
Latest fixes

Looking for an NPC but don't know where he is? Use NPC Finder! Informations are read directly from the WoW Freakz database

NAME or ID  Search in subname too
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 60
  • Health: 0
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Totem
  • Added in 5.4.2

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (54)
Healing Stream Totem30A HTotem 1.11.1 0
Mana Spring Totem1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDHealing Stream Totem II1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDHealing Stream Totem III1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDHealing Stream Totem IV1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDHealing Stream Totem V1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
Poison Cleansing Totem1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
Cleansing Totem1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
Elemental Resistance Totem1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDMana Spring Totem II1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDMana Spring Totem III1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDMana Spring Totem IV1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDFire Resistance Totem II1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDFire Resistance Totem III1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
Mana Tide Totem1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDMana Tide Totem II1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDMana Tide Totem III1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
Corrupted Healing Stream Totem V1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
Ancient Mana Spring Totem1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
Spirit Totem1 - 60A HTotem 1.11.1 0
zzOLDFire Resistance Totem IV1 - 60A HTotem 1.12.1 0
zzOLDHealing Stream Totem VI1 - 60A HTotem 1.12.1 0
zzOLDMana Spring Totem V1 - 60A HTotem 1.12.1 0
zzOLDMana Tide Totem IV1 - 60A HTotem 5.4.2 0
Corrupted Healing Stream Totem1 - 60A HTotem 2.2.0 0
zzOLDFire Resistance Totem V1 - 60A HTotem 3.0.2 0
zzOLDFire Resistance Totem VI1 - 60A HTotem 3.0.2 0
zzOLDHealing Stream Totem VII1 - 60A HTotem 3.0.2 0
zzOLDHealing Stream Totem VIII1 - 60A HTotem 3.0.2 0
zzOLDHealing Stream Totem IX1 - 60A HTotem 3.0.2 0
zzOLDMana Spring Totem VI1 - 60A HTotem 3.0.2 0
zzOLDMana Spring Totem VII1 - 60A HTotem 3.0.2 0
zzOLDMana Spring Totem VIII1 - 60A HTotem 3.0.2 0
Healing Stream Totem1 - 60A HTotem 3.2.0 0
Unbinding Totem1 - 60A HTotem 4.0.1 0
Aiery Barrier Totem30 - 35A HTotemShimmering Expanse4.0.3 4
Cleansing Totem1 - 60A HTotem 4.0.1 0
Healing Tide Totem1 - 60A HTotem 5.0.1 0
Water Totem25 - 35A HTotemTownlong Steppes5.0.1 1
Healing Tide Totem1 - 60A HTotem 5.0.1 0
Healing Stream Totem1 - 60A HTotem 5.4.0 0
Healing Tide Totem1 - 60A HTotem 5.4.0 0
Healing Tide Totem35A HTotem 5.4.0 0
Healing Stream Totem35A HTotem Siege of Orgrimmar5.4.0 1
Healing Stream Totem10 - 40A HTotemFrostfire Ridge6.0.1 3
Cloudburst Totem1 - 60A HTotem 6.0.1 0
Totem1 - 60A HTotem 7.1.0 0
Storm Totem1 - 60A HTotem 7.0.3 0
Cleansing Totem1 - 60A HTotem 7.2.0 0
Healing Stream Totem1 - 60A HTotem 7.2.0 0
Healing Stream Totem1 - 60A HTotem  0
Healing Tide Totem - IGC1 - 60A HTotem  0
Storm Totem1 - 60A HTotem  0
Healing Stream Totem1 - 60A HTotem  0