
Latest fixes

Looking for an NPC but don't know where he is? Use NPC Finder! Informations are read directly from the WoW Freakz database

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Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Health: 0
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Beast

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (18)See also (1)
Whitefeather Crane1 - 20A HBeastThe Wandering Isle5.0.1 35
Crane Transform1 - 60A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Whitefisher Crane15 - 35A HBeastValley of the Four Winds5.0.1 37
White Crane30 - 35A HBeastVale of Eternal Blossoms5.0.1 6
Ink-Tipped Crane10 - 35A HBeastThe Jade Forest5.0.1 20
Beast1 - 60A HBeast 5.0.1 0
Child of Chi-Ji1 - 60A HUnspecified 5.4.0 0
Grassland Heron10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 4
Shallows Heron10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 12
Crane1 - 60A HDragonkin 7.0.3 0
Glitterpool Heron45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 78
Ivory Tufted Crane45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 35
Redcrested Heron10 - 45A HBeastAzsuna7.0.3 18
Dead Crane45A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 1
Stormsong Crane30 - 50A HBeastStormsong Valley 40
White Crane1 - 60A HBeast  0
Ink-Tipped Crane40 - 0A HBeast  4
Tranquil Soul1 - 60A HHumanoid  0