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Copper Clobberbottom <Assistant Chief Designeer>
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 0
  • Health
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Darkmoon Faire
  • Type: Humanoid

Darkmoon Island (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Texts (9)
Darkmoon Designeer: So uhh... Does this thing look like it runs backwards to you?
Copper Clobberbottom: Backwards?! Are you kiddin' me? Why do people keep sayin' that?
Darkmoon Designeer: 'Cuz um... 'cuz I'm pretty sure it should go the other way.
Copper Clobberbottom: You must be grindin' my gears! This thing took months of designeering to get it runnin' the way it goes!
Darkmoon Designeer: Maybe Penny should take a look?
Copper Clobberbottom: You leave my sister outta this! She gave up the family business a long time ago.
Darkmoon Designeer: I'm just sayin'. Maybe she'll know how to fix it.
Copper Clobberbottom: It ain't broke in the first place!
Darkmoon Designeer: Alright, alright.