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Soulbound Construct
Quick Facts
  • Level: 40
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health
  • Power display: Fel Energy
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Monster Spar
  • Type: Mechanical
  • Vehicle
  • Added in 6.2.0

  • Screenshot


Hellfire Citadel (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Dungeon Journal (1)Abilities (5)Auras (4)Texts (4)Triggers on click (1)
Overview - Socrethar begins the encounter occupying the Soulbound Construct. When players deplete the Soulbound Construct's health, Socrethar's spirit will be ejected from the construct, and a player can take control of it. The Sargerei then stream into the chamber, and together with Socrethar attempt to regain control of the Construct. When the Construct's health is depleted when controlled by a player, they are ejected and Socrethar regains control, beginning the cycle again. Players must destroy Socrethar's soul to complete the encounter.
  Damage Dealers -
  • Raid members must take turns absorbing Reverberating Blow to keep the tanks from suffering fatal damage.
  • Interrupt Exert Dominance to prolong the period of time that your tank is able to control the Construct.
  • Do not let Haunting Souls reach their targets.
  •   Healers -
  • Raid members must take turns absorbing Reverberating Blow to keep the tanks from suffering fatal damage.
  • Apocalypse deals heavy damage to the raid.
  • Run away from Haunting Souls who are fixated on you.
  •   Tanks -
  • Alternate who is tanking the Soulbound Construct to prevent Shattered Defenses from stacking too high.
  • One tank should take control of the Construct when Socrethar is ejected.
  • When controlling the construct, avoid Soul Dispersion by staying away from Haunting Souls.
  • Soulbound Construct
    [NO DIFFICULTY] Voracious Soulstalker - The results of Sagerei's demon-twisted experiments on souls, Voracious Soulstalkers periodically join the battle.

    Socrethar and the Sargerei

    Once Socrethar is ejected from the construct, players can take control of it. The Sargerei join the battle in attempt to wrest control of the Construct back from the raid.
      Sargerei Dominator
      Sargerei Shadowcaller
      Haunting Soul