• Overview As combat unfolds, Lihuvim accumulates protoform energy. Upon reaching 100 energy, Lihuvim casts Synthesize which allows nearby protoform lattices to be destroyed. Any remaining lattices are transformed into Protoform Automa when the synthesis completes. |
| • Damage Dealers Deconstructing Blast destroys Unstable Motes in its area of effect. Guardian Automa will repeatedly attempt to Form Sentry Automa while they remain on the battlefield. |
| • [NO DIFFICULTY] Damage Dealers Deconstructing Blast destroys Unstable Motes in its area of effect. Cosmic Shift pushes players away. Guardian Automa will repeatedly attempt to Form Sentry Automa while they remain on the battlefield. |
| • Healers Deconstructing Blast destroys Unstable Motes in its area of effect. Protoform Radiance periodically inflicts heavy Cosmic damage to all players. Degenerate periodically inflicts heavy Cosmic damage. |
| • [NO DIFFICULTY] Healers Deconstructing Blast destroys Unstable Motes in its area of effect. Protoform Radiance inflicts ramping Cosmic damage over its duration. Degenerate inflicts heavy periodic damage over time. |
| • Tanks Deconstructing Blast destroys Genesis Motes in its area of effect, and increases the target's Physical damage taken. Protoform Cascade inflicts damage to all players in a circle around Lihuvim. |
| • [NO DIFFICULTY] Tanks Deconstructing Blast destroys Genesis Motes in its area of effect, and increases the target's Physical damage taken. Protoform Cascade inflicts damage to all players in a circle around Lihuvim. Resonance inflicts heavy damage and applies vulnerabillities to all players hit by the blast. |
• Unstable Mote |
• Deconstructing Energy |
• [NO DIFFICULTY] Cosmic Shift |
• Protoform Cascade |
• Synthesize Protoform Automa |
| • Synthesized Automa These automa are the result of Lihuvim's frantic iteration on designs originally intended to aid with Protoform creation. |
| | • Degeneration Automa |
| | • Acquisitions Automa |
| | • Guardian Automa |
| | • [NO DIFFICULTY] Defense Matrix Automa |
| | • [NO DIFFICULTY] Defense Matrix Automa |