UNKNOWN: Loti had you picking up packages? I would have just had you hex de beast and called it a day, but de merchants always complain when I do dat. |
UNKNOWN: Murlocs invade our shores. If dey aren't culled immediately, dey will quickly grow beyond our control. |
UNKNOWN: Better to deal with a threat now than regret it later. |
UNKNOWN: Dey say Rastakhan has no power here. Show dem de error of their ways. Drive their heresy from Tal'gurub. |
UNKNOWN: Their "prophet" has been proven false. |
UNKNOWN: De nightborne have an idea of how to handle de invaders in Xibala. Dis should be fun to watch. |
UNKNOWN: Haha! I must tell Pa'ku about dis! |
UNKNOWN: My wife claims de ravasaurs can eat whatever dey like! If true, de linings of their stomachs must be like iron! Gather some of those linings for me... before she takes notice. |
UNKNOWN: Ravasaur stomach lining has many uses! You can boil it, dry it, saute it... Or am I thinking of something else? Say, is it time for lunch? |
UNKNOWN: De Gurubashi have worked demselves into a murderous frenzy! Let us help dem out... with dying! Hit de gong and watch dem come running! |
UNKNOWN: Ever since Hakkar, dere is a weakness in de Gurubashi's minds. Their path can be too easily corrupted, and must be purged. |
UNKNOWN: Take my hexing stick and transform some of dese priests into something more interesting. |
UNKNOWN: Dey don't call me de Hexlord for nothing. |
UNKNOWN: Gonk's druids are too uptight. Play some pranks on their altars to get dem to lighten up. Oh, and dey may try to kill you for dis. |
UNKNOWN: If you think dat was harsh, you should see what some of de other loa have their followers do. |
UNKNOWN: Dese dwarf-things are not taking de hint. Dey are not welcome here! Show dem how de Zandalari deal with intruders. |
UNKNOWN: Dat was a proper lesson you taught dem. We will see if dey learn from it. |