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General Draven
Quick Facts
  • Level: 60
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Texts (13)Same model (44)See also (68)
Sire Denathrius: Impossible! I am... eternal...
Remornia: This is not the end, Master! Let me preserve you!
General Draven: The blade has drawn in his essence!
Remornia: Zovaal shall restore you, Master! We will have vengeance!
Prince Renathal: No. Denathrius will answer for his betrayal.
Remornia: Treacherous Prince! I will skewer you! Slice you! Slash you! Vivisect you! Cut ribbons from your--
Prince Renathal: We've all heard quite enough from you!
General Draven: If that sword truly holds the Sire's essence, I fear your spells alone cannot keep his power contained.
Prince Renathal: True. But I know something that can.
Prince Renathal: We will bring the blade to Sinfall. The naaru that the mortals rescued, Z'rali, has pledged to aid our cause.
Prince Renathal: For too long, Denathrius has used the Light as a weapon against our people in the Ember Ward. Now it will be used to bind him.
General Draven: A fitting fate for one so prideful. He will watch helplessly as we restore Revendreth and thwart the Jailer's schemes.
Prince Renathal: Yes, my friend. Together with these mortals, we will claim victory.