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Katherine Proudmoore <Proudmoore Admiralty>
Quick Facts
  • Level: 10 - 50
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Proudmoore Admiralty
  • Type: Humanoid

Tiragarde Sound (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Texts (26)Same model (12)See also (12)
Tandred Proudmoore: The Horde attack on Norwington's place emboldened them. It was only a matter of time before they struck again.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: We will teach them there is a price for attacking Kul Tiras.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: Mother, I need you to mobilize our infantry and medics.
Katherine Proudmoore: I will get them moving to Anglepoint at once, Jaina.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: Tandred, take our best ships and sail out to flank them.
Tandred Proudmoore: Aye aye, Lord Admiral. Where will you be?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: I will be facing the Horde head on.
Tandred Proudmoore: HA! They don't stand a chance. Give 'em hell, sister!
Katherine Proudmoore: Jaina, you should not stand alone. Take <target> and Taelia at the very least!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: Wise counsel, mother. Champion, Taelia--with me. We'll cross Tiragarde Sound. Meet me by the canal.
Katherine Proudmoore: How quickly the world changes.
Tandred Proudmoore: The memorial is very nice, Mother. I like the bit about how you said I was fearless.
Katherine Proudmoore: Don't make light of a mother's pain, Tandred.
Katherine Proudmoore: First I lost your brother Derek, then your father, then Jaina. When you disappeared with the fleet, I was all alone.
Tandred Proudmoore: I'm sorry, Mother. But Jaina and I are here now. Thank the tides that the three of us are together again.
Katherine Proudmoore: So we are... and I am very grateful.
Tandred Proudmoore: Lord Admiral.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: Don't start, Tandred. It still feels strange to hear people call me that. I'd always assumed Derek would become the next Lord Admiral.
Tandred Proudmoore: Aye. But such was not his fate.
Katherine Proudmoore: When I think of those Horde savages seizing his body and hanging it on display...
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: It was a ploy to provoke us. To goad us into making mistakes. We will not give them the satisfaction.
Tandred Proudmoore: Part of me wonders what our brother and father would make of all that Kul Tiras has been through. All that we've endured as a family.
Katherine Proudmoore: I fear Derek would be disappointed by how I behaved. Especially toward you, Jaina.
Tandred Proudmoore: Father could be hard, but I do think he'd be happy to see us together again.
Katherine Proudmoore: We've all made mistakes, but we'll weather this storm, dear ones. Together.
Tandred Proudmoore: We're so glad you're home, Jaina. I believe that we--What's this? Incoming!