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Scavenged Animal Parts

  • Item Level 30
    • Sell Price 17 44

Quick Facts
  • Added in 4.0.3
Dropped by (481)Items with same icon (5)
CreatureLevelReactTypeZonePatchSpawnsDrop chance
Captain Florence30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 139%
Wildhammer Lookout30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 127.3%
Twilight Bladetwister
<Twilight's Hammer>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 7.0.3 022%
Highbank Marksman30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 514.3%
Faceless Guardian1 - 60A HAberration 4.0.3 011.6%
Highbank Marksman30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 111.4%
Tidebreaker Sailor30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 1011.1%
Intrepid Deckhand30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 511.1%
Commander Largo30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 19.7%
Twilight Flamequencher30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 269.5%
Twilight Abductor30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 259.3%
Glopgut Hurler30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 129%
Thog30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 19%
Jailed Wrathguard30 - 35A HDemonTol Barad4.0.3 18.9%
Problim30 - 35A HGiantTol Barad4.0.1 38.9%
Foreman Wellson30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 38.8%
Horrorguard30 - 35A HDemonMount Hyjal4.0.1 118.8%
Depths Overseer30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 18.7%
Horde Shaman Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 318.7%
Narkrall Rakeclaw30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 28.7%
Horde Rogue Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 198.6%
Suspicious Villager30 - 35A HHumanoidTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 528.6%
Krazzworks Sky Marshall1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.1 38.6%
Highbank Marksman30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 108.6%
Overlook Spectre30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 128.5%
Horde Druid Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 238.5%
Enslaved Horde Mage30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 58.4%
Alliance Mage Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 28.4%
Horde Mage Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 208.4%
Omak'Tul30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 28.3%
Angered Spirit1 - 60A HUndead 4.0.3 08.3%
Alliance Paladin Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 58.3%
Apprehensive Worker30 - 35A HHumanoidTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 458.3%
Tidebreaker Deckhand30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 18.3%
Overlook Spirit30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 138.2%
Furious Specter30 - 35A HUndeadUldum4.0.1 108.2%
Imprisoned Worker35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 208.2%
Alliance Hunter Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 48.2%
Highbank Prison Guard30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 78.2%
Twilight Dragonspawn30 - 35A HDragonkinDeepholm4.0.1 58.1%
Bloodeye Brute30 - 35A HGiantTwilight Highlands4.0.3 758.1%
Twilight Vindicator30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 358.1%
Shipwrecked Sailor30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 198.1%
Keep Lord Farson30 - 35A HHumanoidTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 28.1%
Exiled Mage35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 558.1%
Ghastly Convict35A HUndeadTol Barad4.0.3 68.1%
Captain Margun30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 18.1%
Glopgut Pounder30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 268.1%
Schnottz Infantryman30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 228.1%
Enslaved Horde Pearl Miner30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 208%
Corrupted Elementalist30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 328%
Citadel Veteran30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 278%
Restless Soldier30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 738%
Schnottz Rifleman30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 218%
<The Black>
30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 18%
Captive Spirit35A HUndeadTol Barad4.0.3 378%
Cell Watcher30 - 35A HDemonTol Barad4.0.3 18%
Rustberg Bandit30 - 35A HHumanoidTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 198%
Warlord Ihsenn30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 18%
Okrog30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.3 17.9%
First Lieutenant Connor30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 37.9%
Ghastly Worker30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 117.9%
Warden Guard35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 27.9%
Glopgut Pounder30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 167.9%
Tidebreaker Sailor30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 197.9%
Twilight Scavenger30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 57.8%
Twilight Shadeprowler30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 77.8%
Crazed Soldier30 - 35A HHumanoidTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 377.8%
Alliance Sea-Scout30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 167.7%
Shaman of the Black30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 167.7%
Shivarra Destroyer30 - 35A HDemonTol Barad4.0.3 17.7%
Imprisoned Imp30 - 35A HDemonTol Barad4.0.3 287.7%
Captain Kronkh30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 17.7%
Twilight Bonebreaker30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 337.6%
Twilight Abductor30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 147.6%
Twilight Ettin
<Bloodeye Clan>
30 - 35A HGiantTwilight Highlands4.0.3 567.6%
Thundermar Gryphon Rider30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 137.6%
Twilight Miner30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 27.6%
Restless Infantry30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 307.6%
Ghastly Scavenger30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 127.6%
Twilight Soulreaper30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.3 17.5%
Twilight Duskwarden30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 27.5%
Twilight Defiler30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.3 507.5%
Twilight Pillager30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 17.5%
Twilight Miner30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 47.5%
Schnottz Excavator30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 227.5%
Twilight Duskwarden30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 247.4%
Twilight Bloodsmith30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 57.4%
Eternal Protector30 - 35A HUndeadUldum4.0.1 907.4%
Wildhammer Raider30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 817.4%
Hovel Shadowcaster30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 77.3%
Twilight Infiltrator30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.3 37.3%
Neph'Lahim30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 17.3%
Highbank Skirmisher30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 37.3%
Faceless Soulclaimer30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 147.3%
Wildhammer Battle-Healer30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 37.3%
Thundermar Gryphon Rider30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 17.3%
Captain P. Harris30 - 35A HUndeadTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 17.3%
Thundermar Defender30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 17.3%
Captain Cork30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 17.3%
Dragonmaw Skyclaw30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 287.3%
Axebite Infantry30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 567.3%
Twilight Scorchlord30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 667.2%
Sku'Bu30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 17.2%
Hellscream Seadog30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 77.2%
Twilight Laborer30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 177.2%
Stone Trogg Digger30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 317.2%
Highbank Marine30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 407.2%
Axebite Marine30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 437.2%
Bloodeye Magelord
<Bloodeye Clan>
30 - 35A HGiantTwilight Highlands4.0.3 327.2%
Twilight Trapper30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 47.2%
Highland Black Drake30 - 35A HDragonkinTwilight Highlands4.0.1 107.2%
Hellscream's Sentry30 - 35A HHumanoidTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 37.2%
Glopgut Basher30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 117.2%
Highbank Guardsman30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 627.2%
Twilight Priestess30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 87.1%
Bloodgorged Ettin
<Bloodeye Clan>
30 - 35A HGiantTwilight Highlands4.0.3 47.1%
Twilight Ambusher30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 77.1%
Warden's Sentry30 - 35A HHumanoidTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 67.1%
Evolved Drakonaar35A HDragonkin The Bastion of Twilight4.0.3 27.1%
Twilight Stormcaller30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 277%
Twilight Retainer30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.3 157%
Twilight Binder30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 317%
Schnottz Air Trooper30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 217%
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 17%
Schnottz Overseer30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 107%
Bilgewater Gunman
<Bilgewater Battalion>
30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 77%
Flamewaker Sentinel32 - 35A HHumanoidMolten Front4.2.0 87%
Flamewaker Shaman32 - 35A HHumanoidMolten Front4.2.0 57%
Flamewaker Assassin32 - 35A HHumanoidMolten Front4.2.0 47%
Twilight Assassin30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.3 126.9%
Horrorguard30 - 35A HDemonMount Hyjal4.0.3 246.9%
Twilight Inferno Lord30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.3 146.9%
Shadowflame Master30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 116.9%
Boldrich Stonerender30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.3 16.9%
Stone Trogg Ambusher30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 1226.9%
Twilight Abductor30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 156.9%
Twilight Portal Shaper
<The Twilight's Hammer>
35A HHumanoid The Bastion of Twilight4.0.3 46.9%
Indentured Protector30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 106.9%
Twilight Rogue30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 16.9%
Schnottz's Landing Laborer30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 516.9%
Twilight Vanquisher30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 616.8%
Twilight Slavedriver1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.1 06.8%
Hovel Brute30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 106.8%
Deep Corruptor30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.3 336.8%
Twilight Scalesister30 - 35A HDragonkinDeepholm4.0.1 46.8%
Needlerock Mystic30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.3 316.8%
Schnottz's Landing Laborer30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 416.8%
Glopgut Hurler30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 76.8%
Skyshredder Crewmember30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 36.8%
Dark Iron Laborer30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 156.7%
Salty Dog30 - 35A HUndeadKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 116.7%
Undead Officer30 - 35A HUndeadKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 96.7%
Twilight Saboteur30 - 35A HHumanoid 4.0.1 146.7%
Needlerock Rider30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 226.7%
Stone Trogg Earthrager30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 76.7%
Schnottz Elite Trooper30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.3 286.7%
Twilight Flamecaller30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 286.6%
Twilight Hunter30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 206.6%
Faceless Defiler30 - 35A HAberrationAbyssal Depths4.0.3 116.6%
Dragul Giantbutcher30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 16.6%
Stone Trogg Berserker30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 1946.6%
Stone Trogg Geomancer30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 1026.6%
Twilight Centurion30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 446.6%
Twilight Spearwarder30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 276.6%
Twilight Augur30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.3 166.5%
Iron Reaper Deckhand30 - 35A HHumanoidVashj'ir4.0.3 46.5%
Ur'Goz30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 16.4%
Verlok Grubthumper30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 1106.4%
Twilight Cryptomancer30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 306.4%
Axebite Grunt30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 36.4%
Dragonmaw Defender30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 306.4%
Twilight Spearwarder30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 46.4%
Twilight Proveditor1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.1 06.3%
Gar'gol30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 16.3%
The Manipulator1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.3 06.3%
Ancestral Guardian30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.3 586.3%
Highbank Marksman30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 1396.3%
Faceless Defiler30 - 35A HAberrationAbyssal Depths4.0.3 116.2%
Twilight Heretic30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.3 296.2%
Twilight Desecrator1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.3 06.2%
Twilight Abductor30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 216.2%
Dragonmaw Straggler30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 146.2%
Twilight Enforcer35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 56.1%
Cavorting Pygmy15 - 30A HHumanoidUldum4.0.3 156.1%
Schnottz Overseer30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.6 146.07%
Twilight Subjugator30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 206%
Alliance Warrior Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 56%
Schnottz Elite Trooper30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.3 706%
Flamewaker Hunter32 - 35A HHumanoidMolten Front4.2.0 56%
Cinderweb Spiderling1 - 60A HBeast 4.2.0 06%
Scalesworn Cultist30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 185.9%
Highbank Sniper30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 75.9%
Brogg Glopgut30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 15.8%
Twilight Wyrmcaller
<The Twilight's Hammer>
35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 195.7%
Ascended Waterlasher35A HElemental Grim Batol4.0.1 35.7%
Dustbone Horror35A HUndead Halls of Origination4.0.3 45.7%
Twilight Armsman30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 235.7%
Tol'vir Merchant30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 75.7%
Ascended Flameseeker35A HElemental Grim Batol4.0.1 25.6%
Leyden Copperkleist30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.3 15.6%
Twilight War-Mage35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 25.6%
Twilight Thundercaller
<The Twilight's Hammer>
35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 85.6%
Twilight Crusher30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 95.6%
Twilight Elementalist35A HHumanoid The Bastion of Twilight4.0.3 65.6%
Crimsonborne Seer
<Servant of Deathwing>
35A HDragonkin Grim Batol4.0.1 55.5%
Trogg Dweller35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 1295.5%
Twilight Beguiler
<The Twilight's Hammer>
35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 95.5%
Twilight Enforcer35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 95.5%
Twilight Captivator30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 225.5%
Crimsonborne Guardian
<Servant of Deathwing>
35A HDragonkin Grim Batol4.0.1 65.4%
Malignant Trogg1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.1 05.4%
Dustbone Tormentor35A HUndead Halls of Origination4.0.3 25.4%
Enslaved Alliance Mage30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 55.4%
Drakonid Drudge1 - 60A HDragonkin 4.0.3 05.4%
Fungalmancer Glop30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 15.4%
Temple Swiftstalker35A HHumanoid Halls of Origination4.0.1 35.4%
Temple Fireshaper35A HHumanoid Halls of Origination4.0.3 35.4%
Twilight Shadow-Walker35A HHumanoid Hour of Twilight4.3.0 65.33%
Crimsonborne Warlord
<Servant of Deathwing>
35A HDragonkin Grim Batol4.0.1 95.3%
Twilight Firecatcher
<The Twilight's Hammer>
35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 195.3%
Enslaved Gronn Brute35A HGiant Grim Batol4.0.1 35.3%
Azureborne Seer
<Servant of Deathwing>
35A HDragonkin Grim Batol4.0.1 65.3%
Temple Shadowlancer35A HHumanoid Halls of Origination4.0.1 55.3%
Twilight Earthshaper
<The Twilight's Hammer>
35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 215.2%
Ascended Rockbreaker35A HElemental Grim Batol4.0.1 35.2%
Crimsonborne Seer
<Servant of Deathwing>
35A HDragonkin Grim Batol4.0.1 35.2%
Twilight Armsmaster35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 75.2%
Verlok Basilisk Rider30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 135.2%
Twilight Phase-Twister1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.3 05.2%
Cursed Surveyor30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 865.2%
Schnottz Elite Infantryman1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.1 05.2%
Faceless Corruptor35A HAberration Grim Batol4.0.1 25.1%
Azureborne Guardian
<Servant of Deathwing>
35A HDragonkin Grim Batol4.0.1 85.1%
Twilight Stormbreaker
<The Twilight's Hammer>
35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 75.1%
Lifewarden Nymph35A HHumanoid Halls of Origination4.0.3 25.1%
Twilight Champion30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 165.1%
Lesser Gargoyle35A HUndead 1.12.1 05%
Twilight Armsmaster35A HHumanoid Grim Batol4.0.1 55%
Twilight Shadow Knight35A HHumanoid The Bastion of Twilight4.0.3 35%
Temple Runecaster35A HHumanoid Halls of Origination4.0.1 45%
Captain Foulwind30 - 35A HHumanoidVashj'ir4.0.3 15%
Crown Technician30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.6 755%
Lesser Gargoyle1 - 60A HUndead  05%
Ascended Windwalker35A HElemental Grim Batol4.0.1 24.9%
Azureborne Warlord
<Servant of Deathwing>
35A HDragonkin Grim Batol4.0.1 124.9%
Forgemaster Pyrendius30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.3 14.9%
Twilight Field Captain30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 124.9%
Twilight Brute35A HHumanoid The Bastion of Twilight4.0.3 54.9%
Drakonid Chainwielder35A HDragonkin Blackwing Descent4.0.3 14.8%
Servant of Asaad35A HHumanoid The Vortex Pinnacle4.0.1 34.8%
Crazed Digger30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 284.8%
Pyrecraw35A HDragonkin Blackwing Descent4.0.3 14.7%
High Priestess Lorthuna30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.3 14.7%
Twilight Dragonstalker30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.3 114.7%
Crazed Mage35A HHumanoid Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 24.6%
Temple Adept35A HHumanoid The Vortex Pinnacle4.0.1 74.6%
Dillan MacHurley30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 24.6%
Verlok Shroomtender30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 1144.5%
Defiled Earth Rager35A HElemental Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 24.4%
Stonecore Rift Conjurer35A HHumanoid 4.0.1 134.4%
Stonecore Sentry35A HHumanoid 4.0.1 54.4%
Stonecore Warbringer35A HHumanoid 4.0.1 344.4%
Ivoroc35A HDragonkin Blackwing Descent4.0.3 14.4%
Minister of Air35A HHumanoid The Vortex Pinnacle4.0.1 34.4%
Gunwald Greybeard30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 14.4%
Executor of the Caliph35A HHumanoid The Vortex Pinnacle4.0.1 54.3%
Schnottz Sea Trooper30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 154.3%
Ogre Bodyguard30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.3 44.2%
High Priest Sekhemet30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 14.2%
Conflagration35A HElemental Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 24.1%
Sand Pygmy30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 564.1%
Twilight Sadist35A HHumanoid Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 34%
Twilight Obsidian Borer35A HHumanoid Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 104%
Incendiary Spark35A HElemental Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 64%
1 - 60A H  4.0.3 04%
Stonecore Bruiser35A HHumanoid 4.0.1 54%
The Black Bishop1 - 0A HHumanoidStormwind City4.0.3 14%
Twilight Soul Blade35A HHumanoid The Bastion of Twilight4.0.3 44%
Neferset Scalehunter30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 254%
Twilight Windwarper30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 124%
Druid of the Flame32 - 35A HHumanoidMolten Front4.2.0 14%
Druid of the Flame32 - 35A HHumanoidMolten Front4.2.0 84%
Druid of the Flame32 - 35A HHumanoidMolten Front4.2.0 84%
Amani'shi Peon35A HHumanoid Zul'Aman4.1.0 534%
Scarred Acolyte
<Druid of the Flame>
30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.2.0 144%
Twilight Torturer35A HHumanoid Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 103.9%
Bellows Slave35A HHumanoid Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 183.9%
Stonecore Flayer35A HHumanoid 4.0.1 293.9%
Stonecore Berserker35A HHumanoid 4.0.1 73.9%
Goblin Bombardier30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 103.9%
Wildhammer Warbrand30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 73.9%
Twilight Zealot35A HHumanoid Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 233.8%
Twilight Element Warden35A HHumanoid Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 63.8%
Stonecore Earthshaper35A HHumanoid 4.0.1 73.8%
Murkstone Trogg30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 83.7%
Wastewander Outrider30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 263.7%
Dragonmaw Marauder30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 73.7%
Evolved Twilight Zealot30 - 35A HDragonkin Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 33.6%
Kvaldir Seahorror30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 103.6%
Axebite Defender30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 43.6%
Warlord Halthar30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 13.6%
Scorpion-Lord Namkhare30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 13.6%
Azureborne Seer
<Servant of Deathwing>
1 - 60A HDragonkin 4.0.3 03.5%
Twilight Candidate30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 283.5%
Blackscale Raider30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 433.5%
Cliff Thundermar30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 13.5%
Ritual Guardian30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 23.5%
Oathsworn Skinner30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.6 133.44%
Twilight Flame Caller35A HHumanoid Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 63.4%
Zin'jatar Raider30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 473.4%
Blackscale Mistress30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 393.4%
<Disciple of Cho'gall>
30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 13.4%
High Shaman MacKilligan30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 13.4%
Kvaldir Fleshcarver30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 163.3%
Blackscale Seacaller30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 13.3%
Dark Assassin30 - 35A HUndeadTwilight Highlands4.0.1 363.3%
Neferset Scryer30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 213.3%
Mad Prisoner35A HHumanoid Blackrock Caverns4.0.3 33.2%
Azureborne Destroyer35A HDragonkin The Bastion of Twilight4.0.3 43.2%
Blackscale Myrmidon30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 233.1%
Twilight Crossfire35A HHumanoid The Bastion of Twilight4.0.3 33.1%
Drakeadon Mongrel35A HBeast Blackwing Descent4.0.3 23.1%
Neferset Armorer30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 33.1%
Neferset Raider30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 123.1%
Neferset Looter30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 273.1%
Dark Ritualist Zakahn30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 13.1%
Lycanthoth Vandal30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.3 183%
Taken Gilblin30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 183%
James Harrington1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.3 03%
Time-Twisted Scourge Beast35A HUndead End Time4.3.0 43%
Time-Twisted Geist35A HUndead End Time4.3.0 213%
Royal Handmaiden1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.3.0 03%
Time-Twisted Footman35A HUndead End Time4.3.0 103%
Time-Twisted Rifleman35A HUndead End Time4.3.0 43%
Twilight Thug35A HHumanoid Hour of Twilight4.3.0 53%
Highguard Elite1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.3.0 03%
Naz'jar Serpent Guard30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 22.9%
Beleagurered Engineer30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.1 72.9%
<Disciple of Cho'gall>
30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 12.9%
Neferset Enforcer1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.3 02.9%
Neferset Venom Keeper30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 102.9%
Neferset Ritualist30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 52.9%
Sira'kess Sea Witch30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 172.8%
Sira'kess Tide Priestess30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 102.8%
Deepfin Scrounger30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 462.8%
Twilight Bloodshaper30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 42.8%
Sira'kess Guardian30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 412.7%
Karkrog the Exterminator30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 12.7%
Neferset Jailer30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 22.7%
Zin'jatar Fathom-Stalker30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 52.6%
Idra'kess Harpooner30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.1 92.6%
Coldlight Oracle30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 252.6%
Azsh'ir Abyss Priestess30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 42.6%
Schnottz Air Officer30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.3 112.6%
Neferset Savage30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 92.6%
Neferset Snake Charmer30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 82.6%
Azsh'ir Patroller30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 342.5%
Zin'jatar Ravager30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 302.5%
Zin'jatar Fathom-Stalker30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 162.5%
Gilblingle30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 12.5%
Azsh'ir Infantry30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 272.5%
Idra'kess Sentinel30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.1 572.5%
Idra'kess Enchantress30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.1 452.5%
Warden Azjakir30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 12.5%
Muckskin Scrounger30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 292.5%
Fathom-Caller Azrajar
<General of the Front>
30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 12.5%
Zin'jatar Raider30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 472.5%
Coldlight Hunter30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 222.5%
Sultan Oogah30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.3 12.5%
Neferset Guard30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 112.5%
Zin'jatar Raider30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 1122.4%
Glimmerdeep Tidehunter30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 52.4%
Azsh'ir Soldier30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 5282.4%
Jaspertip Ravager30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 102.4%
Neferset Sentry30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 142.4%
Blindeye the Guardian30 - 35A HGiantTwilight Highlands4.0.1 32.4%
Titanic Guardian30 - 35A HUnspecifiedUldum4.0.3 12.4%
Neferset Cursebringer30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 22.4%
Gorosh the Pant Stealer30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.3 12.4%
Neferset Denizen30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 212.4%
Twilight Overseer30 - 35A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.0.1 72.3%
Zin'jatar Pearlbinder30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 82.3%
Zin'jatar Guardian30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 482.3%
Zin'jatar Overseer30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 182.3%
Idra'kess Ambusher30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 32.3%
Jaspertip Swarmer30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 602.3%
Jaspertip Borer30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 632.3%
Troggzor the Earthinator
<Stone Trogg Battle Leader>
30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.3 12.3%
Neferset Sentinel30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 142.3%
Neferset Blade Twister30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 32.3%
Gilblin Scavenger30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 52.2%
Gilblin Scavenger30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 142.2%
Deepfin Seer30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 242.2%
Idra'kess Prophet30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 162.2%
Shimmerspine Harvester30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 412.2%
Kavem the Callous30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 12.2%
Raider Lord Havat30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 12.2%
Zin'jatar Fathom-Stalker30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 202.1%
Gilblin Collector30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 472.1%
Idra'kess Warlord30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 132.1%
Gilblin Plunderer30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 232.1%
Rockslice Flayer30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 632.1%
Rockslice Ripper30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 202.1%
Stone Trogg Beast Tamer30 - 35A HHumanoidDeepholm4.0.1 72.1%
<The Twilight's Hammer>
35A HHumanoid The Bastion of Twilight4.0.3 42.1%
Warden Silva35A HUndeadTol Barad4.0.3 12.1%
Azsh'ir Sentry30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 12%
Archmage Galus35A HElementalTol Barad4.0.3 12%
Druid of the Flame35A HHumanoid Firelands4.2.0 32%
Time-Twisted Priest35A HUndead End Time4.3.0 52%
Time-Twisted Sorceress35A HUndead End Time4.3.0 42%
Disciple of Hate35A HDemon 4.3.0 22%
Enchanted Highmistress
<The Queen's Royal Guard>
1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.3.0 02%
Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 11.9%
Gilblin Hoarder30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 221.9%
Azsh'ir Wave Screamer30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 1621.9%
Merciless One30 - 35A HAberrationAbyssal Depths4.0.3 131.9%
Gilblin Scavenger30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 71.8%
Burgy Blackheart
<Dreaded Captain of Diane's Fancy>
30 - 35A HHumanoidVashj'ir4.0.3 11.8%
Zin'jatar Raider30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 371.7%
Tol'vir Merchant30 - 35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 101.3%
Twilight Zealot35A HHumanoid 4.0.3 01.3%
Neferset Torturer35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 31%
Twilight Shadow Mender
<The Twilight's Hammer>
35A HHumanoid The Bastion of Twilight4.0.3 41%
Neferset Theurgist35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 20.95%
Pygmy Scout35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 10.9%
Pygmy Firebreather35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 10.9%
Neferset Darkcaster35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 40.9%
Oathsworn Tamer35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 40.9%
Neferset High Guard30 - 35A HHumanoidUldum4.0.1 50.9%
Pygmy Brute35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 10.88%
Oathsworn Wanderer35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 10.88%
Oathsworn Scorpid Keeper35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 20.71%
Zin'jatar Raider30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 550.6%
Enslaved Bandit30 - 35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 20.36%
Gurubashi Cauldron-Mixer35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 20.1%
Gurubashi Refugee35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 290.1%
Gurubashi Refugee35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 310.07%
Diamond-Blade Shredder30 - 35A HMechanicalTwilight Highlands4.0.1 300.05%
Ritual Tiki Mask35A HServer trigger Zul'Gurub4.1.0 120.03%
Gurubashi Villager35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 540.03%
Gurubashi Villager35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 560.03%
Oathsworn Axemaster35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 60.02%
Oathsworn Myrmidon35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 50.02%
Oathsworn Pathfinder35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 30.02%
Neferset Plaguebringer35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 20.02%
Oathsworn Skinner35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 100.02%
Enslaved Bandit30 - 35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 60.02%
Oathsworn Captain35A HHumanoid Lost City of the Tol'vir4.0.1 20.02%
Gurubashi Cauldron-Mixer35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.02%
Hakkari Witch Doctor35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 40.02%
Gurubashi Worker35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 350.02%
Gurubashi Spirit Warrior35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 40.02%
Venomguard Destroyer35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 20.02%
Witch Doctor Qu'in
<Medicine Woman>
35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.02%
Chosen of Hethiss35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 140.02%
Gurubashi Blood Drinker35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 120.02%
Gurubashi Shadow Hunter35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 160.02%
Lesser Priest of Bethekk35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 50.02%
Tiki Lord Mu'Loa35A HUnspecified Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.02%
Berserking Boulder Roller35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.02%
Tiki Lord Zim'wae35A HUnspecified Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.02%
Venomancer Mauri
<The Snake's Whisper>
35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.02%
Venomancer T'Kulu
<The Toxic Bite>
35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.02%
Gurubashi Warmonger35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 70.02%
Zandalari Juggernaut35A HHumanoid Zul'Aman4.1.0 140.02%
Zandalari Hierophant35A HHumanoid Zul'Aman4.1.0 180.02%
Zandalari Archon35A HHumanoid Zul'Aman4.1.0 140.02%
Redgill Scavenger30 - 35A HHumanoidShimmering Expanse4.0.3 310.01%
Thundermar Defender30 - 35A HHumanoidTwilight Highlands4.0.6 140.01%
Gurubashi Cauldron-Mixer35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 20.01%
Gurubashi Berserker35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 30.01%
Gurubashi Bloodrager35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 50.01%
Gurubashi Cauldron-Mixer35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.01%
Gurubashi Master Chef35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.01%
Mor'Lek the Dismantler35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 20.01%
Kaulema the Mover35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.01%
<The Tolling Bell>
35A HDemon Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.01%
<Destroyer of Fish>
35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 10.01%
Gurubashi Soul-Eater35A HHumanoid Zul'Gurub4.1.0 20.01%