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Unbound Flame Spirit
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Classification: Unimportant
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Elemental
  • Added in 4.0.1

  • Screenshot


NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (100)See also (1)
Red Crystal Bunny1 - 30A HUnspecifiedAmmen Vale2.2.0 1
Windyreed Quest Credit (Big Hut)15 - 30A HUnspecifiedNagrand2.2.0 1
Windyreed Quest Credit (Hut 01)15 - 30A HUnspecifiedNagrand2.2.0 1
Windyreed Quest Credit (Hut 02)15 - 30A HUnspecifiedNagrand2.2.0 1
Windyreed Quest Credit (Hut 03)15 - 30A HUnspecifiedNagrand2.2.0 1
Gurok Event Controller15 - 30A HUnspecifiedNagrand2.2.0 1
Murkblood Event Controller1 - 60A HUnspecified 2.2.0 0
Murkblood Target Dummy15 - 30A HUnspecifiedNagrand2.2.0 4
Shadow Council Credit Marker15 - 30A HServer triggerNagrand2.2.0 1
Warmaul Ogre Credit Marker15 - 30A HServer triggerNagrand2.2.0 1
Warmaul Pyre Credit Marker15 - 30A HServer triggerNagrand2.2.0 1
Hillsbrad Internment Lodge Quest Trigger1 - 60A HServer trigger 2.0.1 0
Thrall Quest Trigger1 - 60A HServer trigger 2.0.1 0
Razaani Light Orb20 - 30A HUnspecifiedBlade's Edge Mountains2.2.0 8
Razaani Light Orb - Mini20 - 30A HServer triggerBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 27
Netherstorm Target25 - 30A HServer triggerNetherstorm2.0.1 28
Mana Bomb Channel Trigger15 - 30A HServer triggerTerokkar Forest2.0.1 1
Terokkar - Bone Wastes - Nether Orb Blue1 - 60A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Blade's Edge - Toshley's - Def Gun Attack Origin20 - 30A HServer triggerBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 1
Bone Wastes - Beam Target 011 - 60A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Mini-Electromental Flavor20 - 30A HElementalBlade's Edge Mountains2.2.0 9
Mana Bomb Lightning Trigger15 - 30A HServer triggerTerokkar Forest2.2.0 4
Gnome Spirit Orb1 - 60A HServer trigger 2.0.1 0
Bogblossom Bunny1 - 60A HServer trigger 2.1.0 0
Orb Target10 - 30A HServer triggerHowling Fjord3.0.1 1
Daily Dungeon Image Bunny10 - 30A HServer trigger 2.3.0 0
Rodin Lightning Enabler10 - 30A HServer triggerHowling Fjord3.0.1 4
Fengir Quest Credit10 - 30A HServer triggerHowling Fjord3.0.1 1
Rodin Quest Credit10 - 30A HServer triggerHowling Fjord3.0.1 1
Windan Quest Credit1 - 60A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Sister Mercy Cannon1 - 60A HServer trigger 3.0.1 0
Jormungar Meat1 - 60A HServer trigger 3.0.1 0
Risen Gryphon Rider Target15 - 30A HServer triggerDragonblight3.0.1 71
Strange Ore Target15 - 30A HServer triggerDragonblight3.0.1 10
Zelig Spell Target15 - 30A HServer triggerDragonblight3.0.1 1
Injured Soldier Waypoint 0115 - 30A HServer triggerDragonblight3.0.1 4
Injured Soldier Waypoint 0215 - 30A HServer triggerDragonblight3.0.1 4
Injured Soldier Waypoint 0315 - 30A HServer triggerDragonblight3.0.1 4
Injured Soldier Summon Point15 - 30A HServer triggerDragonblight3.0.1 4
Orb Target Credit1 - 60A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Grain Crate Helper25 - 30A HServer trigger The Culling of Stratholme3.0.1 5
Thel'zan Spell Dummy15 - 30A HServer triggerDragonblight3.0.1 10
Dark Matter30A HServer trigger Halls of Stone3.0.1 1
[Chapter IV] Chapter IV Dummy8 - 30A HServer triggerPlaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave3.0.1 2
Ichor Globule1 - 60A HElemental 3.0.2 0
Argent Stand Dummy20 - 30A HServer triggerZul'Drak3.0.1 1
Vargul Dummy20 - 30A HServer triggerZul'Drak3.0.1 1
Mammoth Meat Bunny1 - 60A HServer trigger 4.0.1 0
Eagle Feeding Kill Credit1 - 60A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Forgotten Depths Dummy1 - 60A HServer trigger 3.0.2 0
Orgrim's Hammer25 - 30A HServer trigger 3.0.2 0
The Skybreaker25 - 30A HServer trigger 3.0.2 1
Forgotten Depths Proxy1 - 60A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Vanguard Tower Dummy1 - 60A HServer trigger 3.0.2 0
Vanguard Sound Dummy1 - 60A HServer trigger 3.0.2 0
Jumpbot Rocket Bunny1 - 60A HUnspecified 3.0.2 0
Northrend Daily Dungeon Image Bunny10 - 30A HServer triggerDalaran3.0.2 4
Azeroth Planet Stalker1 - 60A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Besalt Bunny1 - 60A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Cover Bunny1 - 60A HUnspecifiedAzshara4.0.1 57
Runestone Bunny1 - 60A HUnspecifiedAzshara4.0.1 24
Real Estate Bunny (Vista)5 - 30A HUnspecifiedAzshara4.0.1 1
Real Estate Bunny (Tower)5 - 30A HUnspecifiedAzshara4.0.3 1
Real Estate Bunny (Pagoda)5 - 30A HUnspecifiedAzshara4.0.1 1
Gasbot Gas Target1 - 60A HUnspecified 4.0.3 0
[DND] Dark Iron Guard Move To Bunny1 - 60A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
[DND] Mole Machine Spawner1 - 60A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Cookie's Firepot10 - 30A HUnspecifiedStonetalon Mountains4.0.3 1
Cover Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedTwilight Highlands4.0.3 121
Camera Target 11 - 60A HUnspecified 5.0.4 0
Camera Target 21 - 60A HUnspecified 5.0.1 0
Camera Target 11 - 60A HUnspecified 5.0.1 0
Camera Target 11 - 60A HUnspecified 5.0.4 0
Eye of the Empress1 - 60A HBeast 5.0.1 0
Eye of the Empress Gas Visual Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDread Wastes5.0.1 34
Ride Scargore1 - 60A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Fire Effect - Wreckage1 - 60A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Spark Effect - Boombot1 - 60A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Generic Bunny1 - 0A HUnspecifiedAzsuna6.0.1 3
Generic Bunny1 - 60A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Generic Bunny1 - 60A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Rylak Egg Destroyed1 - 60A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Pale Orcs Slain1 - 60A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Ritual of Siphoning1 - 60A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Ritual of the Void1 - 60A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Ritual of Destruction1 - 60A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Generic Bunny1 - 0A HServer triggerVal'sharah7.0.3 10
Nexus-Prince Haramad10 - 45A HHumanoidDalaran7.2.5 1
Generic Bunny1 - 60A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Star Shooting Stalker45A HServer trigger The Nighthold7.0.3 25
Frenzy Stalker1 - 60A HUnspecified 7.0.3 0
Demonic Portal45A HServer trigger 7.1.0 0
Fel Core Target Stalker10 - 45A HUnspecified Val'sharah7.2.0 1
Organ to Basement Traveler10 - 50A HUnspecified Waycrest Manor 16
Pumpkin Stalker10A HUnspecifiedStormwind City 20
Fuel Torrent Stalker30 - 50A HUnspecifiedStormsong Valley 2
Burning Sludge Stalker30 - 50A HUnspecifiedStormsong Valley 1
Voltaic Flash (20 Yard Range)1 - 60A HUnspecified  0
Voltaic Flash (30 Yard Range)1 - 60A HUnspecified  0
Voltaic Flash Teleport Stalker1 - 60A HUnspecified  0