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Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Mana: 32,461,550
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Giant

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Dungeon Journal (1)Same model (3)See also (3)
Overview - During Stage One stacks of Attuned to Nature must be removed by defeating the Allies of Nature. Once the Allies of Nature are defeated Stage Two will begin.
  Damage Dealers -
  • Spread out to avoid damage from Detonate while the Detonating Lashers are present.
  • Interrupt Lightning Lash cast by the Storm Lasher.
  • Be near a Healthy Spore to prevent being Silenced or Pacified by the Ancient Conservator's Conservator's Grip.
  • Destroy the Lifebinder's Gift before Freya is able to cast Lifebinding Heal.
  •   Healers -
  • Spread out to avoid damage from Detonate while the Detonating Lashers are present.
  • Be near a Healthy Spore to prevent being Silenced or Pacified by the Ancient Conservator's Conservator's Grip.
  •   Tanks -
  • Be near a Healthy Spore to prevent being Silenced or Pacified by the Ancient Conservator's Conservator's Grip.
  • Be quick to gain the attention of enemies summoned by Freya's Summon Allies of Nature.

  • Stage One: Allies of Nature
        Eonar's Gift
        Detonating Lasher - Detonating Lashers fixate on random enemies.
        Ancient Conservator
         Healthy Spore
        Ancient Water Spirit
        Storm Lasher

    Stage Two: Nature's Wrath

    Once Attuned to Nature has been removed Stage Two begins.
        Eonar's Gift
    Hard Mode - While the Elders in The Conservatory of Life are alive they will grant Freya additional abilities.
      Elder Brightleaf Alive
      Elder Ironbranch Alive
      Elder Stonebark Alive