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Pestering Fiend
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Dungeon Journal (1)Same model (18)
Overview - Kael'thas starts in a weakened state and needs assistance to bring him back to full strength. However, Sire Denathrius's forces continue to pour in, determined to stop your attempts at redeeming Kael'thas's soul. Upon Kael'thas reaching 45% and 90% health, a Shade of Kael'thas manifests, suspending everyone's ability to heal Kael'thas. This Shade of Kael'thas enters the arena and engages the raid until it is defeated. Inflicting damage to the Shade of Kael'thas also heals Kael'thas himself.
  Tanks -
  • Vile Occultist's Door of Shadows impair threat management on them, and Soul Infusers ignore player threat entirely.
  • Shade of Kael'thas's Fiery Strike inflicts applications of Burning Remnants.
  •   Damage Dealers -
  • Assist allies to mitigate damage taken from Ember Blast.
  • Soul Infusers are susceptible to crowd control.
  • Move away from allies when targeted for Crimson Flurry.
  •   Healers -
  • Interact with the Infuser's Orbs to gain Infuser's Boon.
  • Heal Essence Fonts cast Essence Overflow at full health, greatly healing Kael'thas.
  • Move away from allies when targeted for Crimson Flurry.
  • Shade of Kael'thas - A Shade of Kael'thas manifests upon Kael'thas reaching 45% and 90% health.
      Reborn Phoenix - $[!16On Mythic difficulty, the Reborn Phoenixes do not disappear when the Shade of Kael'thas is defeated.$]
    Ministers of Vice - As the fight progresses, Sire Denathrius's Ministers of Vice work to thwart the raid's attempts to save Kael'thas.
      Rockbound Vanquisher
      Bleakwing Assassin
      Vile Occultist
      Soul Infuser
      Pestering Fiend
    [NO DIFFICULTY] Infusing Essences - Soul Infusers and Pride's Prison's Soul Pedestals offer adventurers advantages in restoring Kael'thas to full health.
      Infuser's Orb - Soul Infuser leave behind an Infuser's Orb upon death. Interacting with the Infuser's Orb grants Infuser's Boon.
      Soul Pedestal - Players can interact with the Soul Pedestals to cast Soul Infusion on Kael'thas. Soul Pedestals don't activate when the Shade of Kael'thas is alive.
     [NO DIFFICULTY] Essence Font - Vile Occultists drop an Essence Font upon death. Dropped Essence Fonts cast Essence Overflow at full health.
    [NO DIFFICULTY] Kael'thas
    When the Shade of Kael'thas is not present, Kael'thas periodically casts Cloak of Flames.
    High Torturer Darithos