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Alleria Windrunner
Quick Facts
  • Level: 10 - 50
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid
There are 1 bug reports posted mentioning this npc
- [NPC] Alleria Windrunner


Tiragarde Sound (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Texts (18)Gossip Conditions (1)Same model (13)See also (44)
Thus far, I have been very impressed by High Commander Wyrmbane. He employs a wide range of tactics and is quick to adapt to changing circumstances with appropriate, necessary strategies. The Alliance's war efforts are in capable hands. Like you, I am proud to play my part in them.
Show me our research options.
Halford Wyrmbane: We will deal with Blood Prince Dreven soon, General. But this is a rare opportunity to cripple the Horde's military. Everything else must wait.
Shandris Feathermoon: We can kill that gluttonous goblin any day! If Dreven escapes, we may never find him again.
Halford Wyrmbane: Gallywix funds the Horde's war campaign and understands Azerite better than any of their other leaders.
Halford Wyrmbane: Tactically speaking, he is their weak link. This is a rare opportunity. We must strike now.
Shandris Feathermoon: I saw what Dreven was capable of, Wyrmbane. What if there are more like him?
Alleria Windrunner: Forgive my interruption, but I believe you are both right.
Alleria Windrunner: We cannot afford to allow either of these targets to escape us... and we do not need to.
Alleria Windrunner: Alleria opens a void portal behind her.
Alleria Windrunner: My void elf forces can lead the effort to eliminate Gallywix.
Alleria Windrunner: We will hunt him down and bring you his head. Shandris can focus on tracking that Blood Prince.
Halford Wyrmbane: A wise strategy. I approve.
Shandris Feathermoon: Thank you, Alleria. Your aid is most welcome.
Alleria Windrunner: One Gallywix was already more than Azeroth needed, and now we have... what do you think, Halford, dozens?
Halford Wyrmbane: There's only one real Gallywix, and we'll find him. I'll inform Shaw of the decoys.
Magister Umbric: I'm happy to share any details I can remember that might help them.
Halford Wyrmbane: Thank you, Magister. Your insight will be most valuable.