General Draven: We must always fight to keep the upper hand. Use whatever anima stores you can find to awaken our allies and lay waste to those who oppress us! |
General Draven: Well done. We hold the court, for now. |
General Draven: In the Fearstalker's absence, new leadership has taken root. Strike them down! |
General Draven: These cretins do not serve Revendreth. Excellently done, <target>. |
General Draven: The Tithelord and his sycophants greedily demand tithe from the village ward. Let us take our own toll. |
General Draven: His dominion grows weaker. |
The Fearstalker: By slaying my hopebreakers, you reveal your location to me. Your end comes. |
General Draven: Our scouts have spotted the Fearstalker on the road to Dredhollow. Finish your preparations quickly. |
General Draven: Enemies approach! Man the mirrors! Those that try to breach our walls will be met with Light! |
General Draven: Stoneborn brutes are strong, but their aim leaves something to be desired. Help them deploy aid to our allies on the battlements below. |
General Draven: Sinfall will remain safe thanks to your efforts. |
General Draven: Press the assault, Maw Walker! Take out their leader. |
General Draven: A horrible misuse of anima from Denathrius's depraved minions. Thank you for shielding us from this affront. |
General Draven: They have constructed a manifestation of war from these dredgers, not a stone's throw from Sinfall. Bring it down. |