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Maw of Drest'agath
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Power display: Agony Power
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Aberration
  • Vehicle
Immunities: Default boss immunities

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Dungeon Journal (1)Same model (1)
Overview - Drest'agath's appendages burst through the floor and attack enemies who enter her lair. When appendages are destroyed, pools of Void Infused Ichor form around their corpse. Enemies who touch Void Infused Ichor bypass the continual healing provided by Drest'agath's Aberrant Regeneration. In addition to creating pools of Void Infused Ichor, destroying a tentacle partially fills Drest'agath's Agony bar. Upon reaching 100 Agony, Drest'agath begins Throes of Agony.
  Damage Dealers -
  • All damage dealt to Drest'agath while not affected by Void Infused Ichor will be regenerated.
  • Destroying appendages can trigger Throes of Agony.
  • Void Glare, Entropic Crash and Mutterings of Insanity are each increased in power based on how many of each type of appendage is active.
  •   Healers -
  • Be aware of which allies are inside Void Miasma, as it will block line of sight in and out of the cloud.
  • Throes of Agony can cause substantial damage to all players.
  • Void Glare, Entropic Crash and Mutterings of Insanity are each increased in power based on who many of each type of appendage is active.
  •   Tanks -
  • If left alone, Drest'agath will begin using Void Grip on random allies.
  • Volatile Seed can be used to apply Volatile Corruption to her appendages.
  • Void Glare, Entropic Crash and Mutterings of Insanity are each increased in power based on who many of each type of appendage is active.
  • Drest'agath

    Appendages of Drest'agath
      Eye of Drest'agath
      Tentacle of Drest'agath
     [NO DIFFICULTY] Maw of Drest'agath