Yorik60A HAberration  10.01%
Relic Breaker Krelva60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Stygian Stonecrusher60A HElemental  00.01%
Opportunistic Mutilator1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Opportunistic Corruptor1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Opportunistic Torturer1 - 60A HUndead  00.01%
Wild Worldcracker1 - 60A HAberration  00.01%
<Lord of the Heap>
60A HBeast  00.01%
Invading Scavenger60A HAberration  00.01%
Invading Shade60A HUndead  00.01%
Mawsworn Scryer60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Tangling Bloom60A HElemental  220.01%
Reliwik the Defiant60A HBeast  10.01%
Carriage Crusher60A HUndead  00.01%
Mawsworn Arbalest60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Mawsworn Paindrinker60A HHumanoid  70.01%
Mawsworn Rageguard60A HHumanoid  90.01%
Gorgoan Souldrinker60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Gorgoan Sentinel60A HHumanoid  130.01%
Mawsworn Axeguard60A HHumanoid  150.01%
Loom Artificer1 - 60A HHumanoid  30.01%
Feeding Horror1 - 60A HUndead  40.01%
Unstoppable Abomination60A HUndead  60.01%
Soul Reaver1 - 60A HUndead  30.01%
Shardhide Alpha60A HBeast  80.01%
Hollow Gromit60A HBeast  190.01%
Mawsworn Drudge1 - 60A HHumanoid  00.01%
Mawsworn Infuser60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Terrorspine60A HBeast  10.01%
Dreadmaw60A HBeast  10.01%
Frothing Hound60A HBeast  40.01%
Consumed Soul60A HUndead  80.01%
High Torturer60A HHumanoid  40.01%
Twisted Warden60A HUndead  40.01%
Automa Mender60A HMechanical  110.01%
Punisher Makaris60A HHumanoid  10.01%
Automa Protector60A HMechanical  100.01%