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Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Health: 0
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Texts (19)Same model (43)See also (54)
Rokhan: Looks like a tortollan be over dere. See if dey be needin' help.
UNKNOWN: Evil comes to this land as naturally as a choking vine. Cut it short, and protect our troops.
Rokhan: Dat was good work, mon. Well done!
UNKNOWN: Another threat snuffed out, and another victory for the Alliance!
Rokhan: Many tortollans be lost to dem blood troll butchers, but their knowledge can still be saved. Recover any of their scrolls dat you can!
Rokhan: Good work, mon. Our sages gonna be kept busy studyin' dese.
Rokhan: Our scouts be sayin' we got a prime target nearby. Find 'em and eliminate 'em.
Rokhan: Good work, mon. Now get out of dere, quickly!
Rokhan: Sometimes ya can't stay away from da voodoo. Dere be times ya gotta ask it for help. Now let's go see whose voodoo be stronger.
Rokhan: Hahaha! Da magic of da Alliance be no match for our voodoo!
Rokhan: If dat don't convince da Alliance to leave Nazmir for good, I be tinkin' nothin' will.
Rokhan: Da Horde need ya here, mon. Get in dere and make us proud.
Rokhan: Da spirits be whisperin' of some powerful voodoo nearby. Find it... and make sure da Alliance don't.
Rokhan: Our enemies be here, just as da warchief predicted. For da Horde, mon.
Rokhan: Da spirits be sayin' a big shot from da Alliance be hidin' somewhere in here. Show dem dat da Horde can reach dem, no matter where dey be.
Rokhan: Alliance spies be lurkin' nearby. Up ta no good, dat be for sure. Watch ya back... and happy huntin'.
Rokhan: Nice goin', mon. I be passin' da good news to da warchief.
Rokhan: We sent dem reelin', mon. Taz'dingo!
Rokhan: Ya keep dis up, mon, and we be winnin' dis war in no time.