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Looking for an NPC but don't know where he is? Use NPC Finder! Informations are read directly from the WoW Freakz database

NAME or ID  Search in subname too
Drell Bracken <General Goods & Repairs>
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Health: 0
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Faction: The Unshackled
  • Type: Humanoid

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (31)
Gilblin Scavenger30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 7
Gilblin Scavenger30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 5
Gilblin Scavenger30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 14
Gilgoblin Aquamage
<Minion of Ghur'sha>
35A HHumanoid Throne of the Tides4.0.3 11
Gilblin Hoarder30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 22
Gilblin Collector30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 47
Deepfin Seer30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 24
Taken Gilblin30 - 35A HHumanoidAbyssal Depths4.0.3 18
Gilblin Plunderer30 - 35A HHumanoidKelp'thar Forest4.0.3 23
Gilblin Trespasser1 - 60A HHumanoid 4.0.3 0
Enthralled Gilblin15 - 30A HHumanoidSwamp of Sorrows4.0.3 4
Gilgoblin A-D1 - 60A HHumanoid 7.1.0 0
Bitterbrine Saltcaster10 - 45A HHumanoidAzsuna7.0.3 13
Gilblin1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Possessed Slave1 - 60A HAberration  0
Mind-Shackled Kelfin50A HHumanoidNazjatar 1
Imprisoned Kelfin1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Kelfin Scout1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Sandel Fin1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Generic Kelfin1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Kelfin Scout1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Broken Kelfin1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Freed Kelfin1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Void-Touched Captive1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Kelfin Captive1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Mind-Shackled Kelfin50A HHumanoidNazjatar 9
Axol Darksea50A HHumanoidNazjatar 1
Mind-Shackled Kelfin50A HHumanoidNazjatar 6
Unshackled1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Unshackled Defender1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Kelfin Scout50A HHumanoidNazjatar 1