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Shadowfel Warden
Quick Facts
  • Level: 40
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Added in 6.2.0

  • Screenshot


Hellfire Citadel (2, full)
(Total spawns: 2)

Dungeon Journal (1)Auras (1)Same model (4)See also (1)
Overview - Shadow-Lord Iskar weaves illusions that deceive the raid, but the nearby Eye of Anzu provides the key to seeing through the twisted arakkoa's deception. Players may pass the Eye around among raid members to counter specific attacks of Iskar and his minions. Periodically, Iskar takes to the skies and channels powerful beams of fel energy, as his minions swoop down to attack on the ground.
  Damage Dealers -
  • Pass the Eye of Anzu to players affected by Phantasmal Winds or Phantasmal Wounds.
  • Move away from other players if targeted by Fel Chakram.
  • Hold the Eye of Anzu to be able to interrupt Shadowfel Warden's Fel Conduit.
  •   Healers -
  • Pass the Eye of Anzu to players affected by Phantasmal Winds.
  • Focus healing on allies affected by Phantasmal Wounds or pass the Eye of Anzu to them.
  • Move away from other players if targeted by Fel Chakram.
  • Hold the Eye of Anzu to be able to dispel the Fel Bomb during Phantasmal Obliteration.
  •   Tanks -
  • Pass the Eye of Anzu to players affected by Phantasmal Winds or Phantasmal Wounds.
  • Move away from other players if targeted by Fel Chakram.
  • Use a defensive cooldown or be in possession of the Eye of Anzu to survive Phantasmal Corruption.
  • Shadow-Lord Iskar
    [NO DIFFICULTY] Phantasmal Radiance
    Fel Raven
    Shadowfel Warden
    Corrupted Priest of Terokk
    Illusionary Outcast