Princess Talanji: Thank you for coming, <target>. Zuldazar is still reeling from de Alliance attack. My people's faith has been shaken... and so has my own. |
Baine Bloodhoof: I too know the pain of losing a father. If there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to ask. |
Nathanos Blightcaller: You have seen firsthand the treachery of the Alliance. Let your grief be sated by vengeance against them. |
Baine Bloodhoof: This is not the time to speak of revenge, Blightcaller! |
Nathanos Blightcaller: Enough! The warchief has arrived. |
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: My condolences on your loss, princess. Excuse me... Queen Talanji. |
Princess Talanji: Titles mean little to me now. I must know... with de Zandalari navy in ruins, does de Horde intend to abandon us? |
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: We do not turn our back on our allies, Talanji. The war campaign has taken an unfortunate turn, to be certain... but our cause is not lost. |
Nathanos Blightcaller: My queen... reports are coming in from all outposts. The Alliance is tightening its grip. Victory is within their grasp. |
Baine Bloodhoof: Perhaps we can open negotiations-- |
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: The Alliance slays the leader of the Zandalari, and you speak of negotiations? |
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: No. This war will not end until we stand victorious. Until the Little Lion kneels before my throne. |
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Meet me aboard the Banshee's Wail. I have a plan to ensure the Proudmoore family pays dearly for Rastakhan's death. |