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Looking for an NPC but don't know where he is? Use NPC Finder! Informations are read directly from the WoW Freakz database

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Quick Facts
  • Level: 50
  • Health
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid

Nazjatar (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Texts (6)Same model (1)
Marjan: That this place has survived this long is proof of the hubris of the naga.
Daruk: Do you have any snacks?
Paigory Ramfin: Sometimes you can learn a lot, if you just sit still and listen.
Paigory Ramfin: Psst! Those pint jellies will steal your drink when you're not looking.
Daruk: Nothing wakes ol' Benn up!
Lucky: I've been here so long! What year is it even?