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Illidan Stormrage
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Demon
  • Added in 7.2.0

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Texts (35)Same model (16)See also (59)
Illidan Stormrage: The tormented dead are heeding the call of their demonic masters. Strike them down!
Illidan Stormrage: At every turn, the Burning Legion finds new ways to pervert the worlds they invade.
Illidan Stormrage: Descend upon our enemy and break their foothold on this plane! Leave them no ground to cling to and show them no quarter!
Illidan Stormrage: At most we have slowed our enemy. There will be more, and we must be ready.
Illidan Stormrage: The fel energies inside those crystals dissipated upon their destruction. Consider their threat neutralized.
Illidan Stormrage: Foul demons are using our wounded allies as bait! We need every soldier back on the front line. Get in there and get them moving... and be mindful of the shadows.
Illidan Stormrage: Better our forces be revived and fighting with us than to serve as fuel for the fel.
Illidan Stormrage: The Felborne were given gems of insidious power from the Legion. Rip these baubles from their hands and destroy them. The lives of these elves are now forfeit.
Illidan Stormrage: Marius and his pet warlock managed to reverse one of the demon portals. Pass through and see what damage you can unleash on the other side.
Illidan Stormrage: Impressive improvisation. If only more of our forces could be entrusted with such missions. Now get out of there before reinforcements find you.
Illidan Stormrage: I sense a nearby target. Strike swiftly!
Illidan Stormrage: Ah yes, the unmistakable stench of Legion filth. Seek out the source and destroy it!
Illidan Stormrage: Another of the Legion's minions draws near. Eradicate it!
Illidan Stormrage: The growth of your power is most impressive. The Legion knows your name... and fears it.
Illidan Stormrage: Every blow struck against the Legion forces them closer to their end.
Illidan Stormrage: This game will soon be at an end. The Burning Legion will fall.
Illidan Stormrage: Relish the satisfaction of dispatching yet another Legion lapdog!
Illidan Stormrage: That fiend earned its death a thousand times over. Now it shall suffer the wrath of its vile master.
Illidan Stormrage: Savor that moment when the rage in a demon's eyes gives way to fear. We will break them!
Illidan Stormrage: Our scouts report a significant threat in this area. Wipe it out!
Illidan Stormrage: The Legion stoops to corrupting the murlocs that call this shore home. Put an end to this befoulment!
Illidan Stormrage: I have never understood how anyone could find charm in those distasteful creatures. Let us turn our attention to more pressing matters.
Dread Commander Arganoth: Break them!
Maiev Shadowsong: More portals?! Where the hell is our backup?
Illidan Stormrage: Take down Dread Commander Arganoth! We will deal with the rest.
Maiev Shadowsong: Illidan, how courteous of you to finally arrive! Wardens, see to the real work while Illidan's demon hunters caper about with their bats.
Prophet Velen: Enough bickering! Stay focused!
Dread Commander Arganoth: I will flay the flesh from your bones!
Dread Commander Arganoth: I... will... return...
Prophet Velen: Perhaps. But not this day, demon!
Archmage Khadgar: Their command ship remains. We must destroy it before Dalaran's defenses fail! The Council of the Black Harvest has set up a gate for us. You may do the honors, <target>.
Mephistroth: Yes, come forth. I could use some entertainment!
Prophet Velen: Mephistroth!
Illidan Stormrage: The warlocks took your world from you, nathrezim! I would not be so arrogant if I were you.
Mephistroth: Silence!