
Latest fixes

Looking for an NPC but don't know where he is? Use NPC Finder! Informations are read directly from the WoW Freakz database

NAME or ID  Search in subname too
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Health: 0
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Mechanical

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (25)See also (5)
A-Me 0115 - 30A HMechanicalUn'Goro Crater1.11.1 1
A-Me 01 (Escortee 1) [UNUSED]1 - 60A HMechanical 5.4.2 0
A-Me 01 (Escortee 2) [UNUSED]1 - 60A HMechanical 5.4.2 0
A-Me 01 (Escortee 3) [UNUSED]1 - 60A HMechanical 5.4.2 0
Test Mecha Gorilla1 - 60A HMechanical 7.1.0 0
Test Mecha Toucan1 - 60A HMechanical 7.1.0 0
War-Iron Axebeak1 - 60A HMechanical 7.0.3 0
A-Me 021 - 0A HMechanicalUn'Goro Crater7.0.3 1
Copper Arachnodrone1 - 60A HMechanical 7.1.0 0
M-371A HBattle Pet 7.3.0 0
"Repaired" Portable Fire Starter1 - 60A HBattle Pet  0
Remote-Controlled Mechanogorilla1 - 60A HHumanoidDrustvar 27
Accelerated Defrosting Unit1 - 60A HWild Pet  0
Remote-Controlled Mechanogorilla1 - 60A HHumanoid  0
Dookthar the Destroyer30 - 50A HMechanicalVol'dun 1
Rusty Microbot50A HMechanicalMechagon 25
Microbot OLD DELETE1 - 60A HMechanical  0
Pestbot OLD DELETE1 - 60A HMechanical  0
Motorback Ape
<Scrap King's Minion>
50A HMechanicalMechagon 2
Energized Pestbot1 - 60A HMechanical  0
Energized Microbot1 - 60A HMechanical  0
Destroyed Microbot1 - 60A HMechanical  0
Scrap Cannon1 - 60A HMechanical  0
Arachnoid Destroyer50A HMechanicalMechagon 4
Rebuilt Mechagorilla1 - 60A HMechanical  0