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The Accuser <Harvester of Pride>
Quick Facts
  • Level: 58
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health
  • Mana: 295,105
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid

The Maw (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Texts (13)Same model (1)See also (53)
The Accuser: Open your... eyes... Maw Walker...
The Accuser: The Master... is not... what he claims--
Myskia: Silence, prisoner!
The Accuser: Deliver me... to the Master... but do not... trust him...
Sire Denathrius: Accuser, I gave you a simple task. Instead, you chose rebellion.
The Accuser: You ordered me to defile the ancient rituals that define who we are. I will not do that, even for you.
Sire Denathrius: A poor decision. You are hereby accused of defying the will of Revendreth.
The Accuser: I accuse YOU, Denathrius, of failing in your charge. YOU are the one who defies the will of Revendreth.
Sire Denathrius: Defy Revendreth? I AM Revendreth!
Sire Denathrius: Perhaps a few centuries burning in the Ember Ward will remind you of who rules this place.
The Accuser: Even your punishments reveal your complacency. Very well. Hide me with your other failures.
The Accuser: You were once the lord of dread. Now? Now your teeth have lost their terror.
Sire Denathrius: Have they now? We shall see. Fearstalker! Prepare your hunters.