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Agitated Azerite
Quick Facts
  • Level: 10 - 50
  • Health: 0
  • Mana: 590,210
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Elemental

Verdant Wilds (2, full), Snowblossom Village (2, full), The Rotting Mire (1, full), Crestfall (1, full)
(Total spawns: 6)

Same model (27)See also (1)
Earthrager10 - 50A HElemental The MOTHERLODE!! 4
Stonefury10 - 50A HElemental The MOTHERLODE!! 3
Unleashed Azerite10 - 50A HElemental Whispering Reef 22
Animated Azerite10 - 50A HElementalTiragarde Sound 17
Azerite Elemental30 - 50A HElementalVol'dun 3
Azerite-Infused Elemental10 - 50A HElementalSilithus 90
Minor Azerite Infused Elemental10 - 50A HElementalSilithus 34
Azerite-Infused Elemental10 - 50A HElementalSilithus 30
Unleashed Azerite1 - 60A HElemental Blackrock Depths 2
Azerite-Infused Elemental1 - 60A HElemental  0
Azerite Elemental1 - 60A HBattle Pet  0
Enslaved Rockfury10 - 50A HElemental The MOTHERLODE!! 1
Animated Azerite1 - 60A HElemental  0
Azeriti1 - 60A HWild Pet  0
Rumbling Azerite1 - 60A HElemental  0
Azerite Stonemelder30 - 50A HElementalVol'dun 12
Azerite-Infused Elemental1 - 60A HElemental  0
Enraged Azerite Elemental30 - 50A HElementalVol'dun 1
Volatile Azerite10 - 50A HElemental Crestfall 7
Rampaging Elemental20 - 50A HAberrationDrustvar 8
Razed Guardian1 - 60A HElementalSilithus 4
Roiling Azerite1 - 60A HElementalMount Hyjal 43
Guardian of Azeroth10 - 50A HElemental  0
Hardened Azerite1 - 60A HElemental The Maelstrom 6
Agitated Azerite1 - 60A HElemental  0
Dense Azerite1 - 60A HElemental  0
Living Wound1 - 60A HAberration  0