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Frostfencer Seraphi <Auric's Angels>
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Health: 0
  • Mana: 590,210
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

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Frostfencer Seraphi: Horde savages! We will accept your surrender, provided you hand over all your Azerite. I hope you have the intellectual capacity to appreciate my offer.
Frostfencer Seraphi: For the Horde's benefit, I will speak slowly. Island... ours. You... leave. Simple enough for you?
Frostfencer Seraphi: The Horde... unwashed, unimaginative, unencumbered by intellect. How did you even manage to find this island? Stumbled upon it, no doubt.