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Oozing Leftovers
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Undead

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Dungeon Journal (1)Same model (15)
Overview - Gorechop periodically calls forth a wall of Meat Hooks to sweep through the chamber, delivering Oozing Leftovers that assist their master.
  Tank -
  • Watch out for Meat Hooks as they sweep across the arena.
  • Hateful Strike inflicts heavy Phsyical damage.
  • Oozing Leftover leave pools of Coagulating Ooze when defeated.
  •   Damage Dealers -
  • Watch out for Meat Hooks as they sweep across the arena.
  • Oozing Leftover leave pools of Coagulating Ooze when defeated.
  •   Healer -
  • Watch out for Meat Hooks as they sweep across the arena.
  • Hateful Strike inflicts heavy Phsyical damage to Gorechop's primary target.
  • Players struck by a Meat Hooks suffer periodic damage from Jagged Gash.
  •   Oozing Leftovers - Some Meat Hooks have Oozing Leftovers attached to them that viciously attack players as they fall apart.