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Naeno Megacrash
Quick Facts
  • Level: 50
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid

Mechagon (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Dungeon Journal (1)Same model (1)See also (3)
Overview - Trixie fires Taze at the party while Naeno attempts to run the party down in the Mechacycle. Periodically, Trixie will target a player with Mega Taze inflicting massive damage and stunning players that are unable to reach a Smoke Cloud in time.
  • Interrupt Taze as often as possible to reduce the damage intake of your allies.
  • Hide in a Smoke Cloud when you are targeted by Mega Taze.
  • Avoid being struck by Bolt Buster.
  •   Healers
  • Hide in a Smoke Cloud when you are targeted by Mega Taze.
  • Naeno inflicts heavy group wide damage with Turbo Boost when Trixie is defeated before him.
  •   Damage Dealers
  • Interrupt Taze as often as possible to reduce the damage intake of your allies.
  • Hide in a Smoke Cloud when you are targeted by Mega Taze.
  • Attempt to defeat Trixie and Naeno within a short time of each other.
  • Trixie "The Tech" Tazer
    Naeno Megacrash