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Abby Lewis
Quick Facts
  • Level: 20 - 50
  • Health: 0
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid
  • Quest giver

Drustvar (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Texts (10)Same model (14)See also (2)
Abby Lewis: Our poor little village is dead.
Abby Lewis: All the people have gone stiff or fled.
Abby Lewis: There is no more noise...
Abby Lewis: ...except me and my toys...
Abby Lewis: ...just like all the dark birdies said!
Abby Lewis: Miss Mary turned her back on us while seeking wicked power. She brought death upon our village, turned the forest dark and dour.
Abby Lewis: Mister Hayes was said to have a soul so sweet and nice. How sad the kind man's heart became a witch's sacrifice!
Abby Lewis: Sam kept his farm well-tended. To livestock he was kind. Into the woods Sam vanished--now who will tend his swine?
Abby Lewis: The dark ones called to Annie, but from evil she refrained. No surprise to anyone she ended up in chains!
Abby Lewis: Doggie, play nice with our guest! We wouldn't want them to leave hungry... or at all!