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Lashed to the Mast
Quick Facts
  • Level: 30 - 35
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Unspecified
  • Vehicle
  • Added in 4.0.3

  • Screenshot


Twilight Highlands (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Same model (46)
Spotted Rabbit1 - 60A HBattle Pet 1.12.1 0
Brown Rabbit25 - 30A HCritterNetherstorm3.0.1 1
Bad Fish - Rabbits1 - 60A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Cosmetic Rabbit10 - 30A HUnspecifiedDalaran3.0.2 2
Noblegarden Rabbit1 - 60A HCritter 3.1.1 0
Spring Rabbit1 - 60A HBattle Pet 3.1.1 0
Panicked Bunny1A HCritterMount Hyjal4.0.3 25
Spectral Critter1A HCritterEastern Plaguelands4.0.3 25
Elfin Rabbit1A HCritterVal'sharah4.0.1 136
Mountain Cottontail1A HCritter 4.0.1 108
Grasslands Cottontail1A HCritterArathi Highlands4.0.1 90
Fog Bank1 - 60A HGas Cloud 5.4.2 0
Fog Bank1 - 60A HGas Cloud 5.0.1 0
Mountain Cottontail1A HWild PetRedridge Mountains5.0.1 19
Grasslands Cottontail1A HWild PetArathi Highlands5.0.1 7
Mantid Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDread Wastes5.0.1 12
Elfin Rabbit1A HWild PetVal'sharah5.0.1 21
Tolai Hare1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Tolai Hare1A HCritterTownlong Steppes5.0.1 39
[old]Poisonous Bunny1 - 60A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Rabbit1 - 60A HCritter 7.0.3 0
Rabbit1A HCritterHighmountain7.0.3 31
Spotted Hare1A HCritter 7.0.3 0
Rabbit1 - 60A HCritter 7.0.3 0
Jandvik Rabbit45A HCritterSuramar7.0.3 44
Beast1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 0
Cute Bunny10 - 45A HCritterAzsuna7.0.3 1
Bunny1 - 60A HBeast 7.0.3 0
Glitterfur Rabbit1A HCritterEmerald Dreamway7.0.3 16
Elfin Rabbit0A HCritter 7.0.3 2
Skittish Hare1A HCritterTiragarde Sound 360
Bramble Hare20 - 50A HCritterDrustvar 30
Thicket Hare1A HCritterDrustvar 39
Highland Hare1 - 60A HCritterStormsong Valley 336
Training Hare1 - 60A HBeast  0
Training Hare1 - 60A HBeast  0
Highland Hare30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 5
Alpine Hare1A HCritterDrustvar 42
Valley Cottontail1A HCritterStormsong Valley 124
Alpine Cottontail1A HCritterTiragarde Sound 30
Highland Hare30 - 50A HCritterStormsong Valley 55
Highland Hare1A HCritter  48
Elfin Rabbit1 - 60A HCritter  0
Redridge Rabbit7 - 30A HCritter  12
Anya1 - 60A HCritter  0
Anya1 - 60A HCritter  0