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Quick Facts
  • Level: 32 - 35
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Elemental
  • Added in 4.2.0

  • Screenshot


Molten Front (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Dungeon Journal (1)Same model (2)See also (5)
Overview - The fight begins with some members of your raid collecting Molten Feathers to fly after Alysrazor while the rest of the raid stays below to handle several adds. Once this stage ends, players must regroup down on the ground and avoid Alysrazor's attacks before she spends all of her energy, making her vulnerable for a short time. Once she has regained half of her energy she becomes active again, fighting from the ground. When she finally reaches full energy she will return to her Stage One activities. This cycle repeats until Alysrazor is defeated.
  Tanks -
  • Voracious Hatchlings will Imprinted on the nearest player they see when they spawn.
  • Move Voracious Hatchlings near a Plump Lava Worm to keep them Satiated or else they will start throwing Tantrum.
  • Blazing Talon Initiates do not need to be tanked.
  • Work with the other tank to manage your stacks of Blazing Claw in Stage Four.
  •   Healers -
  • Tanks will take significantly more damage in Stage One if their Voracious Hatchling throws a Tantrum.
  • During Stage Two you will need to move constantly.
  • In Stage Three, no damage should go out on the raid.
  • In Stage Four, Alysrazor will constantly pulse Fire damage to the raid. When Stage Four ends she emits one final, large burst of Fire damage.
  •   Damage Dealers -
  • Blazing Talon Initiates will gain stacks of Fire It Up! if they successfully cast Fieroblast.
  • Most abilities in Stage One are avoidable.
  • Blazing Talon Clawshapers that spawn in Stage Three will give Molten Power to Alysrazor if they are not controlled with stuns and interrupts.
  •   Fliers -
  • Picking up a Molten Feather after Alysrazor takes to the air in Stage One will give you Wings of Flame.
  • While you have Wings of Flame, you can cast while moving.
  • Pass through the Rings of Fire while flying to gain Blazing Power and refresh the duration of Wings of Flame.
  • Firestorm - At the beginning of the battle Alysrazor ascends into the sky, inflicting 18 Fire damage to players and knocking them back. Alysrazor continues to inflict 7 Fire damage to players every 1 sec. for 10 seconds.
    Volcanic Fire - A massive eruption creates patches of Fire which block escape from Alysrazor's domain. Volcanic Fire patches inflict 28 Fire damage to players within 6 yards every 1 sec.

    Stage One: I Will Burn You From the Sky!

    Alysrazor flies around the arena, allowing her minions to corner her foes far below. She periodically flies through the center of the arena to claw at foes.
      Blazing Claw - Alysrazor claws her way through the center of the arena, inflicting 70 Physical damage to enemies in a 30 yard long 90 degree cone every 1.5 seconds. Each swipe also increases the Fire and Physical damage dealt to the target by 10% for 15 seconds.
     [NO DIFFICULTY] Firestorm - Alysrazor faces the center of the arena and kicks up a powerful, fiery wind. After 5 seconds the arena is bathed in flames, inflicting 47 Fire damage every 1 seconds to all players within line of sight for 5 seconds.
      Molting - Alysrazor molts, creating Molten Feathers nearby.
       Molten Feather - Players can pick up to three Molten Feathers. While holding a Molten Feather, all spells can be cast while moving and movement speed increases by 30% per feather. Once a player obtains three Molten Feathers, they gain Wings of Flame.
        Wings of Flame - The Wings of Flame allow the player to fly for 30 seconds.
      Flying - Players with Wings of Flame contend with additional elements of the battle.
       Blazing Power - Alysrazor periodically creates rings of fire which last for 3 seconds. Players passing through the ring gain Blazing Power, increasing haste by 8%. This effect stacks up to 25 times. Each stack of Blazing Power restores mana, rage, energy, runic power, and holy power, and refreshes the duration of Wings of Flame.
       Alysra's Razor - If a player gains 25 stacks of Blazing Power, they gain Alysra's Razor. This increases the player's critical strike chance by 75% for 40 seconds.
       Incendiary Cloud - Alysrazor periodically creates an increasing number of Incendiary Clouds lasting for 3 seconds. Players that pass through the cloud suffer 28 Fire damage every 1 second.$[!5,6,15 In Heroic Difficulty, Alysrazor always creates three Incendiary Clouds.$]
      Blazing Talon Initiate - Blazing Talon Initiates periodically fly in to assist Alysrazor in defeating enemy forces on the ground.
       Brushfire - The Blazing Talon Initiate conjures a fiery ball that moves across the arena, inflicting 28 damage every 1 second to players within 3.5 yards.
      [NO DIFFICULTY] Blazing Shield - The Blazing Talon Initiate calls upon a familiar flame for protection from Alysrazor's Firestorm.
       Fieroblast - The Blazing Talon Initiate hurls a fiery boulder at an enemy, inflicting 28 Fire damage and 9 Fire damage every 3 seconds for 12 seconds.
       Fire it Up! - When a Blazing Talon Initiate casts Fieroblast, they gain a stack of Fire it Up! This effect increases the Initiate's damage dealt by 10% and casting speed by 10%.
      Voracious Hatchling - Early in Stage 1, two Blazing Broodmothers drop off two Molten Eggs. After several seconds the eggs hatch into Voracious Hatchlings. Voracious Hatchlings throw a Tantrum if not fed Plump Lava Worms.
       Imprinted - Upon hatching, Voracious Hatchlings imprint on the nearest player. The hatchling only attacks that player, but they gain 1000% additional damage against the hatchling.
       Satiated - The Voracious Hatchling will not throw a Tantrum when Satiated, which lasts for 15 seconds. Voracious Hatchlings hatch Satiated, and can become Satiated again if a player feeds them Plump Lava Worms.
       Hungry - A Voracious Hatchling that is no longer Satiated becomes Hungry. When Hungry, hatchlings have a $99361H% chance on hit to throw a Tantrum.
       Tantrum - The Voracious Hatchling throws a Tantrum, increasing damage dealt by 50% and haste by 50%.
       Gushing Wound - The Voracious Hatchling strikes all targets within a 10 yard 60 degree cone, causing them to bleed for 1 Physical damage every 0.2 seconds for 1 minute. or until the target's health falls below 50% of their maximum health.
      Plump Lava Worm - During Stage 1, two sets of four Plump Lava Worms erupt from the molten ground. Players cannot attack Plump Lava Worms. Voracious Hatchlings near a Plump Lava Worm rush to devour it, becoming Satiated.
       Lava Spew - Plump Lava Worms spew a molten cone of fire, dealing 28 damage every 1 second to all enemies within a 18 yard 35 degree cone.
     [NO DIFFICULTY] Herald of the Burning End - During Stage 1, a Herald of the Burning End periodically appears and begins casting Cataclysm. The Herald is immune to all damage, but dies when he casts Cataclysm.
       Cataclysm - The Herald of the Burning End summons a powerful Molten Meteor, inflicting 471 Flamestrike damage to enemies within 5 yards.
        Molten Meteor - Molten Meteors roll in one of 8 random directions, dealing 471 Flamestrike damage to enemies within 5 yards every 1 second. If the meteor reaches a wall, it will break apart into three Molten Boulders, which ricochet back in the opposite direction. If destroyed before reaching a wall, the Molten Meteor becomes temporarily stationary and blocks line of sight.
        Molten Boulder - Three Molten Boulders form when a Molten Meteor hits a wall and breaks apart. Molten Boulders knock back and inflict 30 Flamestrike damage to players within 2.5 yards every 1 second.

    Stage Two: The Skies are Mine!

    Alysrazor flies in a tight circle, removes Wings of Flame from all players after 5 seconds, and then begins her ultimate attack.
      Fiery Vortex - A Fiery Vortex appears in the middle of the arena, inflicting 28 Fire damage every 0.5 seconds to players within 15 yards.
      Harsh Winds - Alysrazor's powerful wingstrokes cause harsh winds to scald the landscape around her nest, inflicting 7 Fire damage every 1 sec. for 5 seconds to players farther than 60 yards from the Fiery Vortex. This effect stacks.
      Fiery Tornado - Fiery Tornadoes erupt from the Fiery Vortex and begin moving rapidly around Alysrazor's arena, inflicting 18 Fire damage every 1 second to enemies within 10 yards.

    Stage Three: Burnout!

    Alysrazor crashes to the ground with 0 Molten Power and becomes vulnerable. This stage lasts until Alyrazor's energy bar reaches 50 Molten Power.
      Burnout - Alysrazor's fire burns out, immobilizing her and increasing her damage taken by 50%. When struck with a harmful spell Alysrazor emits Essence of the Green.
       Essence of the Green - If Alysrazor is struck by a harmful spell she emits Essence of the Green, restoring 10% of the caster's maximum mana.
      Spark - A bright spark burns within the heart of Alysrazor, restoring 3 Molten Power every 2 seconds.
      Blazing Talon Clawshaper - At the start of stage 2, two Blazing Talon Clawshapers fly in and re-energize Alysrazor.
       Ignition - Blazing Talon Clawshapers channel molten energy into Alysrazor, restoring 1 Molten Power every 1 sec.

    Stage Four: Reborn in Flame!

    Alysrazor's fire reignites at 50 Molten Power. This stage lasts until Alysrazor reaches 100 Molten Power.
      Ignited - Alysrazor's fiery core combusts once again, rapidly restoring her Molten Power. The core restores 2 Molten Power every 1 sec.
      Blazing Buffet - Alysrazor's fiery core emits powerful bursts of flame, inflicting 7 Fire damage to all players every 1 sec. while Alysrazor remains Ignited.
      Blazing Claw - Alysrazor claws at her current target, inflicing 70 Physical damage to enemies in a 30 yard long 90 degree cone every 1.5 seconds. Each swipe also increases the Fire and Physical damage dealt to the target by 10% for 15 seconds.
      Full Power - When Alysrazor reaches 100 Molten Power, she is at Full Power. This deals 35 Fire damage to all players and knocks them back. Alysrazor then begins her Stage 1 activities again.