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Prophet Velen
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid
  • Added in 7.3.0

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Texts (41)Same model (37)See also (64)
Prophet Velen: At long last the vessel that will usher us to Argus is complete.
Prophet Velen: Make way to Stormwind Harbor at once. The time has come to bring an end to this war.
Prophet Velen: Fellow draenei... champions of Azeroth... the time has come to invade Argus.
Prophet Velen: We will save our world and put a stop to the Burning Legion... once and for all.
Prophet Velen: Make way to Bladefist Bay at once. The time has come to bring an end to this war.
Prophet Velen: The Legion's forces occupy the estates of Eredath. Activate the nobles' vigilants to help with the battle. No doubt their power crystals have been stolen by the eredar.
Prophet Velen: The activated constructs will serve as an excellent distraction. My thanks!
Prophet Velen: I recognize the trappings of the generals commanding the Legion's forces. Before Sargeras took our world, these generals martialed our armies and brought peace to Argus.
Prophet Velen: They betrayed everything we stood for when they accepted his bargain. There can be no redemption... only retribution.
Prophet Velen: The war council has finally paid for their treachery. Without their leadership, the Legion will fall into chaos.
Prophet Velen: Well done, champions. For the first time in millennia, a blow has been struck against the denizens of the Burning Throne.
Prophet Velen: Yet this battle is far from over. A great power roils in torment at this world's core.
Prophet Velen: Rendezvous with the Vindicaar so we can prepare for the final attack.
Prophet Velen: The day is ours! We await you outside, $p.
Illidan Stormrage: The heart of Antorus lies before us. The power behind the Legion's infinite army.
Magni Bronzebeard: So much agony here... so many voices. It's... it's nearly overwhelmin'! But I can feel Eonar urgin' us forward.
Prophet Velen: At long last, the end is upon us. Press on, my friends.
Prophet Velen: This may be the one place in the universe sacred to the Legion. Demons would pluck out their eyes sooner than gaze upon it.
Illidan Stormrage: Who could ever imagine such a sacrifice?
Magni Bronzebeard: The souls of the Pantheon are free, but they endured so much sufferin'. Let me bide with 'em fer a time. Offer a bit o' comfort.
Prophet Velen: Remain here, Magni. The rest of us will go on.
Illidan Stormrage: So close now to the end...
Prophet Velen: Light preserve us! Our allies are in need. Please, champion, help them!
Prophet Velen: You have brought the Light to this dark place. Thank you.
Prophet Velen: So many of my kinsmen's souls endure torment at the hands of the Legion. Free them, that they may rest.
Prophet Velen: I hope my brothers and sisters will know some measure of peace.
Prophet Velen: Prepare yourself, champion. Wickedness lurks nearby...
Prophet Velen: With every such foe you bring down, our ultimate victory draws nearer.
Prophet Velen: Our patrol has spotted a powerful foe in this area. Its downfall would set back the Legion's presence here significantly.
Prophet Velen: The Legion cannot stand against the power of the Light. Not when it has champions like you!
Prophet Velen: This villain profanes the homeworld I lost so long ago. Put an end to this atrocity!
Prophet Velen: We can never reclaim what we once had, but we will make them pay for what they did to Argus.
Prophet Velen: A disciple of Kil'jaeden seeks to avenge its master. Be ready for its assault!
Prophet Velen: Word of your victory will spread across Argus. Those who cling to the memory of the Deceiver are doomed to fall!
Prophet Velen: I sense a foul presence... an evil that seeks to blot out the Light. Take up arms and bring down this foe!
Prophet Velen: The Light cannot win unless we fight for it. You have done your part this day, champion.
Prophet Velen: What was once a sacred site for my people has been desecrated by the Legion. Drive them out!
Prophet Velen: An insidious champion of darkness draws near. Strike it down!
Prophet Velen: Never doubt that, in the end, the Light will emerge victorious.
Prophet Velen: Gather your allies, hero. The threat you are about to face will put all your skills to the test!
Prophet Velen: The way you and your allies persevered is an inspiration to our forces. Proof that together we can save Azeroth!