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Magni Bronzebeard
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Texts (14)Same model (42)See also (45)
Magni Bronzebeard: I can sense Azerite nearby... and those who would seek tae abuse it for their own ends. Ye've got tae stop 'em!
Magni Bronzebeard: The Heart of Azeroth is stronger now, thanks tae ye. We're one step closer tae curing Azeroth of her wounds.
Magni Bronzebeard: Several Azerite wounds lay exposed nearby. Use the Heart of Azeroth tae mend 'em!
Magni Bronzebeard: Ye did well, champion. I can feel Azeroth recoverin' her strength, thanks tae ye.
Magni Bronzebeard: Some earth elementals have been infused with Azerite and are goin' crazy. Put them down and absorb their Azerite!
Magni Bronzebeard: It's a shame that Azerite is drivin' the elements out of control. More reason for us tae be puttin' an end tae this.
Magni Bronzebeard: Someone's drawin' power from Azerite in this area. Ye need tae stop 'em!
Magni Bronzebeard: If only they were usin' their power tae heal Azeroth instead of hurt her. Good work, champion.
Magni Bronzebeard: Someone in this cave is mining Azerite from the world's open wounds. Put a stop to it!
Magni Bronzebeard: Such a shame... puttin' their own greed afore the health o' Azeroth. Thank ye, champion.
Magni Bronzebeard: I sense Azerite nearby... and something drawin' a great deal o' power from it! Ye need tae stop it!
Magni Bronzebeard: Excellent! I sense the power returnin' tae Azeroth already.
Magni Bronzebeard: Do ye feel that, champion? The Heart of Azeroth is brimming with power from the World Tree! This is incredible!
Magni Bronzebeard: Champion! The Heart of Azeroth has absorbed a massive amount of power from the Maelstrom. It's stronger than ever before!