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Baine Bloodhoof <High Chieftain>
Quick Facts
  • Level: 60
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid

The Maw (4, full)
(Total spawns: 4)

Texts (13)Same model (21)See also (71)
Baine Bloodhoof: Jaina, something's wrong. It seems the waystone has stopped charging!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: The stone responds to you, <target>! Try to activate it while we hold off the Jailer's army!
Anduin Wrynn: I think he's coming to.
Anduin Wrynn: Baine, can you hear me?
Baine Bloodhoof: Anduin? I thought my end had come...
Thrall: It almost did, were it not for this champion.
Baine Bloodhoof: Then you have my eternal gratitude, <target>.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: I wish we had more time for you to recover, but we need to move.
Baine Bloodhoof: Understood. Lead the way.
Thrall: We seek a waystone located beyond the Cauldron. Have you seen it?
Baine Bloodhoof: I spotted an obelisk of ancient stone upon the high ridge.
Baine Bloodhoof: It did not seem important. The Jailer's forces pay it little heed. What do you think it is?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: Our way out of here--we hope.