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Tyrande Whisperwind <The Night Warrior>
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Mana: 590,210
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Texts (12)Same model (19)See also (73)
Tyrande Whisperwind: Our victory is not complete until every Horde soldier is purged from Darkshore. Leave none alive.
Tyrande Whisperwind: Well done. Let each Horde death be a message to the Banshee Queen!
Tyrande Whisperwind: The remnants of the Twilight's Hammer have crawled out of hiding. Whatever their schemes, they must be stopped.
Tyrande Whisperwind: The cultists are scattered and broken. If they are wise, they will remain that way.
Tyrande Whisperwind: Our ancestral spirits have been driven to madness by the Horde's atrocities. Put them to rest and bring them peace.
Tyrande Whisperwind: A necessary measure, if regrettable. Thank you for carrying it out.
Tyrande Whisperwind: This foe poses a grave threat to the people of Darkshore. It must be cut down!
Tyrande Whisperwind: A powerful adversary has been spotted nearby. Act swiftly, champion!
Tyrande Whisperwind: Our sentinels have identified a new threat in the area. Slay it before it assaults our forces!
Tyrande Whisperwind: The threat is no more. Well fought, champion.
Tyrande Whisperwind: Another enemy thwarted. Darkshore owes you a debt of gratitude.
Tyrande Whisperwind: Your actions have saved countless lives. Thank you.