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Illidan Stormrage
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Demon
  • Added in 7.3.0

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Texts (64)Same model (16)See also (59)
UNKNOWN: Another demon awaits your disposal. Find it and bring it to an end.
UNKNOWN: One by one, we will teach them the folly of their crusade.
UNKNOWN: A burning fiend terrorizes our allies at the pits. Extinguish the threat at once.
UNKNOWN: Another foe reduced to ashes.
UNKNOWN: Another Legion lackey comes forth to challenge us. Put a swift end to its misguided ambitions.
UNKNOWN: The Legion will not relent. Neither will we.
UNKNOWN: Kil'jaeden's ship. Even after its destruction, its presence vexes us. Clear the surrounding area of its blight.
UNKNOWN: A pity the memory of Kil'jaeden's existence cannot be purged as easily as you cleansed these grounds.
UNKNOWN: The demons have spliced spores into their own flesh to mask their attacks. Show them they cannot hide from death!
UNKNOWN: Sargeras has left us a few of his favorite pets to play with. Remove these abominations from the battlefield.
UNKNOWN: The Legion is in its death throes. Time to put our boot to their throats. Return to the Vindicaar and prepare to strike the killing blow.
UNKNOWN: A dreadlord that once served me in the Black Temple has cast his lot with the Legion. He will regret opposing me.
UNKNOWN: First Maiev's blade, now yours. His punishment in Antorus will be severe.
UNKNOWN: A brutish fiend looms just ahead. Send it back to the hell that spawned it.
UNKNOWN: That one has nothing more to brag about, other than the quick death it earned.
UNKNOWN: A formidable enemy is close. Strike it down with all the malice it deserves!
UNKNOWN: Now they know the truth... that we will never relent. Their crusade will soon face oblivion.
UNKNOWN: The Legion's bodies overflow with fel energy. The Legion has not been idle here during their crusade.
UNKNOWN: These are some of the eredar's greatest warriors. Do not underestimate them.
UNKNOWN: Take caution that you do not engage the conquerors alone. I can sense their power from here.
UNKNOWN: The heart of Antorus lies before us. The power behind the Legion's infinite army.
UNKNOWN: So much agony here... so many voices. It's... it's nearly overwhelmin'! But I can feel Eonar urgin' us forward.
UNKNOWN: At long last, the end is upon us. Press on, my friends.
UNKNOWN: This may be the one place in the universe sacred to the Legion. Demons would pluck out their eyes sooner than gaze upon it.
UNKNOWN: Who could ever imagine such a sacrifice?
UNKNOWN: The Legion's forces are unprepared for your arrival! Put an end to them!
UNKNOWN: These demons are stripping the forests of their resources. This cannot be allowed to continue.
UNKNOWN: You've driven them back! Now press the attack!
UNKNOWN: The Legion is reeling from your onslaught. Cut them down!
UNKNOWN: Now is your chance. Finish this fight!
UNKNOWN: These fools should've run when they had the chance. Leave none standing.
UNKNOWN: You've crushed their ranks. These demons surely realize they are not the greatest power in the cosmos.
UNKNOWN: We will purge the Legion from every world they defile. This is only the beginning!
UNKNOWN: Powerful eredar are held in stasis as their bodies are being twisted into an even more brutal form. Cut the fiends down while they slumber!
UNKNOWN: And so the Legion is deprived of yet another weapon.
UNKNOWN: Another demon champion boasts and blusters. Silence its cacophony.
UNKNOWN: Yes... you have them reeling. Well fought.
UNKNOWN: The Legion believes itself entrenched on Argus. Untouchable. Reward their arrogance with suffering!
UNKNOWN: The Legion's morale crumbles... as does their hold on Argus.
UNKNOWN: Eredar sorcerers twist the fel blood of this world into weapons to use against us. They must be dismantled.
UNKNOWN: We will see the Legion's end, even if we must tear Argus itself asunder.
UNKNOWN: A threat closes in. Bring it down, and show the demons they cannot stand against us.
UNKNOWN: A convincing victory. You have demonstrated the futility of the Legion's existence.
UNKNOWN: Behold, a vile menace eager to prove its might. Put an end to its ambitions.
UNKNOWN: The demon's cries of failure ring out across Argus. A sound that never grows tiresome.
UNKNOWN: Demon filth pervades this broken land. Take no prisoners. Strike down every fiend you see!
UNKNOWN: A well-fought battle. The Legion has learned to fear you!
UNKNOWN: This demon looks to rise within the Legion's ranks by ending our invasion. Demonstrate its folly.
UNKNOWN: You brought a quick end to that fiend's ambitions. But do not doubt that others will seek a similar path to infamy.
UNKNOWN: Another champion of the Legion is near. End its existence.
UNKNOWN: Each target we bring down is another failure for the Dark Titan's crusade.
UNKNOWN: Be on your guard. A threat looms, thirsty for mortal blood.
UNKNOWN: A decisive victory. I expected no less of you.
UNKNOWN: Another Legion insect has scurried forth from beneath its rock. Demonstrate the might of our armies!
UNKNOWN: These foes have earned no mercy... and we have shown them none.
UNKNOWN: An infernal has crashed down, killing the very masters who spawned it. Destroy this monstrosity before it jeopardizes our advance!
UNKNOWN: The Legion grow reckless. They reek of desperation!
UNKNOWN: Champion! Your expertise is needed! Prepare for battle!
UNKNOWN: You and your comrades fought well. Such determination will be crucial in the battles to come.
UNKNOWN: This way! Come at once!
UNKNOWN: No matter how many monstrosities they send at us, we will cut them down.
UNKNOWN: You and your allies are needed, champion. Gather your forces!
UNKNOWN: Legion summoners are calling forth a massive infernal to rain terror upon our allies. Put an end to their ritual!
UNKNOWN: The Legion's plans shatter as its Burning Crusade crumbles to dust.