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Vol'jin <Warchief>
Quick Facts
  • Level: 10 - 45
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Activates PvP
  • Type: Humanoid
  • Added in 7.0.3

  • Screenshot


NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Texts (54)See also (29)
Thrall: There's something odd about the crystals surrounding that spire. They feel... wrong... like they're in two places at once. Hmm.
Vol'jin: Horde, make for dem crystals! We gonna see if ya hunch is right.
Thrall: Yes... they must anchor it to this world.
Vol'jin: Two more ta go.
Vol'jin: Keep it up! We almost got dem!
Vol'jin: You gonna die just like all da others.
Thrall: Focus on the commander!
Fel Commander Azgalor: Your souls will know endless agony.
Vol'jin: Looks like ya chose da wrong side.
UNKNOWN: The master will mend my flesh again and again. You have not won. You cannot win. We are endless! We are Legion!
UNKNOWN: I... will... return...
Thrall: It is good to fight with you again, Warchief.
Vol'jin: Ain't never gonna get used to you callin' me dat.
Thrall: There's only one way to the tomb, are you ready?
Vol'jin: Let's get movin'.
Vol'jin: Sylvanas' ship must 'av crashed just ahead.
Thrall: They're expanding faster than we've seen before.
Vol'jin: Ya, mon. Dis ain't da same Legion.
Thrall: They're alive!
Vol'jin: Let's move!
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: It's about time you showed up!
Vol'jin: You looked like you could use a hand.
Baine Bloodhoof: Their reinforcements are endless!
Thrall: Those crystals again... if we can get close to them, we can bring this thing down.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: You heard him, rangers, we cut those demons down! Fire a volley on my mark... NOW!
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: This is Argent Crusade insignia, can you speak? Where is the rest of the Crusade?
Argent Lightbringer: Dead... dying... they descended on us in seconds... nowhere to run...
Vol'jin: An no sign of Tirion.
Thrall: We will find him. Horde forces, keep your eyes open for survivors, rescue as many as you are able!
Baine Bloodhoof: Down the ridge behind us, another portal!
Vol'jin: We've got to hold dis ridge, no matter da cost.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Take up positions. We hold them off. We have to.
He worried that his power weakened, that soon even we last of his precious soulgems would fade and die.
Ready? Let's move!
We've got to hold dis ridge, no matter da cost.
Listen up! Dere's only one way offa dis beach, and it be t'rough alla dose demons ahead of us. But dey don't know who dey be dealin' wit. Let's show dem what it means ta be Horde!
Dis one's mine.
Horde, make for dem crystals! We gonna see if ya hunch is right.
Two more ta go.
Keep it up! We almost got dem!
You gonna die just like all da others.
Looks like ya chose da wrong side.
Ain't never gonna get used to you callin' me dat.
Let's get movin'.
Sylvanas' ship must 'av crashed just ahead.
Ya, mon. Dis ain't da same Legion.
Dat's no invasion force. Dat's an army!
You looked like you could use a hand.
An no sign of Tirion.
Dey be retreatin'.
All da Horde, get ta Thrall!
Too late for dat, Bloodhoof. Me got one... final duty. Ta see dat da Horde... stays strong.
Dat's good. Azeroth... gonna fall... 'less we seal up dat tomb.