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Neesa Nox <Blackfuse Company>
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid
  • Binds instance
  • Added in 6.0.1

  • Screenshot

Immunities: Default boss immunities

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Dungeon Journal (1)Abilities (8)Outfit (4)Same model (1)See also (1)
Grimrail Enforcers
The trio of Enforcers attack together, with Makogg wielding his blade, as Neesa deploys traps and bombs, and Ahri'ok uses blood incantations to protect her allies and afflict her foes.
  Damage Dealers
  • Avoid damaging an Enforcer that is protected by Sanguine Sphere until the effect fades.
  • Avoid Ogre Traps, which immobilize victims and make them vulnerable to Big Boom.
  • Spread out when Neesa prepares to fire her Malfunctioning Jumper Cables 9000-XL.
  •   Healers
  • Avoid Ogre Traps, which immobilize victims and make them vulnerable to Big Boom.
  • Spread out when Neesa prepares to fire her Malfunctioning Jumper Cables 9000-XL.
  •   Tanks
  • Avoid damaging an Enforcer that is protected by Sanguine Sphere until the effect fades.
  • Avoid Ogre Traps, which immobilize victims and make them vulnerable to Big Boom.
  • Ahri'ok Dugru
      Sanguine Sphere
    Makogg Emberblade
    Neesa Nox