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Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Dragonkin

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Texts (17)Same model (11)See also (65)
Dark Inquisitor Xanesh: Your efforts are meaningless! Nefarian's legacy will soon be ours.
Wrathion: Return to me, champion. This barrier is proving more... resilient than I anticipated.
Wrathion: The deeper you delve into N'Zoth's vision, the stronger his influence becomes.
Wrathion: Even with the cloak, your sanity will erode more quickly and your senses will begin to betray you.
Wrathion: Beware the creature ahead of you. Its attacks afflict not only your physical form, but your mind as well.
Wrathion: This vision must center around the Forge. Perhaps repairing it will end the nightmare. Head for the control chamber.
Wrathion: The cloak will protect you from the brunt of N'Zoth's power, but it cannot hold him at bay indefinitely. Do not tarry.
Wrathion: No... it has already begun!
Wrathion: <target>! You must resist N'Zoth's influence. Do not give in to madness!
Wrathion: MOTHER! Can you bring them back to the chamber?
MOTHER: Initiating evacuation protocol.
Wrathion: N'Zoth would see this nightmare become reality.
Wrathion: Explore the area, but do so with caution, <target>. I await your return.
Wrathion: The cultists have repurposed the alchemy lab to experiment on those whelps. Put a stop to it.
Wrathion: It seems that the failed experiments become fodder for that monstrosity. Avenge them, champion.
Wrathion: <target>, look at the console. N'Zoth never meant to destroy the Forge... he seeks to corrupt it.
Wrathion: MOTHER, see if you can bring our champion back to the chamber. We have much to discuss.