Thomas Zelling: I'm... sorry. I.. can't... I don't have anything... left in me... |
Lilian Voss: Zelling! Damn you, we need you alive! |
Thomas Zelling: Miss Voss, please... bring me back... I must help my family... I'll do anything... anything... |
Lilian Voss: You'll be shunned if you become one of us. You look in a mirror and all you'll see is a monster. |
Thomas Zelling: I would... damn my soul... for all eternity... if it meant my family's happiness... please! You must... |
Thomas Zelling: You... must... |
Rexxar: Lilian. We can find other tidesages. You know his family won't accept him. |
Lilian Voss: We'll see. Maybe it can be different... just this one time. |
Kyra: Lilian Voss. Why have you called upon me? |
Lilian Voss: Bring this man back. He has been chosen to become Forsaken. |
Kyra: As you command, by the will of the Dark Lady. |
Thomas Zelling: I... I live! Hahaha! I must see Julia and the children at once. They will be delighted! |
Lilian Voss: I guess we'll see what happens now. |